posted on Oct, 2 2020 @ 04:44 AM
Love yourself, then it doesn't matter what your social circle is or isn't.
Besides, count your blessings - women may be delightful, but they may also bring many problems. From STDs to cheating, broken heart, custody problems,
alimony, false accusations (of any kind), trying to change you, nagging you, making all the decisions from furniture and decoration to what you should
be doing every second of your life, especially your free time, and so on. All the while they are having 'headache' every time you'd like to have the
one of the few rewarding experience a woman can offer you.
Ask yourself; what do you really need a woman for? We all know the obvious answers, the 'intimacy' (which you may or may not get in the long run), and
other 'naughty stuff', and.. companionship? (You might not get this one, except a fake version at first to hook you)
People here aren't really telling you direct answers, so here you go, if you decide to go for it and want to attract a female partner for yourself;
women love status.
Status means a man's high place in the hierarchy between men. There are many forms of status, but you can't be 'average', you can't be 'boring', you
can't be 'normal'. Here are some forms for an example so you get what it means in the real world:
- Outlaw Biker
- Wealthy man
- Celebrity
- Alpha Male
- Preselected by some other woman / women (i.e. husband, rock star, someone with fangirls / groupies)
- Prisoner (especially for a violent crime, including the dreaded R-word)
That's the reality, so by becoming or being one of those (or having some other form of status), you can find plenty of female attention. "Just being
yourself" is not going to cut it.