posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 09:05 AM
Sup Y'all, I've been reading this site for years and thought it was about time to step above lurker.
Something about me??? I once sent a letter to a high distribution paper in Australia about Khalid Sheikh Mohommad(sp?). For those who don't remember
him he was killed in a shootout exactly 1 year after 911 in Afghanistan. He then reappeared another year later alive and well with masterminding 911
added to his portfolio. I provided proof with links from varied respectable news sources.
Anyway, about 5 days later I received a call from the paper in question asking whether I read the paper daily. I responded by saying I only get the
weekend one for the TV guide and then hung up. Nothing more came from it but It seemed extremely suspicious since I gave them false personal info.
(the joys of paranoia
Oh well, to the point. I hope I can contribute to the forum and failing that at least keep the numbers up.