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Trump-Putin summit: 'US foolishness caused Russia tensions'

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posted on Jul, 16 2018 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: bsalert

After watching Trump not holding Putin accountable for interfering in our elections at the Press Conference, is nothing less than treasonous by our President. He completely ignored the question about Russia interfering in our elections. Instead he side stepped the question by bringing up Hillary's email scandal. It's a typical response by this president to deflect questions he doesn't want to answer.

It's also treasonous that democratic and republican representatives alike allow this president to continue to let our country lose its credibility in the world and allow him to attack a constitutional right of a free press and the basic values of our country!

Both political parties should be coming together to protect our country and our democracy from this incompetent, pathological liar, immoral, thin skinned, and treasonous president. Both congress and this president are not holding up their oath of office.

How much harm does this president have to do to our country before our representatives take action and impeach this moron? How many excuses need to made for him by his base? There comes a time where you can no longer ignore the 800 lb. gorilla in the room. It's about time our representatives stop catering to their political self-interests and do what's right for this country and the American people who they all represent!

posted on Jul, 16 2018 @ 03:12 PM

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and, as always:

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edit on Mon Jul 16 2018 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 06:46 AM
a reply to: WeRpeons

After watching Trump not holding Putin accountable for interfering in our elections at the Press Conference, is nothing less than treasonous by our President.

To hold someone accountable is to have power over them? Is that false? So please explain how Trump is to hold Putin accountable? Are there sanctions in place? Do you want military pressure applied. Please explain in detail how Trump was to hold Putin accountable in a confrontation that would be beneficial, ease tensions, and improve the situation? Or do you want to escalate military buildup and action? Start a cyber war?

posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 07:17 AM

originally posted by: Gothmog
"The invasion and annexation of Crimea in 2014"
Notice anything about the year?

This post has to do with tensions between the USA and Russia. Why are you trying to defend Trump in a post about what caused tensions between the two countries. The fact that it happened in 2014 is irrelevant.

"The rigging of his election as president - by the majestic 12 Russian agents "
And you know this for a fact ?
You get your "facts" from your neighbor , dont you ?

The jury is still out on this one ... we will all see eventually.

"The Russian chemical attacks in London on former Russian spies"
Hint , London is not in the US.

Last time I checked, the UK is a hardened ally of the US. State-sponsored assassination by Russia is a wedge between our two countries.

"Ignores Putins support for President Bashar al-Assad in Syria "
That duo was together LONG before Trump was President

Dont bother with some form of reply
There is nothing you could reply with.

edit on 17-7-2018 by DoubleDNH because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: Isurrender73

If the US was trying to make Ukraine part of NATO, why did they reject their application in 2008 along with Georgia? The people of Ukraine chose to seek closer ties with the EU and NATO. That's why there was such backlash when Yanukovych betrayed the will of the people and took Russia's money.

By invading Ukraine and fomenting a civil war there simply because Ukraine was seeking closer ties to the West, Russia was stripping Ukraine of their sovereignty. That's why relations between the US and Russia started to become strained.

posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: neutronflux

SANCTIONS! Is that good enough for you? Really, you back a president that continues to deny that Russia interfered with our elections? Oh yeah, be a mouth piece for Trump and call it a witch hunt even now after there has been 12 Russian indictments. I can download pages of video recordings of this idiot lying, contradicting himself, his incompetency, ignorance, his immoral behavior, bullying, name calling, his thin skinned immature reactions to criticism, and his continued attack on the free press when it's protected by our constitution! Than again, all those recordings are just "Fake News." huh? Maybe you would prefer to have a state controlled press? Sure sounds like Trump is impressed with Russia's state controlled press. How many more excuses are you going to give this moron? What reality do you live in???

I'm astonished how many people like you can continue to defend this ignorant wannabe dictator! This is the United States not some 3rd world country that's ruled by a dictator. Ignoring his own country's intelligence and defending a country that has interfered in our elections is nothing short of treasonous! He's defending an enemy of the U.S. and by all accounts this is treason! He continues to attack our allies, yet compliments a thug like Putin and Kim Jong Un of North Korea??? My father and many other soldiers who fought for this country defended it to protect our constitution, freedoms, our country's moral values, and from enemies who want to harm us and our democracy.

