posted on Oct, 3 2018 @ 12:44 PM
originally posted by: LookingForABetterLife
a reply to: LightSpeedDriver
Dealing in part with doctors and insurance companies not doing 100% what they should for me as well as losing bus service to get to any
I'm sick of having this prison cell door slammed shut on me especially when things start looking better for me.
Sorry for falling asleep on you dude. I was about to type a reply and the next thing I knew it was 4:30 am or so. You weren't boring me, okay?
was out of the Blue. Moving on...
I'm a Brit (that's what they call me here) and I have noticed in my social interactions over the years, and I'm talking the mundane stuff here, like
oh say trying to form a queue or not standing close to strangers, that there is a huge difference. The Dutch don't form queues, they swarm,
like...some kind of farm animal struggling to get into the coop first. I first noticed it when there were delays on public transport. I just stood
back and waited for the 3rd replacement bus and even then I had to stand my ground more than I liked. Not something I was used to. Instead of people
saying "No you first, I insist!" it's free-for-all MMA.
I have the same problem when trying to communicate with government officials (the ones responsible for me getting welfare for example) and I am too
polite and patient compared to the average Dutch person. "Thanks then, I'll try again next month..." So I've been told. Thankfully there's less MMA
involved with government officials.
I try and avoid public transport as much as possible but it is sometimes a necessary evil.
edit on
3/10/18 by LightSpeedDriver because: Typo
ETA What I tried and failed to say in this rambling post was, just keep on keeping on. Questions via email should be the easiest and hopefully most
productive. The rehab clinic "forgot" me until I called. True story. I guess my English name screws up the Dutch computers. It's not the first time.
edit on 3/10/18 by LightSpeedDriver because: ETA