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The Hunt for Earth’s Deep Hidden Oceans THINK REALLY DEEP

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posted on Jul, 16 2018 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: IlluminatiTechnician
a reply to: 727Sky

I'm just going to come right out and say it. Aliens have bases there. It's the best place ever to hide. There are things coming from beneath the sea and have been observed by some pretty credible people.

I get what you're saying and yes, but...

Not actual drops of water, or even molecules of H20, but its ingredients, atoms of hydrogen and oxygen embedded in the crystal structure of the mineral itself. This hydrous mineral isn’t wet. But when it melts, out spills water.

...then again, they can move through solid objects easily so why not create a base in solid earth with no entrance unless you have that technology.

You could bring people down there and leave them and they'd have no way out.

posted on Jul, 16 2018 @ 12:10 PM
I remember once watching a documentary on this very thing, although, the overall theme wasn't based on this subject. The explorers were recording deep water creatures when they cam upon an odd substance layered across the ocean bottom. When they sent their water drones to investigate further they noticed there were fish swimming underneath this substance and when they proceeded to penetrate into this substance the drone had 'bounced' off the top layer as if it were made of rubber of some sort. They could not figure out a way to penetrate with the tools/resources they had on hand and ended the documentary claiming they would have to return to further investigate it. I have not seen nor heard anything since then but they had officially described it as "A LAKE ON THE BOTTOM OF THE OCEAN."

Mind. Blown.

posted on Jul, 16 2018 @ 12:50 PM

posted on Jul, 16 2018 @ 01:20 PM

originally posted by: Zeta Reticuli
I remember once watching a documentary on this very thing, although, the overall theme wasn't based on this subject. The explorers were recording deep water creatures when they cam upon an odd substance layered across the ocean bottom. When they sent their water drones to investigate further they noticed there were fish swimming underneath this substance and when they proceeded to penetrate into this substance the drone had 'bounced' off the top layer as if it were made of rubber of some sort. They could not figure out a way to penetrate with the tools/resources they had on hand and ended the documentary claiming they would have to return to further investigate it. I have not seen nor heard anything since then but they had officially described it as "A LAKE ON THE BOTTOM OF THE OCEAN."

Mind. Blown.

Is this the documentary clip you're talking about?

edit on 16-7-2018 by Jay Electronica because: YT trouble

posted on Jul, 16 2018 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: Jay Electronica

Yes i think that's it! (Been years since ive watched it)
But i remember more clips showing the actual fish swimming underneath the surface.

Thanks for posting.

posted on Jul, 16 2018 @ 05:11 PM
Thank you for a non-political thread!

posted on Jul, 16 2018 @ 06:33 PM

originally posted by: tjack
Fountains of the deep, anyone?
Cool topic!

Brought on by a passing of something with mass I think has a chance to be the case. Something triggered the change that killed Dino's might be more related to that event. The lung capacity of big ones is not adequate at Standard Atmosphere but would be efficient if there were higher Pressure such as 3 Atmospheres.

To explain away the theory the current one is the Dino's had super lungs.

Fantastic claims like that might be true but I suspect small lungs are still what they found. This too is a political football because of us Christians trying to explain 6000 years of Earth. Well I disagree with my fellow followers about that. Dino's did exist a long time ago, maybe not so long as Carbon dating and other techniques claim, but surely not just a few thousand years ago. It is logical that something happened to the Earth when they did start to die off.

Besides if we Christians really knew what the scholars believed they would know they use the Hebrew text translation because the first few verses in English do not do them absolute justice. The Hebrew text implied the Earth was without form and was basically reinvented each "day" (way more than a day maybe a millinium).

Pastor Hagee (sp?), of Cornerstone Church that so many hate on, had researched this and I happened to have heard his report of the Hebrew writings and it seems he is right in this matter IMO.

ETA I am in no way endorsing Hagee. I saw the material and watched his presentation.
edit on 16-7-2018 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2018 @ 06:50 PM
This reminds me of a Space Odyssey book pretty certian Odyssey Three where they refuel from Halley's Comet on a space cruise, now maybe we could mine for water in places we never exprected, get farther in space with a sizeable population, that would be DOPE.

posted on Jul, 16 2018 @ 09:51 PM
Herein lies the classic battle between Earth-centred scientists like geophysicists, and astronomers who see Earth as part of a larger picture. Irrespective of that debate, this potential explanation provides Earth with an awful lot more water than previously thought. This 'ringwoodite reservoir' is presumably made up of vast swathes of primordial water which became trapped during the early Earth's titanic geological development, Which makes the Earth very much a water-world.

