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CHICAGO - Saturday 8.4.2018 - FORTY People Shot In 7 Hours.

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posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 10:34 PM

originally posted by: Edumakated

originally posted by: ColdWisdom
a reply to: carewemust

When I was in Chicago last, I made it a point to ask everyone whom I had struck up a casual conversation with: what do you think of Rahm Emanuel?

I asked homeless people, middle class people, wealthy people, people from the suburbs, train operators, Uber drivers, from every race, color, and creed, and not a single one of them had anything positive to say about him.

How does he keep getting re-elected?

Rahm is doing ok. Chicago is a world class city. Absolutely beautiful and amenities galore. I'd argue it is the best city in the US.

Many of the political issues are left over from previous administrations.

There isn't much he can do about the violence though. It is a cultural issue. Only the communities where it is occuring can do anything. I mean Rahm could tell the police to go clear out the blocks, but as soon as he does that you will get Rev Jackson and Father Phagler and the rest of the community activist crying. No win situation.

Chicago is a train wreck. Rahm is as corrupt as the rest of them. Ask Mr. Rahm to dump his armed bodyguards for a few weeks... he can play "duck and cover" with the rest of the city...

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 10:35 PM

originally posted by: gamer2343

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: gamer2343
a reply to: carewemust

False flag, Crisis actors

The local news just reported 63 people shot since Friday night.
The local news is owned by the CIA

Wait, just Chicago's local news or all local news stations?

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 10:38 PM

originally posted by: PorteurDeMort

originally posted by: gamer2343

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: gamer2343
a reply to: carewemust

False flag, Crisis actors

The local news just reported 63 people shot since Friday night.
The local news is owned by the CIA

Wait, just Chicago's local news or all local news stations?
I don’t know, but definitely Chicago
edit on 5-8-2018 by gamer2343 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 10:51 PM
a reply to: ColdWisdom

Mayor Rahm Emanual generates protests for him to step down, like this releatively big one, 3 days ago.

But the problem is those who would replace him are, to put it mildly...weird.

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 10:53 PM

originally posted by: notsure1
There has been a huge uptick in violence and shootings in KC as well.

Per capita its as bad as Chicago.

Gang and Drug related?

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 10:53 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: ColdWisdom

Mayor Rahm Emanual generates protests for him to step down, like this releatively big one, 3 days ago.

But the problem is those who would replace him are, to put it mildly...weird.

Rahm is really the only legitimate mayoral candidate. The others are batsh*t crazy. I don't necessarily like Rahm but I think he is doing an ok job all things considered.

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 10:54 PM

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire
a reply to: gamer2343

Oh, I see. He is not anti guns, just anti guns in the hands of the wrong people. Sounds like that is the start of a slippery slope.

It's like the Old West. The wrong people...the trouble makers with guns, were shot by the good guys.

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 10:58 PM

originally posted by: Edumakated

originally posted by: carewemust
Saturday, August 4, 2018

FORTY (yes...40!)








Me and President Trump have a solution to gang-bangers, but as the President said, "Society is not ready for it yet".


The weather was decent / hot this weekend... anytime it is nice out, the block is going to get hot...

Still not a record though. 102 shot on 4th of July weekend 2017.

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 11:01 PM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire
One more anti-gun thread huh? Not forty people knifed,or forty people choked or forty people bludgeioned to death. But forty people shot to death. Won't you anti second amendment people give it a rest?

Obviously there are not enough guns in Chicago, if more people had guns less people would get shot...

If Chicago had police captains who went after gang-leaders, instead of "baiting" park basketball players with a truck of NIKE shoes, shootings would reduce dramatically.

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 11:01 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: notsure1
There has been a huge uptick in violence and shootings in KC as well.

Per capita its as bad as Chicago.

Gang and Drug related?

Most of them but not all of them nor are all of them in Chicago.

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 11:03 PM

originally posted by: gamer2343

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: gamer2343
a reply to: carewemust

False flag, Crisis actors

The local news just reported 63 people shot since Friday night.
The local news is owned by the CIA

I don't know about other cities, but Chicago news is run by the same criminal organization that owns NBC/ABC/CBS/CNN/NYT/WaPo.

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to: carewemust

So , Ah , what's the Mayor doing about that ?

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Besides Hiding.............
edit on 5-8-2018 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 11:04 PM

originally posted by: gamer2343
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

He’s not anti-2nd he’s anti ghetto poor people, but doesn’t have any solutions

How does that even make sense, your posts seem a lot like another member


posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 11:06 PM

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire
One more anti-gun thread huh? Not forty people knifed,or forty people choked or forty people bludgeioned to death. But forty people shot to death. Won't you anti second amendment people give it a rest?

Obviously there are not enough guns in Chicago, if more people had guns less people would get shot...

Well that IS a high profile defense now isn't it. Maybe that is OPs and Trumps secret plan, Flood the ghetto's with guns and let all the poor kill themselves off. Isn't that an implication of opening thread?

A realistic plan is to label Gang Leaders as "enemy combatants". The police know who they are. Send them directly to GITMO, and any fool who replaces them too.

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 11:08 PM

originally posted by: Edumakated

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: ColdWisdom

Mayor Rahm Emanual generates protests for him to step down, like this releatively big one, 3 days ago.

But the problem is those who would replace him are, to put it mildly...weird.

Rahm is really the only legitimate mayoral candidate. The others are batsh*t crazy. I don't necessarily like Rahm but I think he is doing an ok job all things considered.

Makes sense. Rahm is one of Obama's hatchetmen, Obama is a saint, Obama so cool he helped El Chapo take over Chicago. Now they can showboat how bad guns are. Never let a good crisis go to waste, right Rahm?
edit on 5-8-2018 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 11:09 PM

originally posted by: SailorJerry

originally posted by: gamer2343
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

He’s not anti-2nd he’s anti ghetto poor people, but doesn’t have any solutions

How does that even make sense, your posts seem a lot like another member

it’s not a very hard concept to grasp

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 11:11 PM

originally posted by: Edumakated

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: ColdWisdom

Mayor Rahm Emanual generates protests for him to step down, like this releatively big one, 3 days ago.

But the problem is those who would replace him are, to put it mildly...weird.

Rahm is really the only legitimate mayoral candidate. The others are batsh*t crazy. I don't necessarily like Rahm but I think he is doing an ok job all things considered.

Willie Wilson says he'd give homeowners $500 to help them pay their property taxes.
That should get him a few votes. Next Mayoral election is February 26, 2019. (Winter and -10 degrees, is safer?)

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 11:13 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
Saturday, August 4, 2018

FORTY (yes...40!)








Me and President Trump have a solution to gang-bangers, but as the President said, "Society is not ready for it yet".


So what would be the solution that you conjured up? Btw I mean this with no sarcastic undertones, I am honestly curious. I myself have no decent solution to put forward so I am all ears at this point. I know you won’t say take away the guns which is VERY good so lay it on me.

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 11:13 PM

originally posted by: notsure1

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: notsure1
There has been a huge uptick in violence and shootings in KC as well.

Per capita its as bad as Chicago.

Gang and Drug related?

Most of them but not all of them nor are all of them in Chicago.

Majority of the Kansas City shootings by African Americans too? In Chicago it's about 82%.

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