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Would we have the technology to detect E.T. transmissions?

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posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 06:17 PM

originally posted by: neo96
Would we have the technology to detect E.T. transmissions?

IMO no.

IT would be like using a radio antenna to listen to a smoke signal from native Americans.

Just don't work.

We probably already have what we need but haven't been able to recognize it as such.

THen again, maybe they did figure it out.

Either way with our level of sophisticated Chemistry analysis we certainly understand detection very well, it is comprehension of the results that is what we are lacking.

posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 06:19 PM

originally posted by: KiwiNite
SETI is nice money dump and kinda awesome vacation like job.

Well, as I've said before, it's a worthwhile endeavor simply because of the potentially great cost to benefit ratio. Americans spend a lot more money on their pets (approx. $60 billion / year) than searching for intelligent alien life. And SETI doesn't cost the average person anything because it's all donated money. Don't like SETI; don't donate.

But on the very off chance that we did actually manage to snag a broadcast from some intelligent civilization, it would be the most important discovery... well, really ever. And if we managed to glean a bit of advanced information from them and make it work for ourselves -- like maybe a new clean, inexhaustible energy source or the ability to instantaneously transmit information from one side of the universe to the other -- then that would be a few million bucks well-spent.

posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 06:46 PM
I don't have anything against SETI per se, I just believe they could potentially broaden their horizons a little.

Like I said, limiting yourself to radio-based technology may not be the best way to find ET life.

I think scanning our own skies and monitoring what's happening in our airspace may be another worthwhile endeavour.

I just feel that limiting oneself to one form of technology is.... well.... limited.... I just feel like SETI could do more.

posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 06:51 PM

originally posted by: neo96
Would we have the technology to detect E.T. transmissions?

IMO no.

IT would be like using a radio antenna to listen to a smoke signal from native Americans.

Just don't work.

I think the idea is that at some point in the past the E.T. civilization had radio like us and we will eventually capture something they sent very very long ago. This could be used to confirm they are out there, or were some very long time ago

I don't think they expect current advanced civilizations to also use simple radio but they idea is to confirm they exist at least?

posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 06:57 PM
a reply to: Spacespider

The intensity of light, radio or any other linear wave is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the radiating source. So it varies: how energetic is the source? How far is it from a potential receiver?

Frankly, we'd have a hard time picking up our own "radio" transmissions from as nearby as Alpha Centauri (given our current level of tech). The problem is we are used to thinking about technology on very short timescales. The universe is billions of years old. If there are any great civilizations in our own galaxy, they are far more likely to be millions (or tens of millions) of years ahead of us and more powerful. We haven't seen their light, but most people with open minds are cautiously optimistic.

posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 07:04 PM
The "others" communicate without technology. They are all around us; use some powerful shamanic juju and listen.

It's more in the realm of supernatural mysticism and dare I say it....religion.

give the old ouija board a try....
edit on 17-7-2018 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 07:07 PM
a reply to: 0zzymand0s

You're spot on with that.

I mean it's crazy to think how our own technology has come along in the past few decades alone.

So it's actually unfathomable at just how far ahead of us an advanced civilization may be.

It's certainly thought-provoking!

posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 07:23 PM
I honestly dont think we ever will, IMHO... I use to have a very different perspective on our place in the galaxy and other intelligent life. I use to believe life was everywhere and all over the universe, I use to think it was bogus to believe what I do now but after research and diving into many wormholes which to most wont even be alien related but they are I have found the truth. But this is only my opinion, I dont think we are ever meant to contact these aliens and communicate with them, ever. I dont think we are ever meant to leave our planet, ever. Our solar system and everything in it is so perfect for our existence. Most systems we find are a*ss backwards from ours with the bigger planets being on the inside rather like ours where the gas big giants are on the outside which protect us from meteorites. Our moon, our sun, everything is so perfect almost like it was designed. Anyway, I use to have a theory that angels and demons were a part of the whole alien thing. There are many connections between hauntings and aliens, and if you believe in ghosts and demons then why wouldn't you believe in a god? they do go hand in hand. I use to be agnostic forever, I do believe in an afterlife, I grew up meditating and have always believed in ghosts and demons and it blew my mind that I never believed in god, it's easier to believe in ghosts and demons because they try to make themselves known, but god is not as apparent but if he were here to hold our hand we would not evolve as fast or right. Anyways, they are there, just like before in Noah's time, there are those who defy god and interact with us and there are those who do not. People have found ways to communicate with these aliens through deep hypnosis but it always ends up being demonic, there are people who have contacted aliens through hypnosis techniques and have ended up being both haunted and abducted. It's odd how they go hand in hand but they do. Anyways, do your own research and if you come to the same conclusion as I, then ask yourself how you could believe in this but not a god.

posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 07:27 PM
I don't even have the technology to translate the data coming out of a Ford Transmission. Does E.T stand for Extra Tough?

posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 07:36 PM
a reply to: xBWOMPx

People have found ways to communicate with these aliens through deep hypnosis but it always ends up being demonic, there are people who have contacted aliens through hypnosis techniques and have ended up being both haunted and abducted

But how, do you personally know of people that happened through this?

I don't know about God i did not had a concept of it until recently, i was not raised on an environment were 'God' exists as a person or whatever so i was very much ignorant about it for most of my life and now i know but i just can't 'get it'

But that's a completely separate thing, i'm wondering about what you say about people contacting aliens through hypnosis and they being demons, how did they get to demons from aliens, how does one person know they are talking to a demon?

posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 07:51 PM
a reply to: WarriorMH

I first watched a movie called "The fourth kind" released in 2009 which is based on a true story, real interviews and video footage of the phenomenon. But now mainstream is declaring it to be fake but I think it's because it's too close to the truth and there is so much dis information out there about the topic that they (TPTB) would dont want the truth out, it would destroy their goal turning people from faith among many other things, that rabbit hole is very deep. I never grew up in a religious family either, I was not religious until 2017. But one day they will show up, in there metal saucers, I dont think it will be in our life time, they will offer cures and technologies that we find exotic but is nothing to them, they will perform miracles and convince people they are our creators and there is no god but them and they seed the universe with life and blah blah blah but it is actually those demons god releases on us and this will be the last time humanity will be able to repent. It does say the devil will come in the end and convince most people there is no god but him. It says in the bible that the fallen angels will show in so many numbers they will block out the sun light of earth like locusts, when that day comes is when god unleashes them on humanity and the world. But like I said I dont think we will see this in our life time but I do believe we are close! But watch the movie the 4th kind and start researching that aspect, it gets pretty wild, a lot of stuff involving the connections with aliens and hauntings or aliens and angels have been censored by google and youtube. Not all, but a lot of it, that's another tell tale sign they dont want us to know about it when they are trying to censor it.
edit on 17-7-2018 by xBWOMPx because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 08:03 PM
Aliens that can communicate with each other over vast distances can control their environment be it on different planets or on a much larger scale with heavenly bodies such as stars and have no problem harnessing and converting their energy for communications propulsion weapons healing construction etc...

However these same entities can communicate with others with similar intelligence and spiritual enlightenment...And they do so much faster over vast distances mind to mind in real

But these are not the ways they most often communicate with lesser intelligence this process is done with visitation observation the communications are slow with the emphasis on teaching or elevating those they choose to share with... This is necessary because they are that far advanced that so much has to be understood in steps before we could be capable of achieving the things they wish for us... But also and more importantly to observe what is done with the knowledge we have acquired... And this is where we are failing with this process we abuse the gifts well atleast those who have kept so much hidden for all the wrong reasons like warfare but even more so because of greed...

You think George just dreamed up the idea of the force?
I kid you not... Some of the big names in movies have been gifted an abundance of knowledge which is the truth that is kept so well hidden... And they have used it to capture the imaginations of the masses... This is one way that communication is passed on to the masses by them because it's what they wanted it's part of their deal...