Sitchinites will find this a welcome development. After all, in Sitchin's theory, the Earth was indeed initially a water-covered world which lost much of that water as a result of a collision, or encounter, with a transiting rogue planet. The discovery of huge sources of underground water might provide further clues to that watery past.

posted on Jul, 16 2018 @ 09:57 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

The lung capacity of big ones is not adequate at Standard Atmosphere but would be efficient if there were higher Pressure such as 3 Atmospheres.
How then do Blue whales breath?
Is the blue whale the biggest animal to ever exist?

Yep, totally. It is the largest creature known to have existed on Earth. It is a common misconception that some dinosaurs were bigger than a Blue Whale.

Thank you for the link Justoneman, I found the article very interesting.

posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 01:47 AM
Best post yet! I think earth isn't what we were lead to believe... Not saying what it's shape is because not sure but I think it's hollow maybe and definitely has some stuff down there. I mean we haven't even come close to exploring the oceans! What is this place we call earth! What else is down there! Kinda creepy.. maybe other intelligent beings like on gears of war... when I think of underground oceans I think of giant creatures swimming there ... eekkk!

posted on Jul, 17 2018 @ 06:22 PM

originally posted by: Devino
a reply to: Justoneman

The lung capacity of big ones is not adequate at Standard Atmosphere but would be efficient if there were higher Pressure such as 3 Atmospheres.
How then do Blue whales breath?
Is the blue whale the biggest animal to ever exist?

Yep, totally. It is the largest creature known to have existed on Earth. It is a common misconception that some dinosaurs were bigger than a Blue Whale.

Thank you for the link Justoneman, I found the article very interesting.

Fish and ocean mammals such as wales that actually dive deep have special bladders that allow the pressure change to be absorbed. There is more to it than just the bladders.

Here is a good primer:

posted on Jul, 18 2018 @ 11:35 AM
Along with this is also news that a hundred miles down, the earths mantle is loaded with diamonds!!

Parts of the Earth’s mantle might be loaded with diamonds, if a new model turns out to be correct. But no, you can’t mine them—they’d be almost a hundred miles below the surface.

Here's a link to the site....Gizmodo site.

posted on Jul, 19 2018 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: Devino

If comets aren't made up of an abundance of ice (or hydrates), it seems odd that spectrum analysis of comet tails reveals an abundance of H2O and CO2. Spectrum analysis is a tried and true method of identifying chemical make up, and comet tails are excellent candidates for this method.

I won't disagree outright, though. Meteors could have minerals which in the right conditions produce water.

And to the OP, great topic! Attempting to wrap my brain around some of this stuff is a chore, but worth it!

posted on Jul, 20 2018 @ 08:10 PM
So I have a question, is it salt water or fresh water at 160 kilometers down earth. If it's fresh water it could solve the water supply for the world population. Great find b.t.w.
a reply to: 727Sky

posted on Jul, 20 2018 @ 09:01 PM
a reply to: chrisjemac50

Salty. Very salty. Sort of.
It is not liquid water, it is hydrous minerals.

Not actual drops of water, or even molecules of H20, but its ingredients, atoms of hydrogen and oxygen embedded in the crystal structure of the mineral itself.

Far easier to desalinate seawater than to extract water from hydrous minerals.
edit on 7/20/2018 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2018 @ 02:58 AM

originally posted by: chrisjemac50
So I have a question, is it salt water or fresh water at 160 kilometers down earth. If it's fresh water it could solve the water supply for the world population. Great find b.t.w.
a reply to: 727Sky

According to this article the upper/lower mantle boundary at 680 km is where all this trapped water is located. That's a little deeper than the 160 km you asked about.

The pressure at this level actually squeezes the water out of the Ringwoodite molecules, where it then resides between the individual rock grains. However, since water only makes up about 1.5% of this mass, for all intents and purposes, it's still solid rock and not a big underground pool.

Besides the problems of drilling 680,000 meters into the Earth, the temperature at that subterranean level is nearly 3000 degrees F (1600 deg C). To the best of my knowledge, we don't have any material to make a drill bit that could survive those temperatures. Nor a well casing that can stand that temperature as well as the high pressure of 20 GPa or approximate 200,000 times the pressure of the atmosphere at the surface.

Then, once the layer is breached, pressure changes introduced by the well would probably cause phase changes in the Olivine causing its molecules to re-encase the hydroxide ions in its crystalline structure. Otherwise the supercritical water would likely flash over to super heated steam and create a geyser that reaches well into planetary orbit.

No doubt this is a lot more information than you wanted. But it stimulated a cool thought experiment, and related research, about the difficulties in acquiring this water and what might happen if we ever got to it.


Other references
Water phase diagram
A temperature profile of the mantle transition zone
Deciphering the Chemical Compositions of Mantle Transition Zone

posted on Jul, 21 2018 @ 03:17 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

This is an interesting video which discusses some aspects of space water.

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