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originally posted by: CornishCeltGuy
a reply to: blend57
Ah would you not be up for it?
I'll do it in a heartbeat for anything important to save a mate. Like I said, my only US friend absolutely if she needed critical surgery or something and her insurance wouldn't cover it, and my Czech love, who is a deep friend, if she ever risks losing 'right to remain' after Brexit.
Whole host of marriages are already arranged if we have to, it's funny how we've all decided who is marrying who among our friends. It's actually made us all realise who we're closest to between EU and UK friends.
I'd love to marry my match if we have to, it will be fun sticking the finger to authorites with someone who I love anyway.
I've been an activist all my life, arrested, cautioned, and convicted multiple times from war protests to destroying Monsanto's GM test crops, and everything in between.
originally posted by: CornishCeltGuy
a reply to: Alien Abduct
Lol no, I love being single!
Can't save my mate if I'm married.
originally posted by: Hecate666
This isn't about love though, it is about selfish millennials thinking that life is just one big joke or game.
originally posted by: CornishCeltGuy
The next week a pastor from a nearby church drops by and asks us if either of us is willing to marry a woman from another country so they can get their green card. I find out I'm surrounding by people scamming the system
This was off-topic in another thread so started one instead...
In my world we're planning that if there is any sniff of our EU mates losing 'right to remain' after Brexit we will marry them, same sex or otherwise.
I already know who I'm marrying, she is from Czech and a much loved friend anyway so the day at the registry office will be a party with all our friends. There'll probably be multiple weddings between people in my life tribe the same day lol.
Scamming the system for us in these 'new world' circumstances will be needed to 'fight the man'.
I have no shame about it because they are my friends.
...I'd even marry a US friend of mine if she ever needed life critical care and her insurance wouldn't cover it. Get it free here on the taxes we/I have paid in our 'socialist' world. I've told her plenty times.
I will do a scam marriage to help my loved friends, in a heartbeat.
originally posted by: Brywilson2
Did you get the ''wedding night bonus plan''? lol
originally posted by: BeenieWeenie
a reply to: CornishCeltGuy
How can I find a woman like that?