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the return of the voices, and my own little world could their be a could their be a relation

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posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 08:01 PM
Hi guys I didnt quit I have just been learning still no new accomplishments, been very busy at school. So I havent meditated in deep thought for a while. But my voices in my head are very annoying, and only happen when I try to be paranormal, so it makes everything harder.

"sell your soul"

"I can give you the power to destory the world" havent heard for a month now

and over all generaly evil things. I have noticed that they dont seem to be compleatly evil and I can talk to them I think right now they are just a reflection of a darker side of my subconsience. (Kind of like the little devil on cartoon charactor shoulders.) Can anyone give me any advice on how to suppress them, that would be very helpfull.

Also the return of my own little world. This was a truely horrifing place when I was younger. (I have always been facentated by the paranormal, death and other things little kids were not into.) So my own little world was filled with odd things like PSI, and magic (fake magic like shooting out fireballs and stuff.) until my first time with my voices when I was a super christian. Yes I was a super christian for a bit. And my own little world became a truly scary place for me. Dark orange sky, black grass, skeletens, spirts, decay, and of course lots and lots of death.

This one isnt that much of a problem I only got a glimse of it in the car but I would just wish to know if this and my voices could be related

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 08:13 PM
I suggest that you visit your local Doctor, and explain to him that you are hearing voices.

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 08:35 PM

you have heard the ? urban legends? about folks able to receive
radio transmissions because of the metal fillings in their teeth??

if you have any fillings, maybe they are that silver-based stuff
and your picking up voices & speech from either radio AM or FM
or maybe even from all that cell phone transmissions from all those repeaters all over the place,

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 09:19 PM
Seriously, get to a doctor ASAP.

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 11:10 PM
Leave him be!...
No doctor will help you ...

The problem is your perceptions...
READ MORE! Read about Buddha, Read about Jesus (gnostic writings, i.e. Gospel of St. Thomas, Apocraphon of John) Read the Fourth Book of Maccabees, Read the Tibetan Book of the Dead.... Read Timothy Learys version of the Tibetan Book of the Dead.... READ!

Stop listening to other peoples words.... do not make your mind up on someones speech or text... question their motives... do your own research... Meditating for a reason ISN'T ISN'T ISN'T ISN'T Meditating...
Those voices your hearing are your own.......
They aren't from God.. and aren't from the Devil... (not based on your ideas of God and the Devil anyhow)
Your paying too much attention.... PERIOD.. not to anything in specific....
You're lazy (don't take any of this the wrong way.. , I'm trying to help)
You're so lazy that you're reading other peoples beliefs and living by them without having your own belief to settle the other beliefs on..

in other words.. you haven't built a foundation for the house your building.. therefore it will collapse... and not because of outward influences but it will collapse from the inside... as you've demonstrated by stating you hear voices from within. My brother recognize yourself amongst these folk.

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 11:32 PM
Uh, i'm sure he's being referred to a doctor for a good reason, Schizophrenia can be dangerous not just for the person affected, but his or her peers.

The array of symptoms, while wide ranging, frequently includes psychotic manifestations, such as hearing internal voices or experiencing other sensations not connected to an obvious source (hallucinations) and assigning unusual significance or meaning to normal events or holding fixed false personal beliefs (delusions).

- Attero

[edit on 21-2-2005 by Attero Auctorita]

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 12:25 AM
My advice, elementalsage, would be to try to cultivate a very
positive mental outlook and surround yourself with people and
things that make you happy.
Reject negative thoughts, places, or people for awhile.

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by Volksgeist
I suggest that you visit your local Doctor, and explain to him that you are hearing voices.

Gee, why do you say that?

elemtalsage, either you are doing this to get attention or you are in need of medical help. Things like this happen, so get help immediately, before it gets any worse. It is probably only a mild case, and good chances it won't do any damage if you get it treated as early as possible, meaning NOW.

All this assuming you are not making this whole thing up.


posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 12:42 AM
WAKE UP. every day i see you advocate that there are things we do NOT understand. every day i see you tell them; keep an open mind. and then you go and tell this person they are "defective" without a second thought. there is a difference between a defect and a discovery.

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 12:46 AM

Most likely you want to hear something like "You're chosen" or "You have special abilities", (Which I just noticed after posting this are symtoms OF Schizophrenia on their own) but this may not be the case. I'd see a doctor if I were you. I am a Christian, but I don't think it's anything as severe as the devil trying to persuade you. I think he'd be a bit more blunt
. I'd read up on Schizophrenia a little more, if you catch it early then it probably won't be too late...I don't really know much about it though.

