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Soldier Stunned by School Kids' Rants

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posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by jprophet420
what if your kid had the same opinion?
would you censor him/her and not send the letter?

I teach my child the truth. Americans DO NOT target mosques
just because they are mosques. If a mosque comes down it's
because it was full of terrorists who decided to use it as a staging
area. I do not teach my child that Americans target civilians. This
is a lie.

Children only have an opinion because of what has been spoon
fed to them. Obviously these children have been spoon fed lies.

If my child wrote a letter that accused American soldiers of these
things I definately WOULD NOT send it. It would be LIES.

but bush lying about WMD /terror camps is ok to get the war started?

oh, you obviously dont teach your kid reading comprehension...

One Muslim boy wrote: "Even thoe [sic] you are risking your life for our country, have you seen how many civilians you or some other soldier killed?"
His letter, which was stamped with a smiley face, went on: "I know your [sic] trying to save our country and kill the terrorists but you are also destroying holy places like Mosques."

there is no accusation of criminal intent, only death and destruction.

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 09:16 AM
oh and i see quite a few posters that didnt read the article either, you really should be ashamed of yourselves.

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 09:16 AM
Here ye here ye, FlyerFan! You hit the nail on the head.

JPROFIT your post was the most original post I've ever seen. You come up with that all by yourself? Wow you're so smart. GROW UP

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by Kidfinger
The teachers did NOT tell them what to write.

You don't know that. The 'support' letters said (paraphrase)
thank you but stop destroying mosques and killing innocent people.
and so on and so on ....

The lies pushed on these children came from teachers or parents,
or both. But they are lies and the teacher had no business mailing
letters that contained them out to the troops. The comment by
the teacher (paraphrase) 'oh gee, were there negative comments?
I didn't notice before mailing' was dumb. DUMB. and totally

There is no excuse for mailing letters to soldiers, from kids, that
contain lies that are a slap in the face to those soldiers.

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 09:20 AM
if by grow up you mean quit thinking for myself and questioning authority, jumping on the bandwagon and giving up making sarcastic comments...
no, dont think i will.
i fell my posts are pretty well informed, if you want to debunk me go ahead, if you want to insult me dont waste your time.

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by mwm1331
Don't blame the schools blame the parents. Leftist, woolyminded, self loathing, liberal parents have leftist, wollyminded, self loathing, liberal kids.

This is the most moronic, idiotic statements I have heard on this board to date... Hate is winning on ATS I am afraid to say, and I have one teensey question. Why does the Right hate the Left so much? NY Was the city that lost 3000 civilians remember? Not Texas... If anything I believe that the people who suffered the most should choose how to go about fighting civilizations enemy. You people make me sick.

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 09:26 AM
I didn't mean to insult you. You just come off sounding like someone who has NO idea what reality is. By "grow up" all I ment was since you're about 18-25 years old, you barely qualify as someone with enough life experience to form logical and intelligent opinions. Maybe in several years. Until then...

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 09:27 AM
And people who feel that US soldiers are (as liberals used to say) baby killers make me sick. The is very little difference between the current anti-war people and those from the sixties, both groups hate america and themselves. From trying to sell the line that the victims in the 9/11 attacks weren't innocent and the terrorists were heroes, to saying that US soldiers intentionally target civillains, it is a symptom of the self loathing the left feels for America.
I dont hate the left I pity them.

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 09:28 AM
You all bring up good points, but letters to our soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines are supposed to and should be encouraging. It's hard enough being away from family, friends and T.V. (haha).
Even little S@#$ Head students are entitled to their own opinion,
that does not mean they should advertise it and send letters.
Pont being- If is all you have to say is negative stuff to our troops, then keep your opinion to yourself, they need support. You don't have to agree
with the war or the US being over the saying goes
support our troops it does'nt say support our war.....

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by jprophet420

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by jprophet420
what if your kid had the same opinion?
would you censor him/her and not send the letter?

I teach my child the truth. Americans DO NOT target mosques
just because they are mosques. If a mosque comes down it's
because it was full of terrorists who decided to use it as a staging
area. I do not teach my child that Americans target civilians. This
is a lie.

but bush lying about WMD /terror camps is ok to get the war started?

OFF TOPIC. However, to APPEASE you - no that's NOT what I have
taught my child. Iraq is free. They were under Saddam being mass
murdered by the hundreds of thousands and mass raped. The
people were having billions of dollars stolen from them by Saddam
and the corrupt United Nations Oil for Food bunch - the thefts
went right to the top - Koffi Annan's son if not Koffi himself (time
will tell). America is safer because Democracy is in Iraq. That's
a fact. That's what we teach in home school because it's the truth.
Iraqis are free. They are happy with freedom. They hate the
insurgent terrorists. Freedom means education which means less
terrorists being grown. You won't like it ... but that's the truth.

Now - back to the topic - Letters from school children containing
lies about American soldiers, being sent to American soldiers by
a teacher who just says (paraphrase) 'oooops, guess I didn't
check them'.
Lies told to school children by the teachers or
by the parents ... but lies just the same which had no business
going to soldiers.

