posted on Sep, 9 2018 @ 03:53 AM
We moved just outside of Alpena, AR a few years ago. This house is about two miles from hwy 62. There's an old cattle pond in our yard. Now, I'm a
part time practicing pagan. There is a Willow looking tree that was dead, I walked a few circles counterclockwise while calling the elements. I also,
sprayed water as close to it as I could. Two years later, that tree is alive again.
I had this cat, Sassafrass, she was with me while I walked my circles most times. In the general area of that tree, I had this feeling like being
observed. I had this planter with an odd tree looking thing in it. I put it over in the vicinity of the place I had the feeling in. This feeling was
that there was a community of fairies or pixies living there.
One day last summer, as I was coming out our front door, I saw this extra large dragonfly with two legs dangling. It frightened me as it seemed to be
flying aggressively at me, I screamed. My husband seemed skeptical when I told him what I saw so I said it must have been a big dragonfly or a wasp
that the light made seem larger. But I know what I saw. These things don't act like they're at war but they're not good with our presence.