posted on Jul, 5 2018 @ 03:48 AM
I never said anything about this before but about 12-14 years ago I went to the hospital due to what seemed like un-ending anxiety for over 3 days -
no sleep and what seemed like constant racing thoughts, which were erratic and not like my normal thought pattern, no sleep and no eating for the
whole time. When I got to the hospital I was put in an observation room, basically a small "cell", concrete block walls, thick heavy steel door w/
thin vertical window, 2 padded comfortable chairs and a table with magazines, and a camera in the upper corner. When I went into the room and the
door was closed, everything seemed to quiet down, a lot. I still had my thoughts, but it was like a "feed" was cut off and I thought maybe the room
acted like a Faraday cage of some kind, or at least dampened anything external if that was the source. My only racing thoughts at that point was why
did going into this room make things quiet down so drastically and so quickly like flipping a switch.
So after talking to a intake doc, they moved me to a room with a bed right next door, it was basically the same room, just with a bed. I fell asleep
within a few minutes (totally not normal for me, I usually take forever to fall asleep at that point of life) for about 4-5 hours. They woke me up to
take me to my room and I had to go on the elevator to get there.
I was with a nurse or attendant (think it was a nurse) and we went to the elevator and I looked at the numbers that were on the wall panel and none of
them were standard numbers 1-9, L, B, etc. The display and the buttons were in "glyphs" much like Egyptian or maybe like runes. They seemed a lot
like things I had seen on Stargate. I remember looking at the display and I know my eyes got kind of wide as if I was startled and the nurse looked
at me right after the lift started moving as if to see my reaction to the display. I didn't say anything and just looked at the door as if I hadn't
seen the display and was just thinking to myself "WTF is going on here!!?" Because I had anxiety issues and racing thoughts, I was put in the
psychological dept/wing/floor so I thought maybe that had something to do with the numbers, but IDK why they would do that.
So, I've never seen anything like this before or since but I've never been in a hospital patient elevator before. I later thought maybe they had
those glyphs in case of patient escape so they wouldn't know what floor what which since some people in the wing were on mandatory holds.
I haven't found anything by searching for this so I don't think this is a standard practice or anything. I don't have any explanation for this and
would like to know if anyone has ever seen something like this or knows anything about this practice if it is "a practice".