I'm an Independent, and don't hail to either self-serving party. You have to be ignorant not to see how republicans are afraid to criticize the wrongs of this president solely because they don't want to lose their self-serving political positions. I can guarantee the only reason democrats are not pushing for impeachment is because they want Trump to cook his own goose. All the better for democrats come November? Both party representatives are ignoring their oath of office by allowing this run-away train to damage the credibility of this country and it's respect on the world stage. This fool should have been impeached months ago!

It's one thing to vote someone who is competent and intelligent into the political arena to shake-up the status quo. It's another thing altogether and down right negligent to continue to support someone who is blatantly incompetent, lacks any sense of credibility, ignores his advisers, attack his own intelligence agency (for personal reasons which I'm sure will become apparent once Mueller finishes his investigation), unprecedentedly has fired more of his own hired advisers than any president in the history of the United States. That alone, would have anyone who has any logical sense see that as a major red flag.

If this was a liberal president, you can bet your last dollar you and the rest of Trump's supporters would be calling for impeachment. To say you wouldn't is just chest high BS.

"United we Stand, divided we Fall" describes the current atmosphere Trump has created. I see it playing out everyday in this political forum. The excuses given for Trump supporters is like putting lipstick on a pig. If Trump is so good for America, why do we have all this division and hatred? He claimed to be for working Americans yet still caters to corporate America. Americans who are affiliated with either party are bias and defend the label of their party instead of standing back and criticizing the wrongs of our elected officials minus the party label. No party ideology or political representative is perfect.

So instead of asking questions to divert attention from the basic issue, lets start addressing the wrong. Trump ignoring Russia's interference in our elections is just plain wrong. If you believe otherwise, than you're just following the pied piper and not being honest with the issue. Or you really don't care about our democracy or the loss of our basic American values and freedoms here at home.

posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: WeRpeons

Bravo, well said

Sanction Russia, they may have a large land mass but they are piss poor in terms of GDP compared to America and other European countries

They won’t start a war, they will huff and puff but they need to be hit hard in the purse strings

Putins a killer, to his political rivals and even journalists. he should not be respected or even admired

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 03:36 AM
a reply to: WeRpeons

Nice rant with no facts.

You mean the same games we play in Russia’s elections? So do we interfere in elections? Should we have sanctions on the USA?

And is it false there are more sanctions against Russia under Trump. And under Trump we reverted Onama’s arms embargoes against countries that need protection against Russia?

At least Trump had the tenacity to call out Nato and Germany.

Or would you rather go back to individuals that would have more room to maneuver with Russia, and sold US uranium rights to Russia? A deal that funneled more money to Russia, and gave Russia more control of the world’s Uranium supply? Are you outraged by those actions? What has Trump done to Strengthen Russia like previous administrations and Germany?

Ever think people are tired of the hypocrisy of supposed “independents”?

edit on 18-7-2018 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

edit on 18-7-2018 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed more

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 04:00 AM

originally posted by: Isurrender73
If I punch you in the face and you punch back why would anyone be shocked? By your logic you have no right to punch back and if you do you are the bad guy.

Xcal already pointed out the error in your putting the blame on America. But even if we ignore that, what's the purpose of punching someone in the face? Answer: to stop them from punching you. So if we're already punching people in the face, I think calling them the bad guy is not such a big deal.

originally posted by: Isurrender73
Trump was right the US started the fight and it has landed on Trump's shoulders to try to find a way to end it. Unless you want the war his predecessors were pushing us towards.

Russia is not that strong that you have to be so afraid of them. We should treat them fairly, but it's naive to say that he can only choose between appeasement and war. Russia doesn't want war any more than we do.