While its seemingly non existent communication and disclosure for that matter is on going albeit a slow process...


posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 08:10 PM

originally posted by: xBWOMPx
a reply to: WarriorMH

I first watched a movie called "The fourth kind" released in 2009 which is based on a true story, real interviews and video footage of the phenomenon. But now mainstream is declaring it to be fake but I think it's because it's too close to the truth and there is so much dis information out there about the topic that they (TPTB) would dont want the truth out, it would destroy their goal turning people from faith among many other things, that rabbit hole is very deep. I never grew up in a religious family either, I was not religious until 2017. But one day they will show up, in there metal saucers, I dont think it will be in our life time, they will offer cures and technologies that we find exotic but is nothing to them, they will perform miracles and convince people they are our creators and there is no god but them and they seed the universe with life and blah blah blah but it is actually those demons god releases on us and this will be the last time humanity will be able to repent. It does say the devil will come in the end and convince most people there is no god but him. It says in the bible that the fallen angels will show in so many numbers they will block out the sun light of earth like locusts, when that day comes is when god unleashes them on humanity and the world. But like I said I dont think we will see this in our life time but I do believe we are close! But watch the movie the 4th kind and start researching that aspect, it gets pretty wild, a lot of stuff involving the connections with aliens and hauntings or aliens and angels have been censored by google and youtube. Not all, but a lot of it, that's another tell tale sign they dont want us to know about it when they are trying to censor it.

After reading all of your posts and the whole demons thing, personally I don't buy that.

I think when we start getting into the spirituality and faith-based stuff it's dangerous and you start going down the road of conspiracy.

I mean don't get me wrong anything is possible and I'm not going to label you crazy or a nut job because ultimately nobody knows the truth.

I believe in God but by reading your posts I can tell that my belief in God will be majorly different to your version of God.

I don't believe in demons I don't think ETs are demons either.

I do believe there's evidence to suggest that consciousness and spirituality to a degree does link into all of this stuff but I'm really cautious at how far to delve into that because it's a slippery slope, going from intelligent, level-headed thinking and reasoning to just total nut job crazy stuff.

I have done the research, I have looked and read about but I'm sorry to me labelling ETs as demonic based on personal religious beliefs and convictions is dangerous and ignorant.

Like I said, I believe in God but belief in God does not have to turn into aliens being demonic and fallen angels and all that 'trash' (for the lack of a better word).

I also think it's dangerous to say that your own research and findings which have led to your spiritual beliefs are the ultimate truth. As I said before, even I don't declare to be correct in my reasoning because after all anything is possible but for someone to be so firm in saying they hold the ultimate truth.... well I believe that says a lot about that person and their credibility in honesty...

This is why I don't preach and try and keep religious and spiritual beliefs out of the discussion.

There seems to be a lot of people on ATS that can't do this and turn every discussion into a debate about religion and faith and whether or not ETs are demonic in nature.

Keep your personal religious beliefs to yourself because nobody holds the ultimate truth and each person has to draw their own conclusions about the mysteries of this universe.

posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 08:17 PM
originally posted by: 5StarOracle

Aliens that can communicate with each other over vast distances can control their environment be it on different planets or on a much larger scale with heavenly bodies such as stars and have no problem harnessing and converting their energy for communications propulsion weapons healing construction etc...

However these same entities can communicate with others with similar intelligence and spiritual enlightenment...And they do so much faster over vast distances mind to mind in real

But these are not the ways they most often communicate with lesser intelligence this process is done with visitation observation the communications are slow with the emphasis on teaching or elevating those they choose to share with... This is necessary because they are that far advanced that so much has to be understood in steps before we could be capable of achieving the things they wish for us... But also and more importantly to observe what is done with the knowledge we have acquired... And this is where we are failing with this process we abuse the gifts well atleast those who have kept so much hidden for all the wrong reasons like warfare but even more so because of greed...

How do you know this? Who told you or where did you find it and how do you know is the real truth?

You think George just dreamed up the idea of the force?
I kid you not... Some of the big names in movies have been gifted an abundance of knowledge which is the truth that is kept so well hidden... And they have used it to capture the imaginations of the masses... This is one way that communication is passed on to the masses by them because it's what they wanted it's part of their deal...

