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North Carolina A-51

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posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 12:35 AM
Along the North Easter part of Albemarle, North Carolina, there lies a tract of land and water off limits to the public. This place is called by the locals: Harvey's Pointe. Nobody knows what really lies on this land but i have felt the shockwaves coming over the land, bending the trees though the instalation is about 10 mi away. Any boater getting within a certain boundary of the land area will have their boat confiscated, they will be blind folded driven to the area far from the installation and then have boat returned to them in about a week. Does anyone else know of what this place is or what goes on there? Any info will help. Country Carolina is quiet but this is freaky...

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 09:26 PM
This is the Harvey Point Defense Testing Area. It is run by the CIA, it is a counterterrorism training base. They train agents from all over the world in espionage tactics and explosive handling and the sort. It has been in operation since I believe 1964. Google "Harvey Point, NC" and i believe a couple of articles on it will come up.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 12:37 AM
However this does not explain the shockwaves and the secrecy...if this is a routine CIA base then why is it known to be? The Farm's location is classified so why would this one not be also?

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 02:46 PM
This is not a routine CIA base, trust me on this one. Technically it does not exist, land records for this place cease to exist after about 1950. Everyone is very tight-lipped about this place. But, because of it being located in a moderatley populated area, it is harder to conceal it's existence. The shockwaves you described are from explosive and demolitions tests, they rattle houses as far away as edenton. They do some serious business out there, and as tempted as i am just to drive up to the gate one day, it is probably not a very smart idea, black helicopters have been spotted flying around there at dusk.

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 08:30 AM
There are many black helicopters. Hell you should have been in Edenton after 9-11. Total air silence from the F-16 from Oceania and then in the middle of the night a squadron of Apaches come humming over the house...scary as crap. I trust you on your's just that was a thread killer not your fault....just wanted some elaborate story behind the mysterious rumblings in the sleepy NC town...not much happens.

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 02:50 PM
i never heard of this place but i know of another in NC where counter terror training exists. I live in caswell county, south of danville va, and in an old vacated prison in the blanch area delta routinely conducts training operations. i know this bc they use the local prison guards as the OPFOR. after searcing on google, i found that harvey point used to be a naval airfield, and was shut down after WWII.

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by CAConrad0825
However this does not explain the shockwaves and the secrecy...if this is a routine CIA base then why is it known to be? The Farm's location is classified so why would this one not be also?

"The Farm"'s location is not classified.

If you look hard enough you can find references to its location (VA). There have been numerious references in movies, and OMG hard copy BOOKS.

Harvey Point is used for explosives testing and training, thats why the security. Delta may train there, but then again they train where ever they feel the need to (Can't confirm or deny).

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 10:57 PM
The actual location of the Farm is not disclosed, and Delta Force is not even acknowledged to exist.

posted on Feb, 26 2005 @ 12:34 AM
Hi guys, long time reader, first time poster. I know where "The Farm" is. While playing around with keyhole, a satellite imagery tool. I didnt buy it just used up the free 7 day trial. Recommend it for everyone, great stuff. Anyway I had seen a photo of "The Farm's" airstrip I decided to search Virginia for the place. Well, I had heard rumors of it being somewhere near Williamsburg, VA. Well i looked for the airstripe and found it directly west of Williamsburg past a highway and surrounded by trees. Now, it gets tricky after this. Next to the airstripe is a racing oval probably only good for one car to get around. This is the only definitive part that you know can be attached to the airstrip. It is very hard to see the roads connecting different parts of the camp. There are lots of little spots of land cut out from the foresty. In one i could tell was a shooting range, another with junker cars, and due south of the airstrip is the old camp perry buildings, mostly bunkers about 6 with more junker cars around them. I know for a fact that this is not where the trainers bunk because the movie "the recruit" supposively has the place down pretty well. There are houses pretty close to the place, and i couldnt really see a gate at all. Again, there were a lot of trees around so visibility wasnt that great. Thats all I remember guys, and download the Keyhole to see for yourself. Maybe you will be able to fill in more information. Sorry if this has already been talked about. Does anyone know about any other cia bases in the US than the farm and NC. Thanx

posted on Feb, 27 2005 @ 05:30 PM
i was recently on a plane and we flew over Va. and i do remember seeing a weird oval race track type thing, but i didn't think much of it, not having "the farm" in mind.


posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 12:17 AM
it's probably one of the weird NASCAR reject centers....lots of those in VA! J/k

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 09:19 AM
Harvey Point is a CIA training base, incorporating much of the field activity that used to be conducted at Camp Peary near Williamsburg, VA. Training there includes classes in explosives for both CIA trainees and "students" from foreign countries. It's also an area for a lot of "black helicopter" activity. Just stop in somewhere in Hertford, NC, and they can point out the helicopter routes and predict when the next round of explosions will occur.

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 10:58 AM
Those black helicopters are pretty frequent but not as frequent as the simulated bombing runs of the F-16's from Oceania. They fly so low over the area you can see the pilot inside the plane. Pretty schweet stuff but bs how they can scream over a residential area but have to climb to a higher altitude when near a wildlife area.

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 03:19 PM
I want so bad to drive up to the gate of Harvey Point just to see the gate and whos guarding it, you wouldnt be able to see any base due to the thick cypress trees there, but just to see the gate and claim I got lost or something. While on the subject of NC and the govt, Conrad, what is your stance on the OLF?

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 12:58 AM
I feel neutral about the OLF. Yes there is a right to Eminent Domain and though it is being taken a bit too far in this case, I feel that many in the Eastern NC area are going a bit too far with their objections. One minute they claim it's bad because of the environmental concerns, then the next they say that it will hurt farmers by taking their land, then the next that it won't develope into a base and will not allow people to gain jobs. What is the real reason behind their objections? The environment? Entrepenuership? or Just plain money? If anything the removal of farm land will increase the "cost" of farming in the area ("" for the simple reason that though farming is expensive, it is very profitable because of government subsidies) and lead to the increase use of illegal workers that the INS does nothing to stop. I feel that an OLF is needed and though people object they all agree that we need one. However it's a simple case of not in my yard syndrom and the only way it will be solved it through bueracracy. I don't like it but that's the way America works now...Thanks Neo-Conservatives!

posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 12:32 PM
is the harvey's point base off of harvey's point road?

posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 12:59 PM
I think so never been there might be able to see on keyhole.

posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 09:39 PM
Hey guys, resident of Western NC here....

I don't know about any spook bases over here, but there is alot of National guard activity over here at night, along with the black helicopters over Hanging rock and Pilot Mountain. There's rumors around that there are several silos up here, maybe for defense of Roanoke, Richmond, Charlotte, Atlanta? Anyway, the rumors come from the National Guard stuff. Mainly, these Nat. Guard stories all involve about twenty-twenty five troops, large machine guns, and a couple of Hum-vs at three in the morning. I've heard about four different accounts all centered in Pilot Mountain.

Just thought I'd throw in a bone or two.

posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 01:40 AM
Here is reference to the information I have gained.

I hate leaving my observation with out my source, so I would have to agree with the rest, when a "CIA" base is suppost to be in place, yet due to the theories, seems like a little bit of NSA may be involved

posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 08:40 AM

don't know about any spook bases over here, but there is alot of National guard activity over here at night, along with the black helicopters over Hanging rock and Pilot Mountain.

I also used to live in Roanoke, and never noticed any activity however there are many gas and chemical plants and since 9-11 there may be a build up, however Edenton is scary at times because of its strategic placement between Oceania and Cherry point. An OLF build up would also make it a target too.

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