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Another confirmed fabricated racism sob story

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posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 12:07 PM
What happened to the waiter? The linky thing didn't work. He should have least lost his job.
This is another prime example (same as the Disney guy who was fired) of trial by media. All the self righteous bloggers trying someone and finding them guilty and blowing it over the net. Without a shred of evidence, just hearsay.
It's like Pandoras box, once it is open it's too late to put it back in the box.

(post by Melen removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: intrepid
a reply to: Melen

Pretty sure firing the guy is a no brainer.


There's not an over abundance of those in a Murican idiocracy.

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 12:24 PM

originally posted by: sooth
This is what happens when you create a market value system out of identity politics - people are going to exploit it and be exploited by it.

The sad thing is only a small fraction of the outraged individuals that originally heard this story when it went viral will learn that it was all bogus. So the opportunists using this type of garbage to justify their quixotic crusade still win whether it is reality or not.

Sad to say but you are quite correct.

I'd also have to wonder if this isn't going to start taking a bite out of the economy. I know that personally, I feel a lot less comfortable anywhere in public.

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: Allaroundyou

Very telling? How so? Or are you attempting to make the op into a racist because he used a descriptive? Should they have used terms like African American? Why did you call them out on only two of the three races they mentioned? Could it be that maybe you don't like the third group mentioned? But my making that assumption would be ridiculous. I don't know you or your political affiliation. I don't know your race, color or creed. So by my assuming you are racist towards a group with only your response to go off of would make me a very ignorant and in my opinion a very dim witted person.

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 12:31 PM

originally posted by: neo96

originally posted by: intrepid
a reply to: Melen

Pretty sure firing the guy is a no brainer.


There's not an over abundance of those in a Murican idiocracy.

Sadly, so true.

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: Melen

This entire thread is about minimizing the problems of racism (and now rape) because one person lied.

Not the way I read it.

Any time someone makes a false claim, it damages the reputation of anyone "like them," in this case that being anyone who files a similar claim. One false claim does not destroy the credibility of others (duh, hyperbole anyone?) but it does damage it a little. When these fake stories become widespread, the damage to the credibility of all plaintiffs becomes substantial.

If someone is worried about this, I would think they would be very concerned with this story and making sure that the perpetrator of the lie was publicly shamed and punished. That is the only way to stop the erosion of credibility. Complaining just erodes it further, because it shows people don't really care when they say they do.


posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: Melen

Are either of those two things known GLOBALLY for their concerted efforts under the same unified umbrella, for their actions? In almost every country on the planet, all with the same utterances as they commit their acts of terror?

No? Then your point is moot.

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 12:42 PM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
If someone is worried about this, I would think they would be very concerned with this story and making sure that the perpetrator of the lie was publicly shamed and punished. That is the only way to stop the erosion of credibility. Complaining just erodes it further, because it shows people don't really care when they say they do.


In the digital age? That's another no brainer. He's going to change his name at the least.

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: Melen

I was doing the opposite of minimizing it. I was pointing out that....nevermind. See Redneck's post.

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 12:50 PM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: Melen

This entire thread is about minimizing the problems of racism (and now rape) because one person lied.

Not the way I read it.

Any time someone makes a false claim, it damages the reputation of anyone "like them," in this case that being anyone who files a similar claim. One false claim does not destroy the credibility of others (duh, hyperbole anyone?) but it does damage it a little. When these fake stories become widespread, the damage to the credibility of all plaintiffs becomes substantial.

The problem with this is that it says something about you, an individual, not everyone as a group. If you disbelieve someone who reports a racism related problem because of the story of this waiter, you're pre-judging them as likely being a liar based on another situation that isn't even connected. The 2 events would have nothing to do with each other; there's literally no connection between the two. YOU are allowing yourself to pre-judge based on reports of hoaxes.

That's a human trait, but it's still wrong. It's very difficult to not pre-judge someone based on past experiences, but like I said, this really says something about how you think. For me, this hoax doesn't "damage a little" any new reports I see, because they're not related and that makes zero logical sense.

If someone is worried about this, I would think they would be very concerned with this story and making sure that the perpetrator of the lie was publicly shamed and punished. That is the only way to stop the erosion of credibility. Complaining just erodes it further, because it shows people don't really care when they say they do.

I don't disagree with any of this. The customer should sue, and the employer should fire them immediately, if they haven't already. Hell, can you imagine the business this place is going to lose? Maybe the employer should sue too. There is NO EXCUSE to falsely accuse someone, and people who do deserve (legal) punishment.

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 12:52 PM

originally posted by: Melen
the OP is outright suggesting that *Every time* (his/her words) there's a report it ends up being a hoax.

