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Seagram's heiress nabbed in NXIVM cult arrests

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posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 05:43 AM

originally posted by: Sublant

originally posted by: Godstuff
a reply to: Whereismypassword

guy... kid... I'll go with kid because that's how you are presenting yourself in this thread. Like a smug teen attempting to nitpick at an attempt to be what? idk you just look immature and disrespectful to the rest of use here.

You will get the facts at the trail just like the rest of the world. Until then please feel free to speculate with that big brain of yours... You dont need facts to know the truth, you need facts to charge someone for breaking the law. This is a conspiracy forum for big brained kids like to speculate what the truth is not a courtroom.


Whereismypassword is right. It is irresponsible and stupid to just throw accusations that someone is involved and/or charged with child traffickig, when they have not been. This is not a subject to take lightly. Every accusation which is not based in fact makes it that much harder for the actual cases.

So please take your own advice.

I think you missed it that the Indictment used that language exactly. So, it is bad to say that if untrue. The facts are the arrest warrant used that language.

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 05:57 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

Well Raniere's character is known by one and all by now, I don't know anyone who defends him. He's not running for Senate like Roy Moore. I'm pretty sure there'd be outrage if Raniere ran for office now and lots of people supported him.

a reply to: Skyfloating

That's one definition, but I think in practice it can mean a lot of things, depending on laws and the cops and so on. For example, I think they had a habit of moving people around the country to separate them from family and friends so they'd be easier to brainwash or control. That could also be booked as trafficking.

I'm don't know, they may have done what you described too, who knows. And they may have done stuff to underage kids. Waiting for more knowledge.

a reply to: Skyfloating

He wasn't cleared, but they ended his pre-trial detention. Just how it went down, doesn't matter if you love him or hate him.

a reply to: TonyS

There could be some higher up who was working with the cult, or handling it. I wouldn't know because I only have access to media reports. I'm just saying that these people mentioned in the media don't have special protection apart from the usual privilege of being able to afford bail and getting the best lawyers and just being privileged in general. Oh, and being women helps too, except for Raniere of course.

But they don't have that much power, they aren't that smart or capable. Otherwise they wouldn't be sucking off Keith Raniere and getting branded on the ass and stuff...

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 06:56 AM

originally posted by: Cutepants
a reply to: Justoneman

Well Raniere's character is known by one and all by now, I don't know anyone who defends him. He's not running for Senate like Roy Moore. I'm pretty sure there'd be outrage if Raniere ran for office now and lots of people supported him.

a reply to: Skyfloating

That's one definition, but I think in practice it can mean a lot of things, depending on laws and the cops and so on. For example, I think they had a habit of moving people around the country to separate them from family and friends so they'd be easier to brainwash or control. That could also be booked as trafficking.

I'm don't know, they may have done what you described too, who knows. And they may have done stuff to underage kids. Waiting for more knowledge.

a reply to: Skyfloating

He wasn't cleared, but they ended his pre-trial detention. Just how it went down, doesn't matter if you love him or hate him.

a reply to: TonyS

There could be some higher up who was working with the cult, or handling it. I wouldn't know because I only have access to media reports. I'm just saying that these people mentioned in the media don't have special protection apart from the usual privilege of being able to afford bail and getting the best lawyers and just being privileged in general. Oh, and being women helps too, except for Raniere of course.

But they don't have that much power, they aren't that smart or capable. Otherwise they wouldn't be sucking off Keith Raniere and getting branded on the ass and stuff...

Only thing is the outrage over Moore, he didn't rape anyone. So, that is the significance. I am using that example because the old man never was accused of horrendous crimes but was treated so and now CRICKETS as the pedo's and sex slave trade is getting a pass in the MSM.

That is more dangerous than a double standard issue.

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 07:02 AM
a reply to: Skyfloating

She definitely 'looks the part' well, doesn't she????

Creepy lookin'!

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 08:28 AM
I don't know why, but does anyone else have a feeling that none of this stuff would have been exposed if Trump wasn't elected POTUS? It seems like since that moment, Hollywood and the rest of these elitist sicko's have been falling like domino's. It can't be a coincidence.

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 08:57 AM

originally posted by: Godstuff
a reply to: Whereismypassword

guy... kid... I'll go with kid because that's how you are presenting yourself in this thread. Like a smug teen attempting to nitpick at an attempt to be what? idk you just look immature and disrespectful to the rest of use here.

You will get the facts at the trail just like the rest of the world. Until then please feel free to speculate with that big brain of yours... You dont need facts to know the truth, you need facts to charge someone for breaking the law. This is a conspiracy forum for big brained kids like to speculate what the truth is not a courtroom.


Been here since 2005 sunshine, take that trite elsewhere

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 09:49 AM
a reply to: EartOccupant

apparently she has already been released on that 100 Million dollar bail.....How nice it must be to have a 100 mill to just toss out for bail...

Clare Bronfman released on $100 million bail - house arrest, ankle monitor and no contact with NXivm members

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: CallmeRaskolnikov

How nice it must be to have a 100 mill to just toss out for bail.

I wouldn't be celebrating just yet, the Clinton death clock just started for her.

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 11:06 AM

originally posted by: Enderdog

originally posted by: howtonhawky

I just read seagrams bond is 100million and she is worth 200million all on charges of racketeering.

Something is not adding up.

It is like everyone knows something that is not being reported.

Yes. Worldwide pedo trafficking cults...all interconnected...all the way up to the people who literally own 90% of the media. But, keep on deflecting!

