a reply to:
Trump is a Real Estate Tycoon. He has had to been briefed on the pending return of Alaska to Russian hands. Seward's Folly, was a 100 year long
lease from the Tsar, which IIRC concluded in 1967. Because of the friction between the U.S.S.R. and the U.S.A., this has been put off, for many
years. But Trump knows all to well, that nothing granted in an expired leasehold, will hold water in any International Courts. So this comes down to
Door #1, with Vlad Putin walking away with Russian America. Door #2 We find a couple of surviving Romanov Imperials, hidden out, by the Hills and
Morgans, from the days of the Red Revolution, and they take the prize. Door #3, since the Tsar's family and the British Royals are all related,
Alaska goes off to Canada. This is how the War of the Spanish Succession in the Eighteenth Century was solved. A French Bourbon, who was descended
from a Spanish Princess, was put on the Spanish Throne. Juan Carlos de Bourbon is the heir to this treaty.
I think the best solution is Door #2. The two separate burials of sorts at the massacre site in Siberia, may well have been a couple of shirt tail
Romanovs, who were stand ins. The guards knew they were fake, as well as the Tsar did. So at the end, the Tsar asked his executioners to spare these
drop ins. But the guards then worried about Lenin's rage, and after separating these two kids, from the mass burial under the RR, they then welched
on the deal, and murdered them later, but had to come up with a different burial site. So they washed them in acid, and put them in a pit. Even
though the servants of the Imperials were buried right along side of the Tsar and Tsarina.
But this intimates on just which two Imperials were spirited off, leaving stand in's in their places for Lenin to count the correct number of noses.
Not 100%, by any means, but some good clues to work off of. Wouldn't it be better to have some newbie Hawaiian Alii's, albeit tame Royals, taking
Alaska in Ceremonial roles, over handing it over to either Russia or Canada. Prince Kuhio, became the Postmaster of Hawaii Territory. Their last
Queen married Charlie Bishop, the banker, and they founded the Bishop Trust, which looks out for the native Hawaiians, down to this day.
Alaska could become a Province, with a Romanov Trust, acting behind the scenes. And if these cast off's have a real leader hiding in their family
tree, they may become real life Tsars again in Moscow. There are prophecies from Eighteenth Century Russian Holy Men, speaking to an interregnum like
this, in Russia's future.
The British King, screwed over the entire Russian Imperial family, after their fall from power, by denying them asylum in Great Britain. So it's a
stretch that present day Moscow would ever tolerate a British Royal taking over a Russian Province.
edit; Now I know this is one heck of a deep dive into a historical rabbit hole. But just think on why all the threads of the Russian Collusion
spider webs seem to always go back to London Town. British Petroleum must have legally briefed their Pipeline lease up, down, and inside out, to keep
from having to pay a share of the oil money to Native Alaskans per that old lease with Henry Seward. But the Tsar's demands for this have been
scrupulously fulfilled, ever since Prudehoe Bay's oil began to flow.
I don't think it too unreasonable to see the rest of his lease being fulfilled as well. And this must be driving those fancy pants Lords over in
London, straight up the walls. D.J. Trump is the very last person they want in the White House, who may sign off their illegal leases to Putin, or
anyone else.
Trump may do what in Real Estate is called "publishing the scandal". Usually this means publishing a land survey which shows someone's encroachment
over someone else's property lines. Seward's Folly will be the greatest published scandal of all time.
And if it somehow leads to that prophecised Romanov Restoration in Moscow, this Geographical reorganization will turn the entire world's power
structures on their heads. China gets shafted, the E.U. will be overwhelmed, Canadians will be on the brink, south of Juneau, and B.P. will run like
a scalded cat, out of Alaska.
edit on 1-7-2018 by carpooler because: Holy men's predictions