The name I was given is Erick, I was born in a third world, poor, God forsaken tiny country in Central America called Honduras. I was there until the
age of about 4, came to the U.S, brought here to reunite with my mother. The world I had known until that time was a very hostile world; I had been
abandoned, mistreated, bullied, humiliated, and even molested, often by the same family that was supposed to be looking out for me. Even though I was
very young, those memories have stuck with me and played a crucial role in my development.
Once here, I tried to be the prodigal child. I tried to do everything I was told, tried to do my best to impress everyone, to be liked. I went to
school and never questioned anything, never was taught to question anything. I played the game and got caught up in the dream, I believed as the
majority believed and didn't liked being on the side the opposed the majority. It wasn't until I got out of high school that I began to see the world,
the way people whom are trying to make a decent living are treated, because of their lack up resources, therefore lack of voice, lack of power. I had
a very strong feeling like this wasn't the problem but rather a symptom of a much larger issue. I heard some people like George Carlin spit the truth
so I went home and began something that till this day I still pursue.
That would be the pursuit of knowledge because even fake information is destroyed by knowledge. Since the "education" system had failed me miserably
and taught me nothing even after branding me as “ready for the world” as they left me empty, I began searching the largest database of information
to attempt to find something, anything that made more sense than the garbage I had been taught to regurgitate at school to get an A+ to make my
parents proud.
I began listening to Michael Tellinger, who spoke of the ancient Gold Mines in Africa, millions of them. I began to learn about our Alternate hidden
history that isn't taught in school despite the overwhelming evidence. I'd say the majority of people don't know that the Ancient Sumerian/Babylonian
cuneiform tablets teach us our true history, truth bombs that people don’t want to hear like that the Bible is a revision of those tablets that has
been heavily redacted by the powers at be. They talk about how this race of beings from another world created us in their image. I've learned about
the current social operating systems that were implemented by the ruling elite, a very small handful of people, with the agenda of spreading
disinformation, maintaining authoritarian rule from the shadows under the guise of a democratic republic that fights for truth and freedom. Nothing
could be further from the truth.
Most importantly I learned who I am, I listened to Greg Braden whom has continued to pursue this question much longer than I have been alive, He
taught me how the people of long ago knew much more about what it meant to be human than we do nowadays. I learned about the flower of life, how
it’s the result of a vibration that creates everything in existence both visible and not and how the first Flowers of life that are all over the
world have unknown origins. I learned about sacred geometry, the five elements of all reality. About vortex based mathematics and how numbers
themselves are alive and create all of reality as we know it. I began to practice meditation and even joined a Native American tribe to learn more and
participate in the Ayahuasca Ceremony which was an unforgettable experience which revealed more truth and perspective about reality in two days than I
have had my entire life. I joined various organizations which don't really do much, like the Ubuntu movement and the Zeitgeist movement. I was tore up
when Jacque Fresco died; he was truly a brilliant mind this social engineer.
Moving on, I feel as though the majority of my questions have been answered. Before I continue, a little about my surroundings: I live in North
Carolina, a small town called Mount Olive (famous for its pickles, I'd know, the whole town reeks of vinegar). Close to Goldsboro which is home of the
Seymour Johnson Air Force Base; so, plenty of military brats, personnel and soldiers anytime I go eat out on payday. I don't really talk to them but
just observe, I listen to people and watch behavior. I'm 31 years old and I reserve most of my words because I've noticed that people around me just
aren't familiar with anything. Not with the true, U.S history and the long list of false flags and imperialism, not with the foods and how their
poisoned, not with the current banking cartel, with the money laundering, with the fake propaganda that is spread by the big 5. They're only familiar
with their immediate surroundings and I have gained a reputation among "friends" as a crazy. I'm Hispanic so they just say, “Erick esta loco.“
Hahahahaha, I always laugh at this thought and smile because at this point in my life, being labeled as crazy is almost a like a badge of honor;
besides, I really stopped caring how people perceived me quite a while back. I've been trying to wake people up to the reality but instead they say
that I'm out of touch with reality. So I stopped caring, out of boredom googled an obvious question which sent me here. I hope this is a sign, I know
there has to be plenty of people whom care and are aware of things much bigger than their immediate surrounds. I'm happy to be here and hope that I
can be a positive influence on all. Maybe I have lost my mind like everyone else in this world, only difference I can really perceive is that I am
happy and at peace with myself and made my peace with the world I inhabit. I am no longer against anyone or anything. We are all free beings and some
will choose ignorance because ignorance is bliss to them. I will not hate anyone because of the choices they made. Blessings to all.
edit on 27-7-2018 by SpiritWarrior369 because: Typos