Shadow People
Dont Panic, thats the first thing.
Well, you cant really say at this stage if it was a shadow person, for many reasons, firstly its the feeling that they generate around you, thats a
clue, its kinda like having a feeling of negativity around you, chilling and cold is another way of putting it, like feeling cold, but not being cold,
if you follow, not ghost like, but more on a higher level of evil, dont wish to sound harsh here, but thats what they are, and thats how they work, on
an energy level of taking yours, similar in a way to being in control.
Its also to do with attraction, in that they are attracted to you, and this being the case you have no choice in what they do, or how they appear, but
believe me its not the end of the world and there are ways to overcome this situation, but being tough is an understatement.
Although this was mentioned in an earlier post last october, I am contributing here, not only because shadow people are a strange entity in own right,
proven or not proven, if you can say that, but as a child i experienced them in a very big way, scary, infact. But thats not the point here, what i
wanted to say was that if you think it was a shadow person, then remember that they can really and honestly do you no harm, thats is ONLY if you dont
let them, but they will try, mentally, for the most part, but the trick is not to give into them, and simply this is achieved by ignoring them, its as
simple as that, dont acknowledge them as this is the door that seek to open and then they will try to stick to you like glue.
In their early scenarios of lets call it hide and seek, maybe they were just checking things out, passing through, but from my experiences of Shadow
people, the secret is just to ignore them, plain and simple for if they dont exist then how can you see them, and if you cant see them then the door
they wish to open is still closed which is how it should stay.
Can you prove that shadow peopel exist, No not really, but one day something will give, and if i ever find the time, I would love to research the
subject more fully, as I think you will find its more of a common occurence than people actually realise.
BTW in your case, it may of not been a shadow person, just some kind of lost spirit, popping in or mooching around, either way, let it be, dont
acknowledge them, and you'll be fine.