Im going to make this short and simple (OK so maybe not so short and simple) because there is a lot about this element and will let you all make your
own decision of it's benefits. I got introduced to SSKI by my doctor about a year ago, August 2016 because of a candida issue I have, im still
battling it but it's getting better. So anyway i've learned how beneficial this element is to the body since I discovered it. I just took it as the
doctor requested and every time for a couple days I felt very very sick for 2 hours then it would go away.
I started to research it to see why it made me feel so sick and come to find out there are 4 halogens that exist, 3 are toxic for you and 1 is good
for you. The 3 toxic halogens are Fluoride (wow look at that) chlorine and bromine. Fluoride and chlorine are usually found in water and bromine is
usually in the fabrics of cars, hot tobs because it's more stable then chlorine in high temperatures. The 4th halogen that is good for you is iodine.
Your pineal gland can fill up with with fluoride very easily and I read an article some time ago (I couldn't find it of course) that long term effects
of too much fluoride in your pineal gland can cause on average a females IQ to drop 17 points and a males to drop 23 points.
The nazi's used this once upon a time and learned it pretty much makes the masses dumb and more obedient, it's also a main ingredient in Prozac. No
your thyroid will fill up with chlorine and fluoride naturally but it can not create the hormones your body needs to function properly. Your thyroid
process's your blood every 17 minutes filtering your blood and plays a big roll in your immune system. If you ever known anyone that grew up on fast
food and didn't eat their veggies they more then likely have a thyroid problem and a weight problem.
So this 4th Halogen is Iodine, it is the element needed to produce the hormones your thyroid needs, SSKI is Potassium Iodide which your body breaks
down as iodine. Iodine is usually found in salt or veggies but now that they are processed so extensively and all the chemicals used on our food
people dont get a lot of this beneficial element through veggies and salt these days plus the fluoride and chlorine used in our drinking water does
not help at all. By taking potassium iodide or iodine you will begin to flush these chemicals out of your body, you will feel sick but depending on
how much you have in your body depends on how sick you will feel. I know a couple guys who did not feel sick at all. So one thing I do know is you
dont want to over do it in the long run but at first a lot is good for you to flush your system out. I also learned that 1 drop of SSKI can purify 1
liter of water and cancel out any chlorine and fluoride. Potassium iodide is also used for radiation protection, it will fill your thyroid up with non
radiate iodine so radiated iodine can not settle in your thyroid.
So anyway, I like to take Lugo's Solution 2% it's cheap and very effective , this is exactly what I take
I am writing this for people who do ot know about this, I think it's critical people flush their body's out of the chlorine and fluoride. Iodine can
also be used to disinfect cuts and or wounds that have been infected. There are many uses for it, I just want to make this community aware so those
who find it's importance can also share this knowledge on their loved ones and hopefully make people more and more aware of this needed Halogen our
government hides from us. Iodine use to be used as a medicine because it immediately can disinfect any bacterial or virus it comes into contact with
and during the flu season if you double dose on this it can make your immune system much stronger and help flush out any virus and flu. One thing I
have also learned is if you take this stuff and Vit C, take them on opposite days, SSKI or iodine will prevent Vit C from attaching to your system and
make it just pass through your body in a nut shell.
I would post links but there is a lot of sites you can go to and read about it, I do believe there are disinformation sites that will make this stuff
sound bad for you, I asked my doctor who use to specialize in thyroid medicine said that it is bogus and has been doing this for 50 years, he told me
I would have to take a large dose everyday for 10 years to have a negative side effect on my thyroid.
Anyway, if you do know about this stuff and have experience please share, it'll help my cause in making people aware of the beneficial uses of it.
DONT DRINK THE KOOLAID! and sorry for my runaway paragraph, english has never been my strong point, OH and dont ever use a steroid cream on your face
you will break out like a M***** F*****. Just saying, im sure some of you know this!
edit on 21-7-2018 by xBWOMPx because: (no reason