posted on Aug, 12 2018 @ 12:46 PM
The hole is deep with this one...
That´s basically how it works, drug, lure or force some into doing stuff that can later be used to blackmail. Do that with enough relative young key
figures in politic and industry and you´re setup.
a reply to:
I do, I looked at his channel and some videos.
This is my impression, other may disagree:
-He´s all over the place most of the time. By that I do not mean alle the topics he covers, I mean inside one clip where the topic is set.
-Uses anoying repeating effects (zoom repeat zoom further repeat zoom) to make sure his viewers get his point. Makes you feel he thinks his viewers
are dumb.
He gives me the same impression I get here sometimes with new enthusiastic members, but we were all ignorant to some extend when we started looking
behind things... So who am I to judge.
edit on 12-8-2018 by verschickter because: keyboards skipping single chars again, I´m just too