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Trump to quit NATO and withdraw troops from Germany 2019-2020...or beyond?

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posted on Jul, 1 2018 @ 11:10 AM
I saw headlines with front page news from multiple newspapers like in an airport kiosk as I passed by...don't know if its even possible, but the dream was about me & others being relocated to a safer area, seemed like mother nature was acting up & as I past by to notice and wake up remembering that specifically it was interesting it was a vivid dream......

Anyone else dream of seeing news headlines like that ever?
edit on 1-7-2018 by TheJesuit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2018 @ 11:29 AM
Basically a campaign promise, which he's since flip flopped on and imperialism via NATO is en vogue again now.

posted on Jul, 1 2018 @ 11:55 AM
Well TPP, Paris agreement, UNHRC,....a few more wouldn't hurt I suppose....WTO? NAFTA? NATO?

I'll be sure to be watching my dreams more often...

posted on Jul, 1 2018 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Trump is a Real Estate Tycoon. He has had to been briefed on the pending return of Alaska to Russian hands. Seward's Folly, was a 100 year long lease from the Tsar, which IIRC concluded in 1967. Because of the friction between the U.S.S.R. and the U.S.A., this has been put off, for many years. But Trump knows all to well, that nothing granted in an expired leasehold, will hold water in any International Courts. So this comes down to Door #1, with Vlad Putin walking away with Russian America. Door #2 We find a couple of surviving Romanov Imperials, hidden out, by the Hills and Morgans, from the days of the Red Revolution, and they take the prize. Door #3, since the Tsar's family and the British Royals are all related, Alaska goes off to Canada. This is how the War of the Spanish Succession in the Eighteenth Century was solved. A French Bourbon, who was descended from a Spanish Princess, was put on the Spanish Throne. Juan Carlos de Bourbon is the heir to this treaty.

I think the best solution is Door #2. The two separate burials of sorts at the massacre site in Siberia, may well have been a couple of shirt tail Romanovs, who were stand ins. The guards knew they were fake, as well as the Tsar did. So at the end, the Tsar asked his executioners to spare these drop ins. But the guards then worried about Lenin's rage, and after separating these two kids, from the mass burial under the RR, they then welched on the deal, and murdered them later, but had to come up with a different burial site. So they washed them in acid, and put them in a pit. Even though the servants of the Imperials were buried right along side of the Tsar and Tsarina.

But this intimates on just which two Imperials were spirited off, leaving stand in's in their places for Lenin to count the correct number of noses. Not 100%, by any means, but some good clues to work off of. Wouldn't it be better to have some newbie Hawaiian Alii's, albeit tame Royals, taking Alaska in Ceremonial roles, over handing it over to either Russia or Canada. Prince Kuhio, became the Postmaster of Hawaii Territory. Their last Queen married Charlie Bishop, the banker, and they founded the Bishop Trust, which looks out for the native Hawaiians, down to this day.

Alaska could become a Province, with a Romanov Trust, acting behind the scenes. And if these cast off's have a real leader hiding in their family tree, they may become real life Tsars again in Moscow. There are prophecies from Eighteenth Century Russian Holy Men, speaking to an interregnum like this, in Russia's future.

The British King, screwed over the entire Russian Imperial family, after their fall from power, by denying them asylum in Great Britain. So it's a stretch that present day Moscow would ever tolerate a British Royal taking over a Russian Province.

edit; Now I know this is one heck of a deep dive into a historical rabbit hole. But just think on why all the threads of the Russian Collusion spider webs seem to always go back to London Town. British Petroleum must have legally briefed their Pipeline lease up, down, and inside out, to keep from having to pay a share of the oil money to Native Alaskans per that old lease with Henry Seward. But the Tsar's demands for this have been scrupulously fulfilled, ever since Prudehoe Bay's oil began to flow.

I don't think it too unreasonable to see the rest of his lease being fulfilled as well. And this must be driving those fancy pants Lords over in London, straight up the walls. D.J. Trump is the very last person they want in the White House, who may sign off their illegal leases to Putin, or anyone else.
Trump may do what in Real Estate is called "publishing the scandal". Usually this means publishing a land survey which shows someone's encroachment over someone else's property lines. Seward's Folly will be the greatest published scandal of all time.

