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On July 25, 2018, a JAS 39C Gripen fighter jet from the Swedish Air Force’s F 17 wing dropped a single 500-pound class GBU-49/B Paveway precision-guided bomb on a part of the burning forest.
“Our view is that the fire is unique and because of this we must use unconventional extinguishing methods.”
Forty-four fire engines from Poland were met with applause when they arrived, with Swedes waving Polish flags as the vehicles drove north before arriving in Sveg in Harjedalen county in central Sweden on Sunday evening, according to local media. "Dziekuje to all Polish firefighters" was the headline in the Expressen newspaper, thanking them in their own language.
Sweden is experiencing an unprecedented drought and soaring temperatures which have reached the highest in a century. "The risk is extreme" in the southern part of Sweden, where temperatures were expected to reach 35 Celsius (95 Fahrenheit) in coming days, with no rain likely
originally posted by: Xtrozero
Need to use air fuel all the O2 out of the air....
"Sedan klockan nio imorse har det varit strömlöst på hela Gotland. Orsaken tros vara att blixten har slagit ned i en kraftledning som har gjort det svårt att hålla ihop nätet.
– Vi har sedan imorse haft strömlöst på den södra sidan på grund av åska"
Slite vårdcentral på Gotland har drabbats och kan varken svara i telefon eller på e-post
"Since nine o'clock it has been powerless throughout Gotland. The reason is thought that the flash has fallen into a power cord that made it difficult to keep the network together.
"Since then we have been powerless on the south side because of thunder,""
Slite Health Center in Gotland has suffered and can not respond by phone or by e-mail
På sin hemsida uppger räddningstjänsten att det råder stor rasrisk på platsen, vilket kan komplicera arbetet med eftersläckningen.
On his website, the rescue service states that there is a high risk of race at the site, which can complicate the work of the aftermath.