Really baseless claims?

Perhaps you show us the ties?

How did i deflect?

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: interupt42
a reply to: CallmeRaskolnikov

How nice it must be to have a 100 mill to just toss out for bail.

I wouldn't be celebrating just yet, the Clinton death clock just started for her.

What is a death clock you speak of?

Is that like a birth day?

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 11:18 AM
What i see here is that this person was into racketeering and the 100million likely covers the extent of the damages.

It does not look like anything other than currency is being addressed.

The biggest reason is because many claim stuff without any proof yet at the same time profess much hope that their pedo ring bustin fantasies will come true.

I was watchin pbs bout the nato rapes last nite and the wording was used "using violence to garner sex" as the definition of rape and that was refreshing considering how americans have forgotton what rape really is. I think many here project their hate onto these situations.

Most of you haters project your feelings of hate of men and people getting some onto legit victims of violence making them feel like scum for being attacked in the first place.

Most of the shame people feel is not givin by the perp but the on lookers. Without you shame cheerleaders the perp in a real rape case would be duely punished according to the law and the victim would not have to be ridiculed into believing that some perp made them less of a person.

shove your ignorant hashtags

you got highschool students thinking that because some fellow student slapped their ass and now they are less of a person. thats on you goody two shoes types

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: howtonhawky

What is a death clock you speak of? Is that like a birth day?

Its the clock that starts when you have association with the Clintons and about to be indicted or questioned on some shady dealings and you accidentally get killed or decide to commit suicide.

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: interupt42

yeah, she'll be found hanging from a doorknob in no time...

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: interupt42

my bad.

i read it wrong and thought you were claiming teflon hill had the clock on her...

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: pavil

Yes those rainbow montessori or whatever schools sound extremely troubling. I would venture more charges will be coming from that aspect of this case.

That's a whole other rabbit hole of this story I fear.

As far as I know, they are still investgating that, no real charges have been filed.......yet

Rainbow Cultural Garden

Following up:

In 2015, Raquel Perera, wife of 17-time Latin Grammy winner Alejandro Sanz, debuted a school called the Rainbow Cultural Garden in posh midtown Miami.
Fast-forward nearly three years, and Raniere has now been outed as the leader of an alleged sex cult called NXIVM, which is accused of blackmailing women and branding them with flaming-hot irons.
Now the State of Florida has ordered the midtown Miami school to shut down immediately after New Times brought the facility to the state’s attention. Florida officials say the school was not currently licensed to operate.

“[The Department of Children and Families] has no tolerance for any activities that put children at risk, including operating an unlicensed child-care facility,” David Frady, a spokesperson for the department, said Thursday. “DCF initiated a child protective investigation and ordered the facility to immediately cease operations this afternoon.”

State Closes Midtown Miami School Tied to NXIVM "Sex Cult" Leader

edit on 25-7-2018 by jadedANDcynical because: that was a weird typo

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 12:43 PM

originally posted by: howtonhawky

originally posted by: Enderdog

originally posted by: howtonhawky

I just read seagrams bond is 100million and she is worth 200million all on charges of racketeering.

Something is not adding up.

It is like everyone knows something that is not being reported.

Yes. Worldwide pedo trafficking cults...all interconnected...all the way up to the people who literally own 90% of the media. But, keep on deflecting!

Really baseless claims?

Perhaps you show us the ties?

How did i deflect?

The entirety of the MSM constantly makes up claims and disparages him 24 7 nonstop, with all sorts of wild claims. Yet they dare not touch with a ten foot pole defaming him on the Epstein connection and plane trip. They accuse him of being a nazi, sexist, just about everything. Why not of this? rumor is Epstein may have blackmail on many of those that own the MSM.

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: Xenogears

That is a possibility in the realm of speculation.

Now i am wondering that if the ones being black mailed are silenced by evidence then what is silencing the ones who are rumored to be victims?

Are they alive?

Are they really victims?

Were they paid well?

Are they silenced by fear?

Do they exist?

Honestly so far all i have seen is that classic pic of arkansas bill wading with some chinese fellows.

edit on 25-7-2018 by howtonhawky because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 01:50 PM
I recently read that a woman was found dead in a trash compactor in Anthony Weiner and Huma's old apartment.

Why so many weird deaths around these people. Why these cults? Why these weirded out "coded" emails? Remember SPIRIT COOKING? It comes back into view - probably wont be the last time.

None of this means anything!



Hillary Clinton for president 2020! Because for BAAL (Saturn) - aborting babies is not enough. WE NEED TO EAT THE BABIES!

What a joke our media is. A complete and utter joke.
edit on 25-7-2018 by Fools because: add

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: Fools

What is the connection you are tryin to make?

They had moved out and divorced before the event.

Perhaps the lady had an affair with them and had dirt on their boss?

Too bad we do not have anything linking them other than rumors and speculation.

So it seems that when the body was found the neighbors were telling the cops that she was linked to the weiners.

I can not found the victims name and no other reports on the situation are showing up.

Says her name was with held from the public. She had money so there will be a trail...

edit on 25-7-2018 by howtonhawky because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2018 @ 02:47 PM
a reply to: howtonhawky

If this many people died around any of us, we would all be under investigation as an interest in possible culpability. Just such a large amount of high weirdness around these people. So many suicides, deaths, and similar personal connections. There is just no way that all of these happenings are purely coincidental.

Generally speaking this whole thing just is barfing evil all over the place and all that happens is society cleans it up.

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