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Scam marriage, is it ever good?

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posted on Jun, 26 2018 @ 04:10 PM
As someone who is celebrating her 26 wedding anniversary today, I find these fake marriages disgusting. I am also not British, but I have lived in the UK for almost 3 decades. Why? Because I love my husband and this country.

I feel these fake marriages make a mockery out of love, loyalty and trust. For you it may just be a game but you are part of a massive problem and what you do is in my opinion almost treason.
If it is a true love story, there are ways to keep someone you love in the country. If all else fails, you move to his/hers.
Sometimes life is unfair. Deal with it. This generation want's it all and it want's it now, regardless of consequences.

This isn't about love though, it is about selfish millennials thinking that life is just one big joke or game. By trying to be rebels they marry willy nilly, prbably thinking they are doing some 'good'. Some marry future terrorists, others marry future doctors. Point is we don't know.

A friend of ours married to stay here by announcing at her place of work who would want to marry her, the cook married her a week later. She fell in love, he [didn't] and ruined her life with drugs and abuse for the next 10 years.

I have no sympathy and I find the idea abhorrent.
Where is the integrity and self respect and more importantly the respect for your fellow countrymen and women?

Marriage is still sacret to some and actually has meaning, not some frigging lefty, unicorn kiddy game to let all and sundry in. FFS!
I am pissed off.

posted on Jun, 26 2018 @ 04:18 PM
a reply to: Hecate666

Wow, thank you for the honest reply

Do you not see our points in my group about potentially losing deeply loved friends?
We will be getting married to keep them in the country and in the life they have enjoyed for many years. That is a massive thing, and if that is our only legal way we can do it then we will.

I understand your 'sacred' thoughts on marriage but can you not see the bigger picture? Lives torn apart.
...I'm no millenial either, I'm early 40's with an early 20's son, who is also prepared to marry an EU friend if he has to.

posted on Jun, 26 2018 @ 04:26 PM
I see nothing wrong with it myself, But you are advocating illegal immigration.

I'm guessing most people here will tell you to send her back where she came from. Hell I bet they would be happy if any kids caught in the mess were sent to Siberia while the parents were sent to Antarctica.

posted on Jun, 26 2018 @ 04:31 PM
a reply to: tinner07

I've been an activist all my life, arrested, cautioned, and convicted multiple times from war protests to destroying Monsanto's GM test crops, and everything in between.
If I think my EU mate is gonna lose 'right to remain' then I'm marrying her in a heartbeat. It helps that we do love each other anyway, just not into committing, so we'd only be half lying.
I fight the man, have done all my life, I only care about 'my' tribe.

...and I'm not troubled posting this online because there will be more marriages than the authorities could cope with, if they make it hostile for our EU friends.
My US mate though, I'd marry her if she needed healthcare, again in a heartbeat.
Hope she stays healthy until I can stop being concerned about EU friends lol
edit on 26-6-2018 by CornishCeltGuy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2018 @ 05:05 PM

originally posted by: CornishCeltGuy
a reply to: blend57

Ah would you not be up for it?
I'll do it in a heartbeat for anything important to save a mate. Like I said, my only US friend absolutely if she needed critical surgery or something and her insurance wouldn't cover it, and my Czech love, who is a deep friend, if she ever risks losing 'right to remain' after Brexit.

Whole host of marriages are already arranged if we have to, it's funny how we've all decided who is marrying who among our friends. It's actually made us all realise who we're closest to between EU and UK friends.
I'd love to marry my match if we have to, it will be fun sticking the finger to authorites with someone who I love anyway.

Just get married know you want to.

posted on Jun, 26 2018 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to: Alien Abduct

Lol no, I love being single!
Can't save my mate if I'm married.

posted on Jun, 26 2018 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: CornishCeltGuy

I've been an activist all my life, arrested, cautioned, and convicted multiple times from war protests to destroying Monsanto's GM test crops, and everything in between.

I'm all for ya brother. I have been arrested and convicted multiple times as well. Not for such honorable things though. That is behind me now. Would you be from Scotland by chance?

posted on Jun, 26 2018 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: tinner07

Gosh couldn't be further away from each other, but we are way more forgotten about by UK government lol.
The Scots whine but get loads more per capita income than we do.
We don't whine in these parts, we get on with it.

posted on Jun, 26 2018 @ 05:21 PM

originally posted by: CornishCeltGuy
a reply to: Alien Abduct

Lol no, I love being single!
Can't save my mate if I'm married.

Hehehe I hear that, me too! And I agree with you, I would do the same for a good friend in a heartbeat. That’s very good of you.

Cheers from across the pond friend!

posted on Jun, 26 2018 @ 05:30 PM
a reply to: Hecate666

I sympathize with your very romantic ideals; but afraid you have totally missed the op's substance of issue.

Marriage as discussed here is purely to help someone from another country get medical or legal help-they are not trying to really scam each other-it's for purely basic human needs. The fact they care for each other has nothing to do with romantic love-it has to do with love-a pure and basic caring for another with or without sex.

I totally agree with the op that is okay to marry to help another. Just makes plain sense if done right and both sides have complete understandngs of the entire purpose for the marriage.

Governments make these ridiculous rules so we must fnd a way to live within them to suit our specific needs. Absolutely nothing wrong with that.

posted on Jun, 26 2018 @ 06:07 PM
a reply to: Hecate666

I did give you a star. I recognize that you were focused on the 'stranger' aspect of unions and would agree with you there. As far as what the OP actually proposed was not with a stranger but a long term and close friendship. It may be absolutely love as known to the sacred traditional aspect that you have, but it is out of love for their longtime friendship. Often times, those actually do quite well since they already have a love of friendship. The crazy chemical reaction hormonal love is no longer involved nor be apt to dissolve in a few short years.

