posted on Jul, 7 2018 @ 07:29 PM
Im sorry I will not be posting links or videos of that nature but this topic will be about my experience with Dennis Rader, I listen to a great
podcast called swords and scale and they have the best podcasts available about killers anyway, i'll start from my earliest memory and work my way
I was born and raised in Park City Kansas, my mother was a baby sitter, she was like the neighbor hood mom, every kids birthday was a celebration
and we went to movies and skating every single weekend. There was at least a dozen of us kids and we would all go down to the creek all the time to
play, there was this trail we called the moonlight trail (you can only see it at night if the moon was out) that led us to the creek. Dennis Rader
never liked us walking on the trail or at the creek, he would come over to my house and tell my dad to keep us away from and my dad would tell him to
leave us alone because there wasn't much else to do in the around town. This was around late 80's to early 90's.
Dennis never liked my dads response, Dennis Rader did a lot of things, he worked for the city as a dog catcher, city services in general, a boy
scout leader, the church, so there were some who liked him and some who didn't. so anyway, in retaliation he would go to my house and find the
tallest blade of grass above city limits (even after my dad had mowed the lawn) and he would give my dad a citation and give him 3 days to mow it or
pay $50 or something along those lines. This went on for awhile.
My next encounter which at this time I never knew the guy or remember him until this very day. I was about 10 years old give or take cant remember
exact years, I was walking my bike down to my friends house only a few houses down to fix a flat tire. I have this big row of evergreen trees in front
of my house you cant see past from inside my house. There was a blue car (idk what kind, I just remember the color) parked in front of them, I did not
see him until I got out in the road and was on my way to my friends house, he was setting in his car and when I walked by he stopped me and asked me
what my name was, I told him and he said he had a son that looked just like me that had the same name, I told him I was sorry to hear that (I honestly
didn't know how to respond to that) He then asked me to come closer to his car and I refused and told him I can hear him fine from where im at (that
is when I started to get weirded out) He sounded a little irritated and continued talking about his son and then asked me again to come closer and I
then started to feel really uncomfortable and told him no and right after I said that my friends mom was standing out in the middle of the road and
yelled "JASON, GET YOUR A*SS OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!" I took off running and that guy flipped a bitch and speed off. She asked me who I was talking to
and I told her IDK and she chewed me out and told me NEVER to talk to strangers. See, at that time, me nor did any of my friends know there was a
serial killer on the lose, all we knew is all the parents in town made the kids stay together and we were all taught to never be alone and not talk to
I didn't realize who I was talk to that day by my house until the next summer I saw him at my friends house arguing with his parents about their
dog, he was a dog catcher as I have mentioned but when I saw him I realized it was that guy in a car in front of my house. He caught my friends dog
Friggy who was caught up in a fence at the same time my friends parents found him as well. Dennis Rader wanted to take there dog and they argued with
him for about an hour in there living room about keeping there dog. He finally let them keep there dog. Ok, I use to get up, watch some cartoons, eat
breakfast and by 10am I was at my friends house around the block and we would hang out until after lunch then go to the pool. The strange thing about
this incident is for 2 weeks straight right after it happened some strange guy would call my friends house and ask if his parents were home and he
would respond with "Thats none of your business" every time but then he knew I went over to his house everyday, he knew his older brother and after
about 2 weeks of this going on he told the guy he was going to call the police and we never heard from him again after that. We were kids, we weren't
thinking about serial killers or the guy who argued with his parents about the dog, and again, we are assuming it was Dennis Rader who was calling but
we never had proof.
Those were my personal experiences, now when I was older and a teenager we all talked about how we thought the dude was weird and we thought he
liked to kill dogs. I have a friend who swore that guy kept trying to sneak into his neighbors back yard to kidnap their dog and one night him and
some friends were up late drinking and hanging out and there he was in the middle of the night in his neighbors back yard, my friend grabbed a
cheeseburger from earlier that day (BBQ) and chucked it at him and hit him in the face, Dennis then started to stumble and trip over himself while my
friend was yelling at him to get the f*uck out of his neighbors backyard. I had a friend that use to do boyscouts with him 2 seperate times he has
camped out in the woods with him alone. I had a few friends house near him I use to go to as a child, my grand father lived a couple blocks from him,
I had one acquaintance, I wouldnt call a friend but he lived literally right next door to him. My town was small so it was easy to pass his house.
I was living in independence Mo at the time he was arrested but I avoided park city like a plague. there were people from all over the world around
his house for weeks, Fans, it was crazy. I went to Iraq in 2006 and became friends with a guy that had to transport him from one prison to another, a
lot of inmates want him dead, he said he was like a scared little girl, crying when he thought his life was endanger. Im sure if I think harder I can
think of other misc times from other friends and there stories but my two experiences didn't really hit me until he was caught. I was 21 years old
when he got caught.
Anybody that visits ATS have any crazy stories or some how knew a serial killer or even had a crazy moment where a friend did something stupid you
would have never thought they would do? Please share.