posted on Jun, 29 2018 @ 03:37 PM
Surrprises me that there aren't more 'Humans' fans here but "What me Worry?"
At any rate, and specifically - The androids, remember that in both series we're talking about androids, in Humans all act
witth a somewhat affected manner - they appear to be different than ordinary biological Humans
- They are as i and the writers might imagine a highy advanced android to appear and act like.
In Westworld the androids are indistinguishable from the Humans they interact with - Maybe someday in the future,
the far distant future, such beings will exist - But by then the Human biological will probably be replaced by them
For now, the slightly different androids as depicted in Humans is the more likely expectation for the not so distant future.
As in Westworld, so to in Humans, we find a species conflict between Man and Android that gets dark and serious.