Speaking as a person that's not into situation comedies, most sports, cop and terrorism shows in every flavor, that only seeks news on the web, when I
want to, have never tuned into news shows, as a habit, and so on, and hate commercials, I cut the cord years ago, pay zero TV bills. To be forthright,
I also have a problem supporting the corporations promoting what is too much trash, cultural degradation and consumerism, to pay these corporations,
to be a direct support of things I consider evils and evil agendas. All that said, I've saved $10,000+ since going this route. Now, I do like good
period dramas, some BBC productions, certain movies, and, yes, a few network shows, not much, but which are available free, HDTV, over the air, for
the cost of antennas. Otherwise, I wantonly buy any videos and video boxed sets I want, usually even buy some of them used, for similar reasons of not
wishing to support some companies that only accidentally film something decent, here and there. I can't find DVDs I want much anymore, have a
collection of all the things I like, that would take years to watch all of, nothing but what I like to watch, no channel surfing anymore, and, after
going through all of that, theoretically, could start at the beginning and watch it all again, as you even forget a lot of details that become new,
all over again. I never, ever lack something I truly would like to watch, actually know what I'm going to be watching for the next couple months, as
well as what I'll move on to, come winter, sort of have seasonal likes. I've still spent so much less, building a great collection of videos, than
pouring money down that cable or sat bill rat hole. Depending on where you live, there is a lot over the air, probably all your favorite lame shows or
enough sports, anyway, as well as local and national news. Even Netflix can be like rummaging through trash, compared to having a collection of stuff
you know is good. So, there's a way to save a lot of money, and cease paying the devil, while you're at it, being part of the evil that's turning
peoples' minds to mush. Everything bad has a foundation in people who support the evils. Put it this way, you can't complain about vulgarities,
violence and degradations in the media, if you're paying them to produce that garbage. That's like an alcoholic, picketing a brewery. In any case, cut
the cord, and learn that it's impossible to spend what you save, build a remarkable library of entertainment and never run out of things you like to
watch. Better entertainment, which may as well be for free? What's not to like? And, when I was on cable or sat, there were many days there was,
literally, nothing on any channel I wanted to watch, found myself loading a video, anyway.
You know something else, these cable and sat companies are after me, with a vengeance, an ad every other day, sometimes a few a day, with the same
"deals", have had them coming to the door. And they so insult your intelligence with those sucker deals, a low rate for 12 months in the tiny print,
no disclosure that even the sucker deal can have up to 40% added to it in various fees, taxes and gotchas. You wind up, in 12 to 24 months, with bills
that have doubled, forever, while anything good that comes along, in the future, will only be offered to new customers, including basically lower
rates sometimes they do not offer to existing customers, unless you call and get them to lower your bill or you walk, which sometimes works, but only
for some months, at that. It's a big "screw you" to their most loyal customers.
Of course, they're going to con you, any way they can, as, like the scumbag entertainment stuff they produce, they're scumbags in business, too. No
surprise there. Last person that came to the door, they asked me what I would like, then. I told them the sucker deal, for at least five years, and a
bill that's no more than the giant numbers of their offer, in total. I also said it would be nice to have some print a size you can read, without a
magnifying glass, that contains some of the ugly truths, always at the bottom of their ad, in a font I can't make so tiny on a computer, have no idea
how the hell they get the fine print so fine, but containing the installation costs, the DVR rental when the sucker period ends, HBO and Showtime only
suckered for 30 days of their vile and cheap smut and gore, after which they cost more than the sucker total, everything simply ballooning in
perpetuity when the deal is over, coming to kidnap and hold your youngest child hostage or amputate an arm, to start, after 12 months. Maybe put what
a sample bill will look like, during the sucker period, and after the sucker period, in their print ads. In short, stop insulting everybody with the
sucker deal con job. Oh! Maybe if they'd do all that and stop being evil and show something on the screen a marginally civilized and intelligent being
would enjoy watching, how about just really good channel, without commercials, that's not an extra fee? I mean, they charge you out the rear, for a
bunch of channels that are going to assault you with commercials, anyway? What is that business model, the "get you coming and going" paradigm? At
least I haven't had them come to the door, since.