And if it somehow leads to that prophecised Romanov Restoration in Moscow, this Geographical reorganization will turn the entire world's power structures on their heads. China gets shafted, the E.U. will be overwhelmed, Canadians will be on the brink, south of Juneau, and B.P. will run like a scalded cat, out of Alaska.

edit on 1-7-2018 by carpooler because: Holy men's predictions

posted on Jul, 1 2018 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: carpooler

That's the most ridiculous thing I've read all day.

posted on Jul, 1 2018 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: carpooler


But why is it called the "Alaska Purchase" instead of "Alaska Lease"?

posted on Jul, 1 2018 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Gee! Do you think that the newspapers were being a little loose with the facts? A. It was called Seward's Folly for a reason, and B. those Alaskan Natives and a bunch of local Americans living in Alaska still get their piece of the Oil Revenues. Try that on the rest of the American Indians who have been systematically dispossessed of their own ancestral rights.

If Henry Seward had purchased Alaska outright, those natives wouldn't get the sweat off of B.P.'s left testicles.

edit; B.P. et al, knows all about this scandal, but it's not in their interest to "Publish the Scandal". My conclusion is that this is why the "Russian Collusion" has come out of London, and any Trumpster, even shaking hands with a Russian official in D.C., gets a F.B.I. investigation.

edit on 1-7-2018 by carpooler because: B.P. Knows

posted on Jul, 1 2018 @ 12:49 PM
Dreams are dreams. One thing that Trump will not do is pull the US from NATO. He may well persuade NATO's parasitic partners - like Germany - to spend more on their own defence. so that it does not look so obvious that the US is carrying the can.

posted on Jul, 1 2018 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: watchitburn

If Seward had purchased it outright, then why are the natives still getting some of the oil money?

Hong Kong was a 99 year lease. Panama Canal Co. got a 99 year long lease, but everything in the Canal Zone, went back to Panama. And neither of these famous leases were returned to the Gov't entities which signed them off. No Chinese Emperors, nor any of the original Panamanian Junta's who were guided into rebelling against Colombia, when those guys refused American solicitations to lease that ten mile wide strip of land, were still around to take back those properties.

posted on Jul, 1 2018 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: paraphi

BTW, is that a rendition of the Bourbon Coq of the walk, in your handle??

posted on Jul, 1 2018 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: carpooler

U.S. Secretary of State William H. Seward signs a treaty with Russia for the purchase of Alaska for $7 million. Despite the bargain price of roughly two cents an acre, the Alaskan purchase was ridiculed in Congress and in the press as “Seward’s folly,” “Seward’s icebox,” and President Andrew Johnson’s “polar bear garden.”

posted on Jul, 1 2018 @ 01:08 PM
Trump is faced with a black hole in Central Europe. Germany needs to get B$%$%ed slapped, but the Eastern NATO allies need to be protected from Putin, at the same time.

Something which you don't know, is that when the German Military financed Lenin and his Bolsheviks, in 1917, they split their gold hoard, into two, and sent half to St. Petersburg, with Vlad, but sent the other half , West into French hands. The bought off French Armee, at Verdun was supposed to roll over. But Clemenceau and Petain got wind of this Treason, and had to turn their cannons onto their own army, which ran Verdun's casualties sky high. The two leaders knew which army was flipped, but not who in that bunch were the traitors. So in a ruthless command decision, they wiped an entire French Army out. But then the Americans started to arrive, and we filled in the gaps, until Gen. Pershing could organize his men into a singular expeditionary force.

Clemenceau never made it to the French Presidency, in 1920, due to the hatreds left in France, from that terrible "Friendly Fire", event.

posted on Jul, 1 2018 @ 01:09 PM

originally posted by: carpooler
BTW, is that a rendition of the Bourbon Coq of the walk, in your handle??

Er, no. It's the flag of Wiltshire. That's a Great Bustard. Not a chicken!

posted on Jul, 1 2018 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: paraphi

I had to ask! My old High School mascot was the "Clarkston Bantam", and we used the Bourbon Coq of the walk, rendered in Scarlet and Black, with steel, cock fighting spurs. Although I did see one Cory Bustard winging it out, away from my safari pickup, back in 2012, in the Cape Province of the RSA. Today they are the largest flying bird in Africa.

posted on Jul, 1 2018 @ 02:23 PM
It was a DREAM, people, a DREAM! You're acting as if it were a headline. Jesus!

posted on Jul, 1 2018 @ 03:44 PM
LOL You can NEVER tell where a thread will lead !