I would be more understanding of the what the OP proposes and not consider that fraud. Mail order brides, officially unseen and unknown? That is totally fraud and should not be approved of!

posted on Jun, 26 2018 @ 06:09 PM

originally posted by: Hecate666

This isn't about love though, it is about selfish millennials thinking that life is just one big joke or game.

oh please
this is not a new problem

and not all marriages are based on their deep deep love and devotion to each other
you know that right?

often times it is an arrangement

edit on 26-6-2018 by TinySickTears because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2018 @ 06:21 PM

originally posted by: CornishCeltGuy

The next week a pastor from a nearby church drops by and asks us if either of us is willing to marry a woman from another country so they can get their green card. I find out I'm surrounding by people scamming the system

This was off-topic in another thread so started one instead...
In my world we're planning that if there is any sniff of our EU mates losing 'right to remain' after Brexit we will marry them, same sex or otherwise.
I already know who I'm marrying, she is from Czech and a much loved friend anyway so the day at the registry office will be a party with all our friends. There'll probably be multiple weddings between people in my life tribe the same day lol.
Scamming the system for us in these 'new world' circumstances will be needed to 'fight the man'.
I have no shame about it because they are my friends.

...I'd even marry a US friend of mine if she ever needed life critical care and her insurance wouldn't cover it. Get it free here on the taxes we/I have paid in our 'socialist' world. I've told her plenty times.
I will do a scam marriage to help my loved friends, in a heartbeat.

Did you get the ''wedding night bonus plan''? lol

Seiously, i understand your words, but hell no !

posted on Jun, 26 2018 @ 06:27 PM
a reply to: CornishCeltGuy

How can I find a woman like that?

posted on Jun, 26 2018 @ 06:33 PM
a reply to: TinySickTears

There are very few people that marry for love in reality. In this case, it seems they would marry for love of a friend. Maybe that is more noble than some traditional marriages. I'm old enough to question why half the people I know are even married!

posted on Jun, 26 2018 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: CornishCeltGuy

I think we do what we do for our friends and loved ones, beyond reason at times and regardless of if anyone else ever would or could understand it.

I think it's fantastic that you care for your people so deeply. Folks have been getting and staying married for all sorts of reasons for years and years. The deepest love is a gesture/sacrifice one gives to another selflessly and with no expectation of either reciprocity or pay back.

Study those deep conversations and be able to recite them back is the only advice I can offer

There is love in all sorts of places.

posted on Jun, 26 2018 @ 08:30 PM
I don't understand where does it say that marriage is about or has to be about love? ... nowhere.

Marriage for love is a rather modern concept, and so is more the exception than the rule.

So marriage for a green card or to get insurance or what have you is all fair game. That is what marriage is for; it's a legal institution used between people to pool and protect resources.... if you also love the person you marry all the better.

posted on Jun, 27 2018 @ 05:55 AM
Thanks for the replies folks, I'm blown away to be honest, I honestly expected to be flamed badly for promoting scam marriages as I described, but most people seem to agree.
I genuinely love my 'potential' Czech bride and my US friend, both are different friends but I'll help both out if they ever need me to.

We're assuming the UK government will give 'right to remain' to all our EU friends after Brexit but who can trust governments? We've been forced to make these plans just in case.
I said earlier, since we all started talking about it the crazy thing is it's made us realise who we are all drawn to more than others. My Czech love and I instantly said each other, it was at a party, others instantly told each other who they wanted, Slovakian, Lithuanian, Polish, and Latvian friends, all of us somehow 'knew' who is their one for the scam marriage.

It almost makes the potential marriages less of a scam because the love has obviously decided who will be with who, if we have to do it.
I actually almost want it to happen now, just for the laugh. The registry office would be rammed full with all my friends marrying each other, it would be such a party, no dressing up in suits etc, just marriage after marriage to protect our mates, the after party would be fantastic.

...and my US mate, hell yeah, if she ever needed life critical healthcare I'd marry her in a heartbeat, hopefully I won't have to marry my Czech friend because I can only be married to one person at a time and I'd like to keep the 'get out of jail' marriage card open for my US friend if she ever needs it. None of us are getting any younger lol

posted on Jun, 27 2018 @ 06:50 AM

originally posted by: Brywilson2
Did you get the ''wedding night bonus plan''? lol

I actually laughed out loud at that

Me and my Czech chick are intimate every now and then anyway, she cooks fantastic food, we go to the beach together, have drinks, and hook up at parties or music events. Nothing would change if we need to get married to keep her in the UK after Brexit, certainly wouldn't be moving in together, she's fiery as #...probably why I'm attracted to her, but I couldn't live with that every day lol

I might have to 'register' my address as if I live with her though, but that's just lying on a local government form, not a problem, if authorities called round to check she'd just say I'm out then ring me to come over and pretend lol
edit on 27-6-2018 by CornishCeltGuy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2018 @ 12:23 PM

originally posted by: BeenieWeenie
a reply to: CornishCeltGuy

How can I find a woman like that?

Get into the EDM/party/rave scene and join a life tribe of likeminded people mate.
I'm intimate with a few girl friends, but my one particular fiery Czech girl...she's the one I'll marry if she needs to stay in the UK.

I'll share the story why, we've been friends over a decade now, she used to be my best mates partner, we lived next door to each other (I also worked with him every day as business partners). Anyway they split, but we are all friends in my incestuous tribe, so when he accidentally fell off a cliff drunk killing himself me and her have a special connection ever since.
I love her, we share 'moments', I'll marry her to keep her in the UK, but I couldn't live with her lol

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