posted on Oct, 5 2018 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to:
Skid Mark
Board games? The hours I've spent playing board games. Not so much lately. Solitaire gets boring after a while.
My mum had a muscle wasting disease and couldn't run around and do all the jumpy stuff so she made up for it, (over-compensated might be a better
description LOL) by just doing gentle things with the kids. Boardgames, ah.... temper tantrums because I was losing (I would flip the whole board in
the air killing everyone's game!), megalomaniacal episodes because I won every once in a while. I think it was the sugar, something I rarely consume
now. Ahem.
So, when I saw the board game for Doom, on sale no less for less than some amount of money more than it used to cost, I bought it. (Doom was a
computer game from ID Software and it broke the mold back in 1990 something.)
"Look honey, there's a Doom board game!"
Long story short, I played that game once with my girlfriend. After 8 hours of "playing" we weren't even halfway through "the game".
"Throw that dice, read that card and then uh...looks at rules for the 300th time....uh...calculate the square root of a turnip and add it to the
sine-wave of a neutrino...."
I paraphrase but it was difficult. Impossible almost. Monopoly is simple, I like Monopoly. Or The Game of Life. Good wholesome gambling games.
still have Doom in a box somewhere though. I remain a loyal fan.