posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 12:15 PM
Originally posted by Jahperson
that is a great post on plasma stealth but what I'm looking for is information on basically why people would dismiss United States stealth technology
so quickly and why active radars would be able to detect stealth supposedly so easily?
Maybe I can help! I been doing my own research into stealth technology and the science behind it for years. I am willing to say, based on my research
that most people don't understand stealth technology very well, and a lot of the information out there is incorrect.
First, The US steath technology is much better than most people think it is. US stealth aircraft use two different methods to achieve stealth:
Shaping, which is still one of the most affective methods, and Plasma technology. the difference between the US and Russian systems is: Russia uses a
free form plasma cloud, which requires a lot of energy to maintain. The US, uses a plasma-filled skin called Radar Absorbing Structure. Here's an
artical on how Plasma is used in RAS:
Plasma and Stealth
Note: This is a long artical containing lots of info; Read it carefully!
Second, Radar can't detect stealth as well as some people think it can. and at the Same time, no aircraft is completely invisible to Radar! The Us
system is more expensive to make, but cheaper to maintain and more effective at hideing the aircraft.
ATS Director of Counter-Ignorance