In the hit movie franchise the Purge, the government has legalized all crime for 12 hours out of the year. However in the newest edition, they mention
that they had to pay and recruit people to participate for the experiment on one urban jurisdiction, and was discovered towards the end that they even
had to bring in outsiders to really encourage mass violence.
Now if you are a true old school CT, we already know that Hollywood and MSM use entertainment to brainwash people. Social media and the news spread
divisive rhetoric while Hollywood programs us with the hatred anger and violent intent needed to feed the narrative. The Purge was originally released
in 2009 when the previous administration rose to power. During the 2016 election and certainly many times before it was exposed that some protestors
may have been paid to show up at rallies and many were even bussed in from outside jurisdictions to execute this manufactured outrage towards the
subject being opposed. However riots and open attacks were quite common during the Obama administration and some were even allowed to rage with wanton
disregard for rule of law by the mayors and/or police chiefs who ordered stand downs.
However, what if the government does recruit particularly disgusting individuals and pays them to commit false flag attacks?? How many times did a
story change from multiple shooters, to a single one?? The AI software that automatically record all life on Earth within ear shot or view of an
internet connected camera lens or microphone has access to the personality profiles of pretty much any human that has participated in the government
system. From checking out books at a library to buying anything with a credit card or even simply driving on the roads being watched, every little tik
you have that can be noticed by listening to you speak or watching you move is already recorded and part of your permanent record/personality
I believe that the real purgers may have committed acts such as mass shootings which have clear conflicts to official stories in some cases, and have
walked away with money and freedom while the scape goats that went down were quickly pulled by the AI software to find particularly psychologically
damaged individuals who would fit the profile of someone who would commit such an act of violence.
Provisions in the NDAA 2012 and 2017 have basically solidified government propaganda targeted towards not only foreign audiences but domestic ones as
well. Some of the language in 2017 provisions even state the enlistment of operatives specifically.
the NDAA lists one of the center’s functions (the GEC) as:
“Identifying current and emerging trends in… information obtained from print, broadcast, online and social media, support for third-party outlets
such as think tanks, political parties, and nongovernmental organizations… and the use of covert or clandestine special operators and agents
to influence targeted populations and governments…”
— §1259C, b4
SO Hollywood forms and seeks the recruits, the MSM indoctrinate them with hatred towards their countrymen, and the government facilitates the legal
authority to make it happen. The two main tools for which the government has publicly been granted legal authority and the right to lie to us all
happened during the administration of 2009-2016. This is also the same time frame for which the long trend of reduced violent crime in America started
to rise.
I believe the Purge is still active, that the government is still recruiting special operators to target and influence the American audience, and its
all in legal writing. And the actual perpetrators are walking away free.
So the gist of my op is that nasty people purge and walk away wealthy while someone else takes the fall and the government can advance its continued
propaganda initiatives to declaw the American population by highlighting the horrors of the violence they helped facilitate??
OMG ITS A CONSPIRACY!!!!!!!edit on 7-12-2018 by worldstarcountry because: (no reason given)
edit on 7-12-2018
by worldstarcountry because: spelling error in the title, wow