Example -
If any of you worked in the Aerospace industry making the
Space Station, and you got a bunch of letters from school children
which contained lies like ... 'the space station kills people' or
'the space station is used for military bombs so please stop'
... YOU would be unhappy with the education the kids were getting
as well.


posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 09:31 AM
wtf, soldiers are always happy to receive nice letters, and this teacher SOB is making kids send political rants. This is sad when that soldier had to experience that from some kids.

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by dev_add
If is all you have to say is negative stuff to our troops,
then keep your opinion to yourself, they need support.

Excellent. It wouldn't have been difficult for the teacher to screen
the kiddies letters... if the teacher had really wanted to. Obviously
the teacher didn't want to. It's common sense really. That's all
that was required here. Of course, if the kids were just parrotting
what they heard being taught by their teacher ... then it was
probably a delight for the teacher to send the letters.

[edit on 2/21/2005 by FlyersFan]

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 09:40 AM
great news...

this is like vietnam...

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by Kieser Sosay
I didn't mean to insult you. You just come off sounding like someone who has NO idea what reality is. By "grow up" all I ment was since you're about 18-25 years old, you barely qualify as someone with enough life experience to form logical and intelligent opinions. Maybe in several years. Until then...

What does this mean? 18-25 year old men (ladies too) do not have enough life experience to form logical and intelligent opinions???
BS BS BS BS, Im a 22 year old man that has probably been to more
countries than years you've been alive, seen poverty in places you've
never even heard of. Im do not consider myself better than anyone here
but I've been around, at least compared to most people my age.

oh yeah!! Is there a starting age to where your opinions are
logical and intelligent opinions,,,what is it 30, 40 80 yr
old man/women can say the samething about a 60 yr man. we are all
less experienced in life compared to some people.

[edit on 21-2-2005 by dev_add]

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 09:43 AM
yes you start forming intelligent opinions at 32.3 years. and you spell like a 7 year old. Hurray for Europe. Buy some Right Gaurd.

[edit on 21-2-2005 by Kieser Sosay]

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by dev_add
Is there a starting age to where your opinions are
logical and intelligent opinions,,,what is it 30, 40 42

YES!! What ever age you reach when your opinions are
exactly like mine. JUST KIDDING!
Had to lighten
this up some.

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by Kieser Sosay
yes you start forming intelligent opinions at 32.3 years.

I dunno' about that. There are some 50/60 year olds in
politics who haven't started forming intelligent opinions yet.
*john kerry* Perhaps their self worship just gets in the way
of them being able to form an intelligent opinion.

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 09:50 AM

We need these kids taken away, their parents locked up and everybody sent to re-education camps...and quick before they infect the rest of the herd!

Wow, great commentary there. Re-education camps?

I have a question: If a man can be so gung-ho that he signs up to fight a war (we do not have a draft yet), then shouldn't he be convinced of his mission? What is this soldier after? Does he want to change free speech in America? Why did he go all wet just because a few kids sent him letters with their opinions inside and more than half of the letters were of 100% positive nature? He seems to be arguing for (A) American singleness of mind or (B) a shield for soldiers so that they never hear critical information from the children of their nation. Which is it?

Why didn't he WRITE THEM BACK and say, "Well Billy, these guys actually hide inside mosques and so I can't get to them. We Americans have tried hard to avoid destroying mosques but the enemy hides inside along with their weapons." Why is this some national crisis to him?

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 09:51 AM
Now thats an intelligent statement!!!
Very true...haha

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

I teach my child the truth. Americans DO NOT target mosques
just because they are mosques. If a mosque comes down it's
because it was full of terrorists who decided to use it as a staging
area. I do not teach my child that Americans target civilians. This
is a lie.

You are right. But nobody ever said we were targeting Mosque. You are reading what you want and not what is.

Children only have an opinion because of what has been spoon
fed to them. Obviously these children have been spoon fed lies.

Thats wrong and I will address this in a minute.

If my child wrote a letter that accused American soldiers of these
things I definately WOULD NOT send it. It would be LIES.

Then you would be doing your child a great disservice by raping thier constitutional rights.

Originally posted by Kieser Sosay
When a conservative homeschools? Whats wrong with you. Children don't form their own ideas Einstien.

Yes they do Bhor. I have a 6 year old daughter that I homeschool and she forms her own opinions quite well thank you. You see, my wife is a conservative and I am a Liberal. My daughter is given the information of BOTH sides and she is allowed to form her own opinions on matters.

Sounds like these kids(apparently from the inner city) need some real direction. Military school comes to mind.

OMG. a conservative stereotyping, who woulda thought?

Originally posted by mwm1331
Well kidfinger thats because we conservatives know that the more childlike the mind the more likely they are to be liberal. As a result we teach them the right way untill they are experienced enough to make up ther own minds, by which time they are smart enough to choose to be conservative.

Is that all you NeoCons can do is sling put downs? Shows who is really more childlike now doesnt it?

Originally posted byVoice_of Doom
What poor usage of the first amendment. Don't these kids know that the soldiers are dying over their to protect their constitutional rights?

You're joking right? How in the hell is fighting for the democratic rights of Iraqis even remotly related to defending the rights of Americans?

Oh, and FF, how is it a lie that Iraqi Civillians have been killed by our forces? Our own government has even admitted as such. Thier excuse is this is war and war is ugly

Not much of a lie thier, unless you dissagree with what your fearless leader is saying.

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