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Chemtrail videos

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posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 09:50 PM
Ok debating this with some people will not do us any good in moving foreward with this subject. The best thing to do is to ignore: Howard Roark, FatherLukeDuke
, and of course mister high school instructer Off_The_Street.

Now that I have said this, gentleman who have noticed the strange skies since the late 90's. Have you notied lately that this is being done during normal cloud cover days,(maybe to cover there tracks?) and they seem to have improved there formula.

Today I was on the road and noticed there was some spraying. There was also some high altitude contrails, but the spraying were very short bursts compared to what I've witnessed in the past. There was really thick aerosol being released by 5 aircraft, it was very short and they spread so damn fast!!

They spread into a complete overcast so quickly I stopped in a parking lot and had seen one go from a contrail sized spray to cover about 1/8 of the sky in a frieghtening amount of time.

Something else I have noticed is this new and improved formula is really been making my sinus go just berserk. I live in a very northern climate and this is the first winter of my life that I have had sinus pressure during winter. The sinsus pain is so bad its like a head injury that makes you sick to your stomach. This is no way to live, sinus medicine doesn't touch it. I hope this is something my system will adjust to.

[edit on 11-3-2005 by Code 3]


posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 01:42 AM
How do you know for sure that these "chemtrails" are affecting your sinuses? Any perticular reason at all? Have you been to a doctor or anything? Just because you've never had sinus pain this bad before doesn't mean it's a sign that it's chemtrails. Lots of people get colds and sinus pressure around this time of year.

Also, when something is sprayed 30,000+ feet above you, it's going to get blown hundreds of miles away before it hits the ground, if ever.

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 09:52 AM
That is the problem and why the protion of contrail looking emision is not at 30,000 thousand feet. Most I have witnessed are on the horizon. If the aircraft were at 30,000 thousand feet then you cannot see them on the horizon. Most are sprayed at 10,000 feet. No BS buddy and the sleeping people still dont notice.

You do understand the distance involved, if an aircraft at 30,000 feet were to be seen on the horizon correct? It is like 250 miles, think of it this way if an attenna that is 100 feet tall and you were at such a distance to see the very top of it on the horizon, then one twice as tall were to be seen where the very top is seen on the horizon the taller attenna would have to be further away.

If you do the math, 30,000 foot alltitude seen on the horizon ends up being 250 miles away. On a perfectlly clear day human eyesite at the very maximum can see only 100 miles. On clear days its usually 50 miles but the very limit on the most perfect haze free day is 100 miles.

This makes a contrail seen on the horizon, about 10,000 feet. Contrails dont form that low.

Here is a link so you can do the math yourself." target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">click here

Once you see the difference between contrails and aerosol spraying aka chemtrails, its like recognising a face it is unmistakable.

I know what I see, I also know you will pick this post apart like some child so there is really no use in agrueing the fact with someone with preconcieved ideas. I witnessed the difference back in 1997 before I have ever heard of chemtrails. It was a day I will never forget. I have spent more time at airbases, private airfeilds/airports seen hundereds of airshows jumped out of and flown a number of aircraft. I know contrails. I am not talking about contrails.

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 10:55 AM
Hey Code 3 my old buddy.

There isn't a lot of point picking your post apart "like a child" or even like an adult. It doesn't actually make any sense in the first place.


posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 06:12 PM
Well regardless of what altitude it's sprayed at, be it 10,000 or 30,000 feet. it's still going to blow miles away before it ever hits the ground, if ever. That and if it did reach ground level, it will be so dispersed within the air, that any affect it supposedly has would pretty much be gone. For example, there's a reason why crop dusters fly as low as they can over the fields. Making sure the pestisides and whatever else they spray lands on there fields and doesn't blow away or get too dispersed in the air.

posted on Mar, 13 2005 @ 08:38 AM


posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 05:18 PM
Just to report that after a long period of winter cloud cover, they're back - lots of criss-cross with plenty of rippled HAARP effect in this part of the world

posted on Jan, 15 2007 @ 08:36 PM
I hope others see this since it hasnt been visited since 05 because i just now found the Aerosol Crimes video and wasnt on the site in 05 so i hope we can start this topic up again to raise awareness


posted on Jan, 15 2007 @ 09:55 PM

All the Boom Sticks in the world won't get people to believe this crap.