Topic- Dream, NATO, Natural Disaster, Relocation, News headlines, Germany-US troop withdrawal.

Result/ Response's - Alaskan history/Lease, History lesson/opinion, Mascots, African birds.......... WOW

I'll ask again, has anyone ever had a DREAM with.... "Signage"... we'll call it ( newspaper head lines in my case) ever in a Vivid dream that you can remember upon waking up?

posted on Jul, 1 2018 @ 04:25 PM

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: carpooler

That's the most ridiculous thing I've read all day.

But it was so thorough and well put.

posted on Jul, 1 2018 @ 05:38 PM

originally posted by: TheJesuit
I saw headlines with front page news from multiple newspapers like in an airport kiosk as I passed by...don't know if its even possible, but the dream was about me & others being relocated to a safer area, seemed like mother nature was acting up & as I past by to notice and wake up remembering that specifically it was interesting it was a vivid dream......

Anyone else dream of seeing news headlines like that ever?


...The News Headline at the Airport NewsStand ==> Trump to quit NATO, withdraw troops from Germany 2019-2020

Trump might just diminish the USAs role as the NATO primary funder
and Trump might rotate 90% of the Troops stationed in Germany back to the Homeland USA

but Neither Actions even suggest that Anyone will be relocated out-of-Alaska because of Natural Events in the weather

the "ring-of-fire" or else the threats of Tsunami's might be the risk events that could require forced evacuation/relocation (to FEMA Camps ?)

but... i'm getting a dissonance with your OP text and the thread waxing about the Alaska Purchase... connect-those-dots-for-me-I'm-flabbergasted !!

posted on Jul, 1 2018 @ 07:26 PM

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: carpooler

That's the most ridiculous thing I've read all day.

posted on Jul, 2 2018 @ 12:15 AM
a reply to: ridgerunner

I've posted several times before what my late Great Aunt told me in 1963. "There are eight or nine levels of real politic between what you read or listen to on T.V. news and what the big financiers are doing things for. You may laugh about my take on Alaska, but think of the hundreds of Billions of Greenbacks which are on the table up there.

POTUS Trump is the right man, in the right job, at the right time, to pole axe a big piece off of the hidden puppet masters, who are mostly in the U.K., and Europe. Haven't you noticed that this Russia Collusion B.S. is emanating from London, Echelon, and a few even deeper Deep State boys. Even the top Australian Diplomat is wired into this secret police apparatus, and all of the puppet strings lead back there.

So far, Trump has been able to walk on water. If the Queen is stricken, and a big hassle ensues over her successor, or more likely, her successor's wife, it may give Trump the extra breathing room he needs. But remember that Russian America once went down the West Coast, all the way to Fort Ross, and the Russian River, north of San Francisco.

For me, it would take a Mexican invasion, up through Kali, something like Hitler's Sudetenland caper, in Czechoslovakia, plus a Russian Threat, including the Russian Orthodox Religion to really finally drive the Ninth District Court of Appeals out of business, once and for all. And this would jump start Gen. Washington's Third Prophecy, about a great future war, starting on our Pacific Shores, and proceeding all the way back across America to Wash. D.C. itself.

This new Red, El Presidente, takes over at the end of 2018. So 2019, will see our Congress turn over as well, and we will probably be just as far apart, or even further apart, in our own country. Uncle Billy Sherman saw the Civil War coming. Tibetans saw WWII coming, from the far side of our world. And a few of us can see some really bad possibilities coming within the new year, or two. If the Dems take Congress, and abolish I.C.E., these open borders will be an engraved invitation for massive flooding in of Mexican and Central Americans. And Pope Francis will probably wave them on in, until they completely collapse our welfare and medical programs.

The counterweight could well be Trump releasing Alaska back to some form of Russian control. The Russian Orthodox Church has a Pope of their own, and he doesn't think of open borders, anything like Francis does. Trump has just complained that I.C.E. has had to "liberate" towns and villages on Long Island, N.Y. from M.S. 13, and other drug gangs. Without I.C.E., will Albany or NYC step up to the plate, and fill the vacuum?

But don't worry, be happy! The MSM will keep you contented, until the food runs out and some draft/bummers' agents show up at your door, in a new State of Emergency.

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