Oh, and let's get this straight, shall we:

US allowing Ukraine to seek membership in Nato, which they have no right to deny anyway = evil imperialism

Russia invading the Ukraine after their puppet president gets thrown out by the people = self defense

edit on 18-7-2018 by Cutepants because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 04:07 AM
a reply to: Xcalibur254

remember when romney said russia was our number one enemy and obama laughed? obama was trying to be cool with putin but putin took his kindness for weakness, how will putin take trumps kindness?

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 05:44 AM
a reply to: conspiracy nut

How is playing nice at a press conference weakness. Like to cite how Trump’s policy has weakened from the last administration against Russia? Maybe Trump should sale more of the USA’s uranium rights to Russia?

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: neutronflux

Nice rant with no facts.

Since when do Trump supporters look at facts? lol. I guess the numerous video contradictions, lying twitter posts are not facts? Don't make me laugh. Everyday I see Trump supporters like you trying to twist concrete facts when the video of Trump lying and contradicting himself are presented almost on a daily basis. Nothing like ignoring the 800lb gorilla in the room!

You mean the same games we play in Russia’s elections? So do we interfere in elections? Should we have sanctions on the USA?

Where are your facts regarding this?? I guess ignoring the 12 Russian detailed indictments isn't proof enough for you. I don't hear Putin complaining of America trying to influence Russia's elections. The Russian people protesting against Putin shows how much disdain they have for their leader. Protests here in the U.S. and Europe show how much disdain Americans and our allies have for Trump.

I don't doubt the U.S. doesn't exactly have clean hands when it comes to influencing democracy, but two wrongs don't make a right. America's illegal covert activities should also be exposed on the world stage.

Putin is a thug, and has engaged in numerous crimes even against his own people. Trump is impressed by Thugs and dictators. His compliments of Kim and Putin clearly prove this. He himself was a bully growing up and I really believe he can relate to these dictators. Trump boldly said he liked war on the campaign trail! Yep, that's the kind of leader and character I want in control of the worlds largest nuclear arsenal. The world is controlled by too many narcissistic and evil people. The citizens of the world are to blame for allowing leaders like these to gain power. We give them the power to create conflicts and war across this planet. The majority "the people" stand-by while a minority decides the world's fate.

Putin's Crimes

And is it false there are more sanctions against Russia under Trump. And under Trump we reverted Onama’s arms embargoes against countries that need protection against Russia?

Trump's hand was forced by republican lawmakers to apply sanctions against Russia, lol. Lets leave out facts since facts are important to you?

At least Trump had the tenacity to call out Nato and Germany.

At least Trump had the tenacity to call out Nato and Germany.

Or would you rather go back to individuals that would have more room to maneuver with Russia, and sold US uranium rights to Russia? A deal that funneled more money to Russia, and gave Russia more control of the world’s Uranium supply? Are you outraged by those actions? What has Trump done to Strengthen Russia like previous administrations and Germany?

I will give him credit where credit is due. I've always said in numerous posts that I can agree with some of Trump's view on some issues, but in no way will I support anyone who will stand by and compliment dictators who have expressed harm to our country or engaged in aggressive behavior against our military. Trump is a run-away train and his over the top narcissistic behavior is simply dangerous to this country and the world.

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: WeRpeons

Then please cite how Trump is softer on Putin policy wise than the last administration? And cite how Trump is enriching and empowering Russian like the last administration as the uranium one deal as an example. Or the Germans becoming energy dependent on Russia?

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: WeRpeons

So you have always trusted our government and intelligence community? Maybe leadership of the intelligence community shouldn’t have pushed a bought dossier of lies? Russia was trusty enough to cite dirt on candidate Trump? When are we to take Russia as credible and not credible?

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 11:44 AM

originally posted by: neutronflux
a reply to: WeRpeons

Then please cite how Trump is softer on Putin policy wise than the last administration? And cite how Trump is enriching and empowering Russian like the last administration as the uranium one deal as an example. Or the Germans becoming energy dependent on Russia?

Trump is demonstrably tougher on Russia than any President for decades - maybe more so than Reagan even.

