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Living In a Simulation and An Incident at The Gate of the Gods in Aramu Muru, Peru

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posted on Jul, 27 2018 @ 04:05 PM

originally posted by: DoubleDNH
a reply to: TurbineJet

Excellent post!! This was a great read.... S&F for bringing NON-POLITICAL stuff to the website..

I posted this thread because it is exactly the kind of interesting read I've always come here for. Glad you enjoyed=)



posted on Jul, 27 2018 @ 04:05 PM
a reply to: openyourmind1262

I'm with you. years ago before tech could be found everywhere it was easy to fool people by telling them stories but now we could literally have sensors hooked up to someones head reading their brain waves while they meditated through this door.

Why not record this door 24/7 and watch everyone that interacts with it?

Even just getting someone meditating at the door who claims to have obe their way through it we would at least get their meditation technique on camera.

Then we could try it for ourselves.
But that will never happen. Same reason that no one ever sets up motion cameras all over the woods 24/7 to catch bigfoot.

Because it's just not true.

posted on Jul, 27 2018 @ 09:09 PM
a reply to: TurbineJet

Creators? I only believe in one Creator and no I'm not a "born again", matter of fact, I'm an ex-Catholic. This is a very interesting subject, but I have a different spin on this subject. I do believe there may be ways to tap into a higher level of consciousness, through meditation, or by using psychotropics. When we tap into our spiritual energy field, we become closer to the true nature of our being. We become aware, not only how we're connected with each other, but also how we're connected with the universe and to God. However, I also believe that our universe exists within God and our physical existence on Earth, is in some way, a learning environment for our spirit or consciousness. Our experiences on Earth enhances our connection towards each other, not only in the here and now, but in our future spiritual existence. We are not only connected spiritually with each other, but we're also connected to the universe and with God. I'm not sure about a "multiverse," because I don't see proof of it's existence. Where does our consciousness reside in a multiverse, if there are copies of me existing on another Earth, that exists within a multiverse? The same holds true about us living in a "simulation." The "simulation argument" is nothing more, than believing in a ‘pretend’ universe. I believe that evil is behind these beliefs and theories. It's evil's purpose to corrupt and confuse us...what better way than have us believe in the possibility of a "simulated" universe, or with paranormal investigators and psychics, talking to the dead? Dark energy (evil) is the antithesis to God's love and the ultimate truth. Since we have "free will," we are free to make our own choices and to believe in anything we see fit, but what's the sense of having a moral purpose in a simulated universe? What's the purpose of a God, if there are "advanced beings" creating their own simulated universe? I believe that the guy, in the following video clip, knows the truth about how we, as spiritual beings, are connected to our physical universe and to each other. It's a flawless, simple reality, created by God...not by "advanced beings."

posted on Jul, 27 2018 @ 09:17 PM
Thank you for this interesting and refreshing post. S&F

posted on Jul, 27 2018 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: odzeandennz

Do you think in a simulation, the simulated would know that it is in a simulation?

If they are programmed to know they are in a simulation.

posted on Jul, 27 2018 @ 09:50 PM

originally posted by: dantanna
once concept of the multiverse is, when one universe 'gives birth' to another.

universe J, starts to form the bubble.
universe K is the bubble.

the bubble breaks free, wham, new universe.

if it is a 'simulation' then its amusing to me, because its a REAL simulation, which is fascinating. like they built it.

who knows. i would not want to meet these creeps. who did johndeeee talk to?
also, michael jackson was obsessed with the 'gift giver' who could only be spoken to in a deep sleep or mediative place. (eddie murphey's bodyguard spoke of mj's obssession with the gift giver.)

think about our crazy planet. call a wrong number and seek wisdom.

that is what this would be like.

If one universe gives birth to another, could that happen at a point when a timeline branches off into 2 timelines? Like the parallel universe thing?

posted on Jul, 27 2018 @ 09:52 PM

originally posted by: autopat51
in the first video, he got it wrong. you dont stand in the doorway, you kneel and place your forehead in the indentation.

Hmmm. Do you have a link for that or know of books about it? I find that interesting.

posted on Jul, 27 2018 @ 09:56 PM

originally posted by: FreeFalling
Thank you for this interesting and refreshing post. S&F

Refreshment is served=) Theres alot more to talk about. Stay tuned=)



posted on Jul, 27 2018 @ 10:24 PM
a reply to: TurbineJet

Thanks for the post, good stuff. I've read about this place before and continue to be intrigued.

I'm not buying into the simulation thing though. Gateway to another universe or dimension, I think that's more plausible.

posted on Jul, 27 2018 @ 10:53 PM

originally posted by: SpartanStoic
a reply to: TurbineJet

Thanks for the post, good stuff. I've read about this place before and continue to be intrigued.

I'm not buying into the simulation thing though. Gateway to another universe or dimension, I think that's more plausible.

Wouldn't that be the same thing? Imagine we were able to somehow escape this Simulation, wouldn't that be exactly the same experience as if we stepped into another dimension or universe? We would have no way knowing one way or another..

