Whats the deal with this Q Policy?
I get the impression if Q talks about something then that means it can only be talked about in the Q ultra super mega jumbo thread?
"trap" thread today it seemed only the one critic was making it about Q. At least
that I noticed.
What if someone wants to critique the 'Q thing', with focus?
Or if "Q" breaks a story first, then that means it gets dumped into there?
What if they make the threads under "General Discussion", or "RATS"??
Not that I havent had plenty of criticisms surrounding the whole affair of "Q", but fairness cuts every which way and seeing them too timid to bother
making a thread dealing with a specific valuable set of infos from all that stuff 'Q people' talk about seems like backwardsness as well.
Likewise, having all the 'trolling' & bickering running in the same huge thread devalues the entire affair. Perhaps if they could at least have a
'Crisp Clean Research Thread', and a
'What Is Q Bicker Here Thread', that such diversions could get shoved off into???
Since that whole thing went into this motion I've gotten the impression that people into it have been filed away into their own little echo chamber,
thus lessening of lot of activity that would have been spread out across the site (I mean the rest of the site now more boring because of it), which
has worsened things in the way of putting them at odds with anyone whom cant help but rock the boat when they end up 'in there' (worsening the 'cult
effect' that is basic human nature stuff, I mean).
I can also see the slippery slope of thread after thread of Q hype if let run amok, given the enthusiasm many in there have. Yet at the same time
there's some interesting stuff comes up 'in there' and doesnt even show up 'out here' that many of us are missing out on (made worse by both infos &
bickering all relegated into one huge thing making it a tedious affair for many to casually pop in to kind check out whats going on lately).
It just seems like there just has to be a better way to handle it all that doesnt make the rest of the site annoying... where it has made it more
edit on 2-7-2018 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)