posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 02:59 PM
I sometimes wonder whether we have a right to clean air.
In SA they're on the verge of banning tobacco smoking in or close to all enclosed public spaces on the pretext of smell.
Yeah, I'm sure the cops have nothing better to do in our crime capitals but to protect the nasal vulnerabilities of militant ex-smokers.
We have some smog on wind-still days (due to traffic, but also paraffin ovens in winter), and South Africans love making wood-fired barbecues (to that
the laws here are uncertain, but I saw in a magazine, if you live in a flat in Germany, you better mind where your "grill" smoke goes - your neighbors
can legally complain).
Now I have allergies, and react to deodorants, perfumes and cut grass (the lawn variety).
I've been in the locker-room, and three dudes just sprayed, and it literally becomes a mist.
I was thinking, flip guys, can't you get roll-on?
I must use my asthma pump, especially after the treadmill, already out of breath and then you walk into an Old Spice haze.
Where is my protection from their aerosol allergens and chemicals?
If we want "clean" air, all pollutants must go, not just moralized tokens, or as I would coin them - "sin smells".
I'd say burn some nice incense, and the funny thing was just when I became devout (didn't last long) and burnt Hare Krishna incense every morning at 4
am they thought it was ganja!