He has

1) moved offensive weapons into Ukraine, and defensive weapons are being placed in Poland and Czech.
2) forced NATO to increase defence spending - to combat Russia
3) called out Germany for buying gas from Russia
4) imposed the toughest sanctions in decades on Russia
5) attacked Syria against Russian wishes
6) pulled out of the Iran deal against Russian wishes
7) pulled the US out of the Paris accord against Russian wishes

If Trump is Putin's puppet then Putin is anti-Russia.

If you want to know about real sympathies with Russia a brief run through of Democrat presidents of the past will show you what it looks like.

I wonder what the reaction would have been if Trump did this...(which happened during the cold war no less) - to be fair, though, I wouldn't expect rabid uneducated anti-Trumpers, drunk on media hysteria, to know much about history.

edit on 18/7/2018 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: WeRpeons

You didn’t answer the question, has the USA interfered or influence other countries elections?

We play the same games.

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: UKTruth

Remember, WeRpeons is an independent. The person said so.....

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 12:01 PM

originally posted by: neutronflux
a reply to: UKTruth

Remember, WeRpeons is an independent. The person said so.....

Yeah, right.

The US is the world's biggest culprit for interfering in other countries elections, by the way

The U.S. has a long history of attempting to influence presidential elections in other countries – it's done so as many as 81 times between 1946 and 2000, according to a database amassed by political scientist Dov Levin of Carnegie Mellon University.

That number doesn't include military coups and regime change efforts following the election of candidates the U.S. didn't like, notably those in Iran, Guatemala and Chile. Nor does it include general assistance with the electoral process, such as election monitoring.

US has a long history of interfering in other countries elections

That anyone would be either surprised or upset over the Russians or anyone else doing it to the US is a joke.
There has been no country in history more corrupt or more Machiavellian than the USA.
edit on 18/7/2018 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2018 @ 04:50 AM
a reply to: neutronflux

Then please cite how Trump is softer on Putin policy wise than the last administration? And cite how Trump is enriching and empowering Russian like the last administration as the uranium one deal as an example. Or the Germans becoming energy dependent on Russia?

This is the problem I have with Trump supporters. The main issue of my post was this president continues to ignore the fact that a foreign country interfered in our elections. This was an attack on our democracy and clearly goes against an oath every U.S. president takes...

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

Being tough on Russia doesn't justify turning a blind eye to a foreign country meddling in our elections! Supporters regurgitate every sound piece Trump uses to justify his cozy relationship with Putin. Some of his tough stances on Russia were made due to his own party putting pressure on him to do so! If he's so tough on Russia and wants to hold them accountable, where was his toughness when he was standing next to Putin during the press conference? He was asked point blank if he believed Russia meddled in U.S. elections and he completely ignored the question and went off on his same campaign attacks on Hillary Clinton's email scandal. So I guess in his mind, her scandal justifies ignoring an attack by Russia on our elections.

Excuse me, but that sure doesn't sound like he holds Russia responsible. He explicitly said Russia wasn't involved and then tries to change his tune once he's back in the U.S.! C'mon, if any other president did this Trump supporters would be up in arms1 Conservatives and Trump himself always brag about being more patriotic, yet they're actually turning their backs on our country. Instead of taking responsibility for his own actions as president, he continues to lay blame on Obama, democrats and past presidents. Blaming someone and denying he did anything wrong is like a child being caught reaching into the cookie jar.

You and many other Trump supporters should ask this simple question. "Is a sitting U.S. president defending our country and our democracy when he continues to deny evidence to the contrary that a foreign country meddled in our elections and continues to do so?" If the answer is "no" than he's guilty of not upholding his oath of office. In addition, he's guilty of the crime of betraying one's country which by definition is treasonous. No matter what good you feel Trump has done for this country, his betrayal of our country and values nullifies his right to stay in office.

posted on Jul, 19 2018 @ 05:03 AM
a reply to: WeRpeons

It's because of the non stop attacks against him from the Democrats and their propaganda machines in the MSM. If the left stopped linking the Russian interference with Trump collusion then this would not be a problem. This problem is a direct result of the fake news media and Democrats who don't care about anything other than hurting Trump.

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