posted on Aug, 10 2018 @ 11:56 PM
I was just a kid, maybe 11 or so, and my friend Stephan and I were walking in the woods behind his house. His older brother was kind of with us also,
but off somewhere else. Stephan and I came up on what looked like a kid rocket stuck in the dirt in the forest. It had fins on it and it was just
stuck nose down in the dirt. We thought it was cool, maybe some rocket experiment, we were all into model rockets back then (the Estes kind).
We pulled the cool looking rocket out of the ground, and the first thing we noticed was this thing was HEAVY! It was about 18" long and weight about
20lbs, far heaver than anything we ever launched. I shoved it in Stephan's backpack and we went about our business. Not long afterwards, Stephan
started complaining our find was sticking him in the back. He wanted to toss it, but I thought it was cool so I agreed to carry it for a while. We
headed home.
When we got back to Stephan's house his oldest brother was there. He was in the Air National Guard. So we showed him our find. He immediately
FREAKED OUT!! What we'd found was an errant unexploded practice bomb which had been dropped accidentally off of an Air Guard fighter on a training
mission. These weren't serious bombs, but they were designed to explode on a target run...easily enough to kill several people in the area.
In a few minutes there were fire engines and police cars everywhere. They evacuated our street. My mom freaked out (they wouldn't let her down the
street). Even the news showed up. They eventually hauled the bomb/rocket off. Later they detonated it, and gave the remnants of it back to
Stephan's older brother. It still looked like a bomb, but it was half concrete, blown open on the top, about 4" thick.
They said a T-33 lost a training weapon some months before on an exercise.
And here we were just hauling this thing around in our backpacks because it was "cool".
How I ever survived my younger years I'll never know.
Wish I still had that thing. It really was kinda cool.