And Im glad you've enjoyed the post. I may make a second one, that goes into another theory of mine..involving a simulated reality that we live in and the concept of "intelligent design" of which has been much debate.


posted on Jul, 27 2018 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: TurbineJet

Finished watching a video where Neil and other people talking about simulations, seems to be coming up a lot nowadays or what do you all think? BTW, thanks for this, finally something good! =]

posted on Jul, 27 2018 @ 11:31 PM
definitely not saying there's nothing to this - there have been far too many fascinating stories coming out of this area for too long to discount entirely that something is going on, but the way everyone talks about "the simulation" is just so far off anything remotely applicable it sets my teeth on edge.

for example; just casually mention they put a door from our world [a simulation] to theirs [reality] like that makes any sense at all? it's like saying we put a door in Mario 3 and if he could only find it Mario could pop out for a visit. Makes great fiction but it's fundamentally at odds with the entire concept of what a simulation is and the difference between that and reality.

like i say, not discounting something entirely above the understanding of mortal man happening here, but there's a little too much latching onto the conveniently poorly understood notion of the simulation to make me comfortable here.

posted on Jul, 27 2018 @ 11:38 PM

originally posted by: eldemie
a reply to: TurbineJet

Finished watching a video where Neil and other people talking about simulations, seems to be coming up a lot nowadays or what do you all think? BTW, thanks for this, finally something good! =]

posted on Jul, 27 2018 @ 11:56 PM

originally posted by: continuousThunder
definitely not saying there's nothing to this - there have been far too many fascinating stories coming out of this area for too long to discount entirely that something is going on, but the way everyone talks about "the simulation" is just so far off anything remotely applicable it sets my teeth on edge.

for example; just casually mention they put a door from our world [a simulation] to theirs [reality] like that makes any sense at all? it's like saying we put a door in Mario 3 and if he could only find it Mario could pop out for a visit. Makes great fiction but it's fundamentally at odds with the entire concept of what a simulation is and the difference between that and reality.

I think i may be able to rephrase that a little better. Consider the word door in a different perspective as if it was a link to communicate with these creators of our simulation. For example when in the video the man reports he is transported (seemingly in a physical sense into what appeared to be an room that was white in all directions but could not see any walls) he says that all he hears is a voice. He does not physically meet anyone. And when he asks the voice where he comes from or is located, he is told that "it would not do any good trying to explain it"

What i gathered from the above statement is if we in the near future we created a really advanced simulation where super computer AI characters begin to ask us who we are and where do we come from in their simulated world. They would be hearing a disembodied voice, and we would be talking to them via a computer monitor, telling them theres no point in us trying to explain to them where we are located because its past the limits of their understanding. Its a crude analogy, but you get my point..

like i say, not discounting something entirely above the understanding of mortal man happening here, but there's a little too much latching onto the conveniently poorly understood notion of the simulation to make me comfortable here.

What does this mean? We have to let go of the EGO Centric idea that just because we as humans are sentient, posses free will (or the illusion of free will) and are self aware that it is in no way possible that we are someone elses lab experiment.


posted on Jul, 28 2018 @ 01:24 AM

originally posted by: madmac5150
I know this sounds like a smarta$$ response... it isn't meant to be.

Maybe TPTB are in power because they paid for the cheat codes... or, their ancestors did.

Or the creators knew they would need a link to control the simulation, so they gave some humans cheat codes, but these humans don't have a traditional "soul code". They are "playable characters". We are NPCs for all intents and purposes, because of course they have no need or desire to control every character. We are on autopilot.

The elites, from our perspective, are soulless. They don't feel shame or guilt, or experience consequences, like a kid playing a game, with cheat codes. Because they know it's just a game and they don't have a wiped memory like we do, AND they have cheat codes.

That's why they do all that crazy "pedophile murder destroy" crap, they come in here to live out their fantasies, in a harmless setting. Like tourists. Virtual Reality (VR) tourists visiting our VR world. The way they make the NPCs so realistic is we are actually prisoners from their world. What was our crime? Impossible to fathom. Or perhaps some or all of us are willing participants.

posted on Jul, 28 2018 @ 01:27 AM
a reply to: TurbineJet

For those who do watch the entire video, I'd love to hear your thoughts! -TurbineJet

Ebb and flo are pretty much the basis of all things, and also entropy is created when you fail, and also when you succeed, your just creating much more entropy. Meh! I say meh to it all. A snake biting its own tail right? To bad it cant eat itself and just get it over with.

Eternity is a chaotic mess, none the less. I don't see the point of the gray keep bringing all these things and new species here, but hey, its something to do. If the first few gazillion fail, try and try again.

posted on Jul, 28 2018 @ 02:12 AM
a reply to: TurbineJet

Great Post. Will watch the vid

posted on Jul, 28 2018 @ 02:50 AM
Excellent post OP S&F

Ever since my childhood I have been fascinated by the concept of a simulated universe.


posted on Jul, 28 2018 @ 03:22 AM
a reply to: TurbineJet

I once did an RV on this very place... The disk??? is a lot fancier than the ones pictured, very ornate, machined in its intricate detail and workings. Why in a rock face??? because the disk isn't a key it's a mechanical device that uses the rock around it to convert to a highly energetic exotic substance that creates the wormhole/portal/gateway call it what you will. I gather they come in pairs and operate in tandem... The fabric of time and space there, depending on how often it was used must be quite "supple"?? but who knows. Sound frequencies that somehow have matched that of the disk device may simply excite the supple integrity of the doorway or the rock that was effected. A guess let's say

edit on 28-7-2018 by DreamerOracle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2018 @ 03:47 AM
a reply to: TurbineJet

Finally! A thread like the kind that attracted me to this site. And they weren't about politics! Thank you!

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