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The Lucifer Project (Cassini impacts Saturn in July 2008)

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posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 11:53 PM
HI I am listening! I was sent some e-s today from my brother and this one I found very interesting.

10/18/89 Space Shuttle Atlantis with the Galileo Space Probe launched. The probe was powered by 17.2lbs. of Plutonium238.

12/7/95 Galileo reached Jupiter.

9/21/03 Galileo was destroyed during a controlled impact with Jupiter. Due to extreme pressure of Jupiter’s hydrogen atmosphere, the nuclear payload triggered a chain reaction.

10/19/03 A mysterious black spot, 7,900 miles in diameter (about the size of the Earth), appeared on Jupiter.

10/15/97 Cassini space probe launched. This probe was powered by 72.3lbs. of Plutonium238.

10/11/06 NASA sent images of a large “hurricane” at Saturn’s south pole.

6/30/08 to 7/7/08 Cassini will impact Saturn. Unlike Galileo, Cassini will travel further into the planet by going through the opening at the pole. With an atmosphere composed almost entirely of hydrogen, there are theories that Saturn will become a second Sun. The effects on the Earth from a Saturn star formation are unknown. One theory is that a constant radiation shower will hit the Earth lasting many weeks, killing millions. The effects will become visible about 28 days after the impact.

Can anyone dispute any of this?

How could I have missed this? Where was I when Hoagland was talking? This 'is big'. Why are we taking chances like this? It must be a world leader decission right? I mean one country cannot make this kind of mission without the go ahead from the rest right?. And how are we suppose to survive it up here on the ground and not down miles away in a fully loaded bunker?

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 12:55 AM
As has been explained, none of the Gas Giants in our solar system are capable of
becoming stars since they don't have enough mass to do so.

We are not technologically advanced enough to turn a Gas Giant into a star,
in fact not until we have a way of moving massive amounts of material into them
will we be able to, and that would require a massive moving scale and highly
efficient engines, both of which we don't have and most likely wont for several
centuries at least.

The only reason probes like Cassini or Galileo are crashed into the gas giants they are
in the local system of is so that they don't contaminate any possible life on the orbiting Moons.

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 03:11 AM

Originally posted by iori_komei
The only reason probes like Cassini or Galileo are crashed into the gas giants they are
in the local system of is so that they don't contaminate any possible life on the orbiting Moons.

Forget the fact that life may exist as we don't know it to currently ... and may be contaminating life on/in a gas giant ... or even starting an interplanetary nuclear war

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 03:52 AM
I believe it was in Clarke's book 2010 that Jupiter was imploded by the monoliths. All of the planets and moons in the newly created sub-solar system were deeded to men, except for Europa. HAL sent one final message warning Earth to steer clear of the moon; they would not be able to land on it. The aliens were beginning another experiment, similar to the one that spawned human intelligence millions of years earlier. And so it goes....

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by FreeThinkerIdealist
Forget the fact that life may exist as we don't know it to currently ... and may be contaminating life on/in a gas giant ... or even starting an interplanetary nuclear war

While there in theory could be life in the gas giants, there's a higher chance
of it existing on one of Saturn's moons and therefore there is less of a chance of
contaminating life.

There would'nt be an interplanetary war either since complex life like on Earth
can not exist anywhere in the Solar System except Europa, and life there would be
completely aquatic and therefore not be able to develop advanced technologies.

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 12:13 PM
I am not trying to argue that there IS life on/in a gas giant in our system.

BUT ... I will not close my mind to the fact that an intelligent life, and a technological life could exist in both a gas planet and in an underwater environment. It is a rather limited view to limit technology and intