posted on Aug, 9 2018 @ 08:59 AM
Researchers led by Professor Patrick Maletinsky and PhD candidate Arne Barfuss from the Swiss Nanoscience Institute at the University of Basel
report in Nature Physics a new method to control the spins' quantum behavior through a mechanical system
I cant say that I fully understand the eigenstates of electron spin!
But what I do understand is that this experimental approach to controlling these states means that science has found a way to make nanoscale sensing
tools. This is a huge step forward in the march towards nanomachine technology!
The nano machines will come , will they grey goo us or will they save our planet and our species! Time will tell
What I thought is amazing is that they have invented a nanoscale mechanical device to control quantum states of electrons!
this is really paving the way for those nanocomputers and nano machines
check it out at science daily !
coherent control of a three-level quantum system
It's amazing that they have used the oscillations of a diamond cantilever .
I remember reading that they had also managed to make a nanoscale radio transmitter from an oscillating nano structure
which can receive and transmit radio signals.
Nanoscale radioedit on 9-8-2018 by sapien82 because: (no
reason given)