Long ago I lost count of how many interactions I've had on the road where people in the wrong have given me the finger for me doing absolutely nothing
but reminding them with my horn and squealing tires that I came within mere inches and almost hit them for either their failure to pay attention or
lack of patience.
Certainly most if not all of you on here who are drivers/drive daily can all relate to this. I guess you could make the argument that it is human
nature and natural to be defensive when you are called out on a dumb mistake. But there are so many people who I talk to who will admit to being
embarrassed when they have made past mistakes on the road and say they have never felt the need to flip someone off, let alone fathom the idea when
they are the ones who are wrong.
It's starting to seem like an entitlement issue, because that is where everything has been heading in recent times. You can't walk into a fast food
restaurant nowadays without hearing people complain when their food isn't ready in 3 minutes, you can't be in a check out line and take longer than a
half a second to pull your stupid sim card chipped credit card out of the machine without people huffing and puffing behind you because they're
thinking about how they're going to be 30 seconds late to the next traffic light they hit that could potentially be green for them.
You have people you may hold the door for and they don't even smile or say thank you, or you have people who will walk in front of you and let the
door slam in your face. I find that even I move quickly, there is almost always someone behind me that just wants to move a little faster and does it
without saying excuse me.
You have these people who have a mentality that everyone must yield for them and stand aside or else, while they slam their accelerator foot down on
straight roads and blow stop signs on back roads so they don't have to suffer the indignity of moving 0 mph on their destination to nowhere-land.
I always wanted to post something along these lines on ATS to get a discussion going but never got around to it. What really pushed me to post was my
encounter of two people in less than one week who cut me off and then flipped me off after I honked at them and looked towards them as I passed.
In both cases there were a driver and passenger who wasted no time pointing, shouting profanities with their windows up and flipping me off from the
"safe" comfort of their car where the would presume I'm another schmuck who'll do absolutely nothing (and I am because I am not a maniac, but they do
exist which these morons fail to remember).
Working near a seemingly lawless under-policed set of very, very busy roads connecting major pikes and highways nearby which are major lifeblood
arteries between two populated cities and everything in-between, the frequency of encounters is fairly high and it's really dangerous 5 days out of
the week for me on my way to work. I'd say the frequency of running into these situations, for me, is about once every month.
If it isn't the daily grind of work getting to me, it's keeping my cool calm head in these situations because it sure takes a lot of willpower to not
get in front of these idiots and brake check them into oblivion, steer at them and run them off the road or follow them to their next stop, pull them
out of their car and beat the ever loving fck out of them. I honestly wish more people would get a dose of reality when they put peoples lives and
their hard worked for assets (assets=vehicles - mine is still relatively new and accident free and I'd love to keep it that way) at risk on the road
with their awful driving habits, and maybe more people would fall in line and behave.
Unfortunately we live in a society where the good guy loses and bad guy wins..as it's wrong to point out other's critical mistakes and no longer hold
people responsible for their poor decisions and actions in a way that will etch in their minds an actual valuable lesson. So with that taking
advantage of an atmosphere with no repercussions you have fools who decide to behave poorly, be absolute arrogant oafs and treat their fellow human
brethern with a lot less respect.
It's really not hard to obey the speed limit, stop tailgating people, stop where you're supposed to stop when you no longer have the right of way and
actually turn your head and look before switching lanes, is that really asking too much, would it really kill people that much inside to be MORE aware
of their surroundings?
I swear the biggest perpetrator of natural selection is driving. Darwin be with you. And don't even get me started on texting and driving, I have
whole other wall of text for that stuff.
edit on 11-8-2018 by soekvg because: Broke up the monotony of my late night tired rant so that the
people who I am ranting about can read it and understand it.