I guess you mean Star Wars? I heard that he got the idea from a native american guy somewhere, i don't remember well but he picked the idea from that guy and took it from there, also lots of stuff from Japanese history

I would never say i believe in something that just came out of nowhere, you should probably say where you learned this before saying it is the absolute truth because nothing is absolute, Yoda said that or something

edit on 17-7-2018 by WarriorMH because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: R1CK3O

Explain the dangers..
I did say my opinion, im not asking anybody to believe what i believe and if my belief offended, im not sorry, get over it. This whole alien thing and trying to find the truth on ATS is mostly all about conspiracies so i guess we are all just nut jobs then.
edit on 17-7-2018 by xBWOMPx because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 08:21 PM

originally posted by: xBWOMPx
a reply to: WarriorMH

I first watched a movie called "The fourth kind" released in 2009 which is based on a true story, real interviews and video footage of the phenomenon. But now mainstream is declaring it to be fake but I think it's because it's too close to the truth and there is so much dis information out there about the topic that they (TPTB) would dont want the truth out, it would destroy their goal turning people from faith among many other things, that rabbit hole is very deep. I never grew up in a religious family either, I was not religious until 2017. But one day they will show up, in there metal saucers, I dont think it will be in our life time, they will offer cures and technologies that we find exotic but is nothing to them, they will perform miracles and convince people they are our creators and there is no god but them and they seed the universe with life and blah blah blah but it is actually those demons god releases on us and this will be the last time humanity will be able to repent. It does say the devil will come in the end and convince most people there is no god but him. It says in the bible that the fallen angels will show in so many numbers they will block out the sun light of earth like locusts, when that day comes is when god unleashes them on humanity and the world. But like I said I dont think we will see this in our life time but I do believe we are close! But watch the movie the 4th kind and start researching that aspect, it gets pretty wild, a lot of stuff involving the connections with aliens and hauntings or aliens and angels have been censored by google and youtube. Not all, but a lot of it, that's another tell tale sign they dont want us to know about it when they are trying to censor it.

I'm sorry i don't know about this. It looks like religion and i don't like to read too much about it, it does not make sense to me but asking or getting into a discussion about this is not something i would like, i already went through that here and it is just not a good feeling at all

But at least i will ask one thing. If it is God who release the Demons unto you, and then expect you to "repent" from something he actually caused on you, how come he is the good one?

If i go kick a dog and make him afraid of me and terrible traumatized and then suddenly return and treat him with lots of love he will love me for sure, maybe. But what kind of person i am for doing that?

posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 08:25 PM
a reply to: R1CK3O

Believe this: We don't need to. Done deal.Contact is a farce to let the people keep believing something's coming.

It's not.They are already here, have always been, and come and go constantly. Think about that for a minute.

Odds are way high we've been in touch for 100's of 1,000's of years now. It's logical to the obvious....

posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: WarriorMH

Star wars is all about symbolism and occults which is also related to what i talked about. When you research this in the media and entertainment industry you can connect the dots. Youll learn Luciferien and symbolism in every movie and music video. Research that one too, that one gets pretty wild. Heres an example, youll see a lot of celebrities making the triangle symbol over one eye. Anyway, we are all trying to find the truth and any idea and religion connected should be discussed, leaving things out is not being open minded.

posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 08:33 PM
a reply to: WarriorMH

He left us alone with a choice, when we alone get to a point where we are killing eachother and destroying everything around us like we are today, then maybe we dont deserve the gift we were given. God is not about political correctness, we are still evolving and not meant to understand everything.

posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 08:47 PM

originally posted by: xBWOMPx
a reply to: WarriorMH

He left us alone with a choice, when we alone get to a point where we are killing eachother and destroying everything around us like we are today, then maybe we dont deserve the gift we were given. God is not about political correctness, we are still evolving and not meant to understand everything.

To me that does not make any sense, the human race has been killing each other since forever, even worse than now, your bible tells it so, it is a good history book if you read it and understand how they used to live

There has not been a single age on human history when things were not destroyed, what kind of nasty humans being 'God' created on his image then?

That book it is not a manual to how to live beyond a few things, some people don't get it

Let's not talk about that please, it is not nice and it always ends up in hate one way or another, please don't

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