posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 05:03 PM
Finally stepping out of the shadows again, by stopping lurking. I have been accused of being a "conspiracy theorist" since the 1970s, and I
periodically would check here but not register or post. Taking a vacation, away from where people notice me. Nowadays, it's possible to get lost in
the chatter, which can be a good thing. It was a lot more hazardous in the days when the net was flat. I've always been an activist, and of an
investigative nature. I pull chains. I've been getting death threats since I was 15. I've helped with and started investigations more than a few
times. And some went scary places. Some were inspiring. Some confirmed suspicions. It's a messed up world out there. Anyway, R&R is over.
People can't figure me. They ask what my politics are. Sometimes I'll say I'm a right-wing liberal. Sometimes I'll say I'm an anti-authoritarian.
Sometimes I'll say I'm a small-l libertarian crossed with a environmentalist, which is generally how I vote on issues. I'm really big on the
Constitution. I'm also big on the 2nd amendment, but because of some upleasant personal experiences, I prefer a lot of weapons not be in the hands
of people of marginal sanity---though it's debatable how to accomplish that. I think the whole concept of "race" is a crock that was mostly
invented by various governments as a means of controling people. I believe that following the money will explain most motivations. ("It's nothing
personal, it's just business.") I believe most people are made uncomfortable by what they cannot control, and that leads to creating a stereotyped
"enemy" to give the illusion that defeating them will make everything okay. I think the fictional movie about the proto-CIA, "The Good Shepherd,"
is a great movie, showing how the road to hell (in the form of government control) is paved with good intentions. And yes, I do believe there are
forces operating in the shadows, or out in the open, for that matter (because if your disinformation is good, you can simply misdirect).
I believe in Capitalism, but not too free a free market that turns the entire enterprise ito a shark-eat-shark coral reef and buyer beware. I don't
believe corporations are people. I'm a big fan of Teddy Rooseveldt.
And I keep seeing things I predicted, and people poo-poohed, become part of our reality. It's wonderful to see how this place has evolved, where one
can actually have a civil discourse. Because ultimately, I believe we're all in this together, and we need to recognize our common humanity if we're
going to make it through the next century without turning into some dystopian nightmare. Slim, I know, but hey, I'm an eternal optimist.