[edit on 22-2-2005 by Herman]

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 02:39 AM
im not going to discount the importance of seeing a doctor, but we all know exactly what they will tell you. the question is; is it right? are WE right? you need to stay your hand in casting judgement, lest it be cast so easily upon you.

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by forsakenwayfarer
im not going to discount the importance of seeing a doctor, but we all know exactly what they will tell you. the question is; is it right? are WE right? you need to stay your hand in casting judgement, lest it be cast so easily upon you.

Are you talking to me?

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 02:11 PM
One thing to mention is that I dont take other peoples advice I just try to figure out what is going on. Also Skitzos hear voices generaly outside their head as part of their halucenations. My voices are inside as thoughts thats why I think they are reflections of my subconsions.

I do not think in anyway that I am chosen, I am very weak both in PSI and Phyicly. And I come to the conclusion that I have nothing to aspire to, and I will come and die and never make a difference. I dont care, if I dont do a thing in life thats what I like no responalbility. If I was chosen I would hate it, thats why I regect the idea of me being powerfull, if I was powerfull I would use it to my own self gain and do many stupid things and kill lots of people. (I wouldnt try to, power corrupts people.)

Also the fact I cant drive is a huge problem here, my parents wont drive me because they will say im imagining it no matter what. But I dont think I have skitzo the most a phase out is in my sleep.

At the most I think this is my mind fooling around, tring to make me feel more important. Also I did use to be depressed for a very long time, curroption this and death that. Losy teenage years.
I just got over it yestorday. Way after I posted

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by dnero6911
Leave him be!...
No doctor will help you ...

The problem is your perceptions...
READ MORE! Read about Buddha, Read about Jesus (gnostic writings, i.e. Gospel of St. Thomas, Apocraphon of John) Read the Fourth Book of Maccabees, Read the Tibetan Book of the Dead.... Read Timothy Learys version of the Tibetan Book of the Dead.... READ!

This is totally irresponsible on your part to give such ridiculous advice! Before anything is done what so ever, there needs to be a complete physical by a competent doctor! There could be any number of reason as to why this is happening, if indeed it is happening, including but not limited to a mental issue, not saying that what it is...but this needs medical attention before anything else, I strongly suggest that if you're parents will not listen to you, tell a teacher, a counselor, someone else that can help you! I also thgink I remember you posting something else similar to this...I'll try yo find it.

Here's one

You have a lot of post about seeing things....please seek medical attention to rule out any other problem, before looking into the supernatural!

[edit on 2/22/2005 by LadyV]

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 04:50 PM
I gotta recommend you take the advice of Dgtempe, Elaine, and Lady V, here, Elementalsage.

I know you don't want advice, but if there is something chemical going on, only a good doctor can tell you. I can't tell if you are saying you have an active imagination (which is why I suggested you re-read Elaine's advice) or what could be a sign of something medical.

I will also add a couple suggestions, and they may seem strange, but I hope you give them at least a little consideration. I think you should channel this energy into something creative. You seem to want to believe in the fantastic and magical, and escape the mundane etc. I recommend you draw, write, work on some artistic project, take up a musical instrument, and still I suggest you consider a martial arts class. Talk to your parents and see if they would be willing to support you in one of those outlets. They all can be a great way to apply your imagination, allow you to explore your personal/mental abilities, express yourself, and help deal with any stress or bad feelings.

Overall, I think you are very bright, a "seeking" type, if you will. I worry though, about this whole hearing voices bit, because that often can indicate a chemical/medical issue that needs to be treated.
You may be for excitement and discovery in a daydream place where you can have magic powers etc, but you need to live in the here and now too. Please take care of yourself, and understand that there is no reason why you should be plagued with negative thoughts or "voices" in your head, and there's NO SHAME in seeking a medical professional's help for it.

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 05:09 PM
"One thing to mention is that I dont take other peoples advice I just try to figure out what is going on."

Then why post anything? The only reason we recommend a doctor is to rule out schitzophrenia. You have to rule this out first before you can decide if the government is broadcasting to you, or aliens or whatever you feel it might be. See?

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 12:53 PM
Such misguided people.... Yes.. .send him to a doctor.. they will prescribe him something to CHANGE the chemical Balance in his brain ... FORCING the problem away with treatments that are given is the irrespondsible thing, YOU DEAL WITH WHO YOU ARE... You don't take Brain Chemicals to alter your being.... You people talk about this mind-control and speak of Spiritual matters, and speak about being learned and having understanding, yet it's understanding you're lacking... Any problem a human being has can and will only be dealt with by that person, unless regarding surgery, but even then most people are capable of some of their own... Leaning on a system that has many spots on it in hopes they can clean your spots is not a very good idea...
I wish you would all realize YOU are respondsible for you... not a doctor, not a friend, not a relative.... YOU..