Why Oh Why... Why?!

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by apc

All the Boom Sticks in the world won't get people to believe this crap.

Why Oh Why... Why?!

Why? Why do you care so much? The world is full of people believing things that you don't believe, what's your beef with people believing in chemtrails?
Why does this seem so far fetched for you? What's your interest in this? I don't constantly hit threads with stuff that I don't believe in, yet you are always in the chem threads, along with Off The Street who seems to mostly only post in chem threads.
Just curious as to what your interest is in trying to convince people they're not happening?

It seems people can't say why they think chemtrails are not happening, but only try to ridicule those that think they are.

I witnessed what I believe to have been a chemtrail operation, nothing anybody has said has been able to convince me otherwise. Just telling me I'm stupid, or it's the weather don't cut it, either show proof it's not possible or admit that it is. Otherwise it's just your biased opinion, for whatever reason...


posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 07:56 AM
I don't have a problem with people who "believe in chemtrails". I have a problem with baseless pathetically ignorant ideas.

I have the same problem with magic, witchcraft, alien anal probes, and demonic possession. It's not the believer's fault they're too dumb to understand reality. They were born that way.

And I haven't posted in a chemtrail thread in over a year I think. I'm just amazed people, usually 12 year olds and "circle jerk" loving firefighters apparently, still bring this stuff up. So I just had to comment.

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by apc
I don't have a problem with people who "believe in chemtrails". I have a problem with baseless pathetically ignorant ideas.

But who says it's a baseless pathetically ignorant idea, you?

You offer no reason for your opinion. You should know by now we need more than that to take anyone seriously around here?

How can you compare it to UFO's and stuff when the ability to send planes into the air fitted with spray equipment is perfectly possible?
Where is the stretch? You don't believe the military is experimenting with weather control? I don't understand yours, or anybodys, close mindedness on this.

There is a lot of wild and crazy theories going around about what the chemtrails are, just like with almost anything, but a smart person should be able to ignore the extremes and not let them influence your beliefs.

Too many ppl have seen this, including me, to be a baseless pathetically ignorant idea.

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 10:33 AM
Let me set some things straight here to newcomers:
If you have just found out about the Chemtrail conspiracy, research it as much as you can, and listen to BOTH sides of the argument of whether it exists or not.

A couple of things you should know about Chemtrails:
One, Contrails that form criss crossing patterns are normal.
Two, there is no reason why Contrails cannot persist.
Three, Civilian airliners definately aren't doing the spraying.
Four, persistant contrails were getting formed in World War 2.
Five, the so called 'mechanic emails' are fake.

To people who say Chemtrails are fake, just debunk evidence without any name calling.

To people who say Chemtrails are real: Stop saying commercial airliners are spraying, stop saying they criss cross the sky, and find a reason why Contrails cannot persist.

[edit on 16-1-2007 by PisTonZOR]


posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by ANOK
But who says it's a baseless pathetically ignorant idea, you?

Uhm... yes. I do believe I just said that. You're quite observant.

How can you compare it to UFO's and stuff when the ability to send planes into the air fitted with spray equipment is perfectly possible?
Where is the stretch? You don't believe the military is experimenting with weather control? I don't understand yours, or anybodys, close mindedness on this.

I didn't say UFOs. I said alien anal probes.
I don't exclude the possibility of weather manipulation. I do exclude the plausibility of aircraft contrails being an intentional mechanism.

There is a lot of wild and crazy theories going around about what the chemtrails are, just like with almost anything, but a smart person should be able to ignore the extremes and not let them influence your beliefs.

They all seem extreme to me. The burden of proof is on the "believers". None have presented a single shred.

Too many ppl have seen this, including me, to be a baseless pathetically ignorant idea.

A lot of people have seen the Virgin Mary's likeness in potato chips.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 05:48 PM
Chemical attack vids....
Me and my family has been made sick (and sent to the the hospital has RECORDS) by these chemical attacks.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 06:32 PM
It's a Darwin thing your family is weak and probably going to die at a young age and your looking for someone to blame. Go out and get some fresh air!! I'm out cooking over an open firw watching the jets fly over every day and I live NE of Chicago. You need to get away from your computer and tv and go outside. Last night we cooked pork chops over an open fire and it only 28F outside.


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