posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 02:22 PM
Well, I have a vendetta against astrology, so I'll just start off there.
For starters, let me ask a question. How many constellations are in the zodiac? If you said 12, you're wrong! There's one called Ophiuchus between
Sagitarius and Scorpius. So why don't you hear about it in "modern" astrology? Because there is no "modern astrology!"
The basis for astrology today is a combination of calculations from the ancient Chinese, Egyptians, and other cultures from about 5000 years ago. So
why didn't they know about Ophiuchus being in the zodiac? Because of precession of the poles!
What's that you ask? Well, as the Earth rotates, it's spinning off-canter. Imagine a spinning top slowing down. That wobble is what causes
precession. Because of it, the north-star changes and the Sun follows a different path through the sky. Sure, 5000 years ago the Sun did only pass
through 12 constellations, but it no longer does. Why isn't that take into account? Also, because of this, the signs are shifted over by about a
month. For example, according to astrology, I'm a Virgo, while according to science and actual fact, I'm a Leo.
Also, astrology was the basis of predictions and pseudo-science of long ago. The peopl that sudied the stars were also the priests. Today we have a
much more scientific interest in the stars, allowing us to see past the mythology.
People are saying that they agree with things for thier sun sign. Have you read stuff for other signs? All the traits and feelings and whatever else
they say are so vague that if you want to believe it lists your attributes for any given zodiacal sign, you will.
And since one seems to have answered one of the original questions in this thread... Yes, the constellations do come, in part, from Greek mythology.
They also come from Roman, Hindu, and other ancient religions. There are also some newer constellations, such as Telescopium and Microscopium. Also,
some constellations have been broken up into smaller ones, such as Argos, which now broken up into six constellations. They are Puppis, Vela, Pyxis,
Carina, Volans, and Columba.
[edit on 3/16/2005 by cmdrkeenkid]