You hear about these children who've been given anti-depressants and mind altering chemicals and they murder their whole family because the chemicals they ingest cloud their vision... What you're not understanding is that this person (ElementalSage) understands what's happening to him where as "dangerous" skitzos don't....
In my opinion the person has been spending far too much time reading posts on this website and thinking everything he's reading is believable...
Just like in my case disregard what I have to say, that is if it doesn't have meaning..

A dog is not considered a good dog because he is a good barker. A man is not considered a good man because he is a good talker.

Having a mind-set posed upon you is wrong,... Studies haven't gone on longer than 20 years for half of these chemicals.. and truly we hardly understand the problems a human under goes due to their chemical balance and we shouldn't be tampering with it.
My advice.... Read and gain understanding.. only let what makes sense soak in.... don't try to drink a lake when you've only got a dixie cup.

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by dnero6911
Such misguided people.... Yes.. .send him to a doctor.. they will prescribe him something to CHANGE the chemical Balance in his brain ... FORCING the problem away with treatments that are given is the irrespondsible thing, YOU DEAL WITH WHO YOU ARE... You don't take Brain Chemicals to alter your being.... You people talk about this mind-control and speak of Spiritual matters, and speak about being learned and having understanding, yet it's understanding you're lacking... Any problem a human being has can and will only be dealt with by that person, unless regarding surgery, but even then most people are capable of some of their own... Leaning on a system that has many spots on it in hopes they can clean your spots is not a very good idea...
I wish you would all realize YOU are respondsible for you... not a doctor, not a friend, not a relative.... YOU..

You hear about these children who've been given anti-depressants and mind altering chemicals and they murder their whole family because the chemicals they ingest cloud their vision... What you're not understanding is that this person (ElementalSage) understands what's happening to him where as "dangerous" skitzos don't....
In my opinion the person has been spending far too much time reading posts on this website and thinking everything he's reading is believable...
Just like in my case disregard what I have to say, that is if it doesn't have meaning..

A dog is not considered a good dog because he is a good barker. A man is not considered a good man because he is a good talker.

Having a mind-set posed upon you is wrong,... Studies haven't gone on longer than 20 years for half of these chemicals.. and truly we hardly understand the problems a human under goes due to their chemical balance and we shouldn't be tampering with it.
My advice.... Read and gain understanding.. only let what makes sense soak in.... don't try to drink a lake when you've only got a dixie cup.

This is a lot of bull!!!! Shizophrenia is a desease.

I agree with the others that mean well to you, talk to a doctor, they wont put you to an insane-asylum for talking with a doctor. your inner voices are classic symptoms of a mild psychosis. to try to supress them will probably only make it worse. act now, maybe a good talk with someone who studied this field is all it needs to make the voices stop.

[edit on 23-2-2005 by feyd rautha]

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 09:15 PM
I do study Physcology(Emotion/Behavior/Belief/Faith) I also study Medicine and have done previous studies in biology... and have been doing so for around 8 years.... physcology for 12. I've also done work with handicap people and physically injured peoples, also peoples who suffered from massive strokes, as well as Diabetes which is related to emotion and alcoholics (all are related to the balance of chemicals in the brain).... I've done lots of work with the brain aside from dissecting it myself... This field is still VERY new and requires lots of study, the brain creates pathways and perception is a major key when it chooses the root through the brain and emotion plays a big part in perception...

There are a lot of new people coming to this board...
and an overwhelming amount of information, and some of it throws your perception of things for a spin.... There's a massive amount of intelligent people on here working their own paths, some people are better at coping with stressful information, an added element of stress is that not all of the information we're presented with is accurate.
I am not saying any of my material is correct because there are no definate answers as of yet, but you should understand that fact wholly and realize that no one has it understood, so going to a doctor and having them give you something that was engineered In my humble opinion is not a wise choice of action.

For you to go ranting and raving about how it's Bull*hit, is not furthering anyones understanding.
Just because some of you are not well educated in the workings of the brain doesn't mean you should automatically go "Doctor, Doctor" because half the time doctors themselves have a difficult time diagnosing and treating the illness, I'm undergoing research right now that's related and might help, but when you're confronted with people who are lazy and won't educate themselves in the problem but claim to have a solution we in essence get no where....

[edit on 23/2/05 by dnero6911]

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 10:22 PM
This is the funniest section on ATS yet! Toobad you cant Ignore a whole section cause this one would definitely be on my list. Hahaha!!!

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