No, I'm not.

originally posted by: Melen
He's now mentioned ... rape

That's an outright lie. Never once did I mention rape.

originally posted by: Melen
This entire thread is about minimizing the problems of racism

Wrong, it's about calling people out who are guilty of making up stories.

originally posted by: Melen
because one person lied.

Far more than one.

originally posted by: Melen
What kind of "critical thinker" assumes because some people lie that the problem doesn't exist

I never insinuated any such thing.

originally posted by: Melen
(once again, "EVERY TIME")?

My exact words were "Every single time I see some story like this", not "Every single time someone claims racism".

originally posted by: Melen
Shame on me, I fell for the OPs trap.

Yes, you did, just not in the way you're imagining it.

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 12:53 PM

originally posted by: SummerRain
a reply to: Melen

Are either of those two things known GLOBALLY for their concerted efforts under the same unified umbrella, for their actions? In almost every country on the planet, all with the same utterances as they commit their acts of terror?

No? Then your point is moot.

Ah, so now we've narrowed it down so that the definition can ONLY define Islamic terrorists? You change the definition and then pat yourself on the back? The definition of terrorist has absolutely nothing to do with whether it's "global".

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 12:54 PM
link from OPs link not sure why it works for some but not all but yeah waiter got all kinds of fired

"I don't have an explanation. I made a mistake. There is no excuse for what I did," Kavil told the Odessa America. Officials told the paper that Kavil is no longer employed at the steakhouse.

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 12:56 PM

originally posted by: trollz

originally posted by: Melen
(once again, "EVERY TIME")?

My exact words were "Every single time I see some story like this", not "Every single time someone claims racism".

Your EXACT WORDS were:

Every single time I see some story like this, it always ends up having been made up. Jewish students drawing swastikas outside their dorm rooms, blacks painting racial slurs outside their homes, middle eastern waiters writing notes to themselves about being terrorists... Every time.

Literally. In your post. So you're complaining that I literally quoted you? I mean, you can't even check your own post. Why would I bother responding to anything else. Glad that some bad persons hoax gives you an excuse to pre-judge people and generally be an asshole. Cheers!

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 01:00 PM

originally posted by: trollz

originally posted by: Allaroundyou
a reply to: trollz
The fact that you used the word black and then continued to use the words middle eastern is very telling. Ya you guys have fun!

Telling of what? I was referring to three separate unrelated incidents. Did you forget to mention that I also referred to a Jewish student? Am I implying that Jews, blacks, and middle easterners are all the same? Or am I implying that one can not also be either of the other two? You seem to be confused, because your post doesn't actually mean anything. "Oh, look! You used different words! Ha, wow, what a moron!"

So, telling of what?

Yes, do tell! Or was that just a drive-by smearing?

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 01:09 PM

originally posted by: Melen
Literally. In your post. So you're complaining that I literally quoted you? I mean, you can't even check your own post. Why would I bother responding to anything else. Glad that some bad persons hoax gives you an excuse to pre-judge people and generally be an asshole. Cheers!

I was referring to 3 actual cases where people had been confirmed to have made up the accusations. You're making yourself look like a fool.
Jewish student behind dorm room swastikas
Black woman paints racial slurs on her home
And, of course, the third reference is the main topic of this thread.

Claiming that I'm saying every person is making up racism is no different than your accusations against me, but clearly that flew completely over your head.

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: Melen

originally posted by: lakenheath24
Lol....that there was funny....i dont care who ya are.

Its like false rape kills the credibility of the legit cases and peeps quit reporting it. Sad....what was his endgame?

a reply to: intrepid

So, you claim, if there's 1 false rape claim, that kills the credibility of anyone claiming to be raped? Are you a moron? GTFO.

I think what it means is that we need to go back to the days of "innocent until proven guilty." Remember that? These days, we give instant credibility to the accuser all the time and immediately convict the accused in the court of public opinion. It makes it easy for people like this guy to do all kinds of damage because they have begun to believe they can get away with it.

And once a person is guilty in the yes of the public, they can't get their reputation back.

The paper screams the instant credibility story from the front page, and prints their own retractions at the bottom of page 6 where no one ever looks.

Does that mean we never believe the accuser? No. Having their day in court means they have some credibility. You don't get to the discovery process in a court of law without some credibility to your claim, but having your day in court also means the accused likewise has the *benefit of the doubt* which means as much as any credibility to the accuser.

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: intrepid

I found that comment more amusing that I probably should have.

posted on Jul, 24 2018 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: trollz

My old granny (may she rest in peace) gave me the best piece of advice I've ever been given, which I will now pass on to you and whoever might be reading this:

Don't believe anything you hear, or half of what you see!

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