I am going to dance as best I can around the touchy subject of ending up (as opposed to getting) high off of a substance, or in this case an
accidental combination of substances, which both do their jobs as needed for me separately. But... by their powers combined... Holy Jesus on a rocket.
Yes. Benadryl and RED BULL- the energy drink that gives you wings, will screw you up! How can a simple drink, which I read if combined with vodka will
give you all the insanity of a coc aine rush. Since I am not going to be wanting to know what a coc aine rush is like, and I don't drink
hard liquor- I was going to give that a pass. Combined with Benadryl, well- I just have no really good way of describing what it did. I'm not a fan of
drugging myself halfway to oblivion. After this, I'm even less inclined to want to repeat it.
Here's the short version of what I did, so there is some context. I have chronic back pain, numbness, and shoulder pain. Gluten makes it worse. (Yay.
I'm gluten intolerant. What *FUN*). I also ended up with diabetes. Sometimes diet controls it, sometimes... nope. Red Bull does a quite useful number
on my high blood sugar. I'm not sure of the how, but a 16-20 oz stomps all over my blood sugar.
The back pain? NOTHING has helped, short of a couple Benadryl and a nap, and that's a temporary fix, unfortunately. Plus, I stay groggy and sleepy
most of the day. It's usually a nighttime dose. Each pill is 25 mg.
The other morning... I had my Red Bull, but was having back, shoulder, etc spasms. I was miserable. I finally had enough, and without really thinking,
took 3 Benadryl. I figured the 2 would counteract each other, I'd be reasonably coherent, and the stupid spasms would slack off at least. (Side note:
The doctors are absolutely mystified as to why I've got such pain like I do. *sigh*)
I went off, and had the short nap I expect from 3 pills. What happened when I woke up was NOT fun. My brain got up, flipped me the bird, stripped off,
and danced naked in my skull. I was goofy for the better part of the day, riding in the car was horrible.
How in the world can 2 supposedly innocuous things, both which can be bought at any store in town (especially Red Bull!!) have the ability to drop
kick someone's brain to this extent? The Benadryl, I get. It's designed to be taken for stings, allergies, colds, mold exposure, stuff like that. But
an energy drink, that seems to be the Swiss Army knife of cheap highs? It's something I'd not even been able to imagine, let alone consider!
I appreciate what Red Bull does to my blood sugar. I really do. But *drug* interaction with a simple drink that is not alcohol was never a thing I'd
ever thought about, until that incident. I'm mystified, a little concerned, and well, I know what NOT to do ever again. Live and learn. A study
should be done on the stuff, because that's just plain nuts.
edit on 25-6-2018 by wylekat because: can't type.