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Why are people mad that you have to work for Food Stamps / WIC?

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posted on Jun, 28 2018 @ 07:51 PM
a reply to: poncho1982

Is the community really giving them something, when they're hiring the person at well below minimum wage?

posted on Jun, 28 2018 @ 11:10 PM
The truth is we can't afford programs to really help those less fortunate, because we dump all our funds into military. More-so than any other country.. by FAR. And we are programmed to believe this is in the best interest of our country, and if someone is not working 2 jobs (if single), they are lazy. Other countries encourage a solid work-life balance. Where they give decent benefits, maternity leave, vacation... because they realize happy workers are productive workers.

In the U.S. they make people think that looking out for fellow citizens is "bad".. that they are lazy and weak, and that you should be thankful to be in permanent debt for a home and debts working your butts off with multiple incomes.. so they can continue to feed the war machine.

People mock "socialism." Which is in many countries basically taking money people earn, and putting it into a system where people gain benefits for medical and education. Instead in the U.S. they encourage everyone to work themselves to death, so they can fuel our absolutely ridiculous "defense" budget.. spending more than China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, India, France, United Kingdom, and Japan combined. Even though countries like China are vaulting ahead of the U.S. in military. We are supposedly underfunded and outdated in the military. WHY?

I suppose something about TRILLIONS being unaccounted for by the Pentagon has something to do with it.

But.. no.. Trump says, let's give the military MORE money.. and cut mere millions from UNITED STATES PROGRAMS that benefit our own citizens. But... no. People are now programmed to claim those who actually benefit (almost in any way) from programs to be weak, lazy... and a burden to the United States.

I've worked since I was 15 years old.. now I am 51. I have had literally 30 days in all those years where I was not unemployed. The longest vacation I have had in the last18 years is 5 days. I served in the military for many years. I earned a six digit salary with a ridiculous amount of stress and stupid hours. Go watch some videos of say.. Italian workers. They are stunned at the ludicrous hours U.S. workers do with laughable benefits. Made to feel like you are lazy if you take a few days off. Maternity leave benefits that are 3rd world country standards or worse.

Before you berate those who need benefits, look at the rest of the world. The U.S. has a skewed, sad outlook on what is considered the "proper" amount of effort to constitute the correct amount of "effort" before you are allowed relief. This country has a pathetic amount of empathy for those who struggle. Work for the war machine or eff off.. go live under a bridge.

Get some perspective... the U.S. has bamboozled you into thinking you need to slave away until you die to have "earned" a proper living. And it comes from those who have worked stupid unrealistic hours, who have now a basic home and still sad benefits.. who feel others must suffer as much as them to have earned the right to the same stuff.

Empathy and sympathy is a seriously lacking commodity in the United States. Yea.. some small % will take advantage. But people have been fooled to think that a tiny % is somehow everyone who doesn't work themselves to death to toss more tax money at our absolutely stupid, unaccounted for, mystery military budget.

posted on Jun, 30 2018 @ 07:40 AM

originally posted by: Aazadan
a reply to: poncho1982

Is the community really giving them something, when they're hiring the person at well below minimum wage?

Well then, if they're able bodied as are the people we're discussing here, perhaps they should get out and get a job then.

No one says they have to stay on assistance. They CAN better themselves

posted on Jun, 30 2018 @ 07:47 AM
My guess would be because food is the bare minimum people need to survive. At minimum people should be provided the bare basics of survival. Food, Shelter, Medical Care. After that everything is optional. Few people want to stare at a wall all day, so if they want more they can get a job. But the basics? That should be taken care of at minimum if we want to be able to claim we're a caring compassionate society at all.

posted on Jun, 30 2018 @ 08:14 AM

originally posted by: projectvxn
a reply to: seeker1963

But a failure and an abuse of the system non the less?

So what's your solution? Make poor people jump through more hoops?

There is waste in every system. The vast majority of people use WIC for its intended purpose. Just because you saw someone selling a block of cheese doesn't mean that incident scales across the program.

I'm not interested in the slippery slope fallacy with regard to WIC. It just doesn't have the waste problems of other government programs.

Here's an article from "The Hill" So there is little waste in the WIC program? I found a lot more articles on other aspects of waste. We are living in times where corruption permeates just about every institution to some degree or another. If there is a loophole to make profit, it will be found and exploited, yes, even my families with children.

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Share to Google+ The Government Accountability Office (GAO) is concerned that infant formula provided as part of the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children, better known as WIC, is being sold online. During a Tuesday hearing, Kay Brown, director of education, workforce and income security at the government watchdog agency, said GAO recently monitored four e-commerce websites for 30 days and found two posts that explicitly identified the formula being sold as WIC formula and 400 other posts that could have been selling WIC formula, given the brand of formula and quantity for sale. “These posts raise questions that warrant attention by the U.S. Department of Agriculture given the growth of e-commerce in recent years and the value of formula,” she told the House Education and the Workforce Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education. In fiscal year 2015, the federal government is expected to spend $21 billion in child nutrition programs that are intended to provide low-income students and their family members access to healthy meals. Tuesday’s hearing was held to address waste, fraud and abuse in those federal programs. Brown said the federal WIC program costs the federal government $6.5 billion in 2013. Rep. Glenn Thompson (R-Pa.) said he and his wife were eligible for WIC when they had their first son. “It plugged a very important hole financially to ensure Parker and Penny had the nutrition they needed,” he said. “I take fraud and abuse very, very seriously because it’s taking food out of the mouths of those deserving and eligible.” Brown said GAO looked at online formula sales because the increase of e-commerce increases opportunities for fraud. “That’s the trick with fraud,” she said, “to make sure entities are staying one step ahead of those who may be more creative in thinking of ways to abuse the program.”

edit on 30-6-2018 by pointessa because: added a thought

posted on Jun, 30 2018 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: poncho1982

Most people on food stamps already have a job.

posted on Jul, 1 2018 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: poncho1982

Ah right so people who are full time employed are somehow "better" than those on assistance?

That mentality right there is whats wrong with your nation, and to a lesser extent also my own.

People are people, apparently equal, else your whole notion of democracy goes right out the window.

Every single one of us, whilst we care to recognize the fact or otherwise, are a product of a society that is in no way equal.

You play the hand you are dealt, don't hate the player's pal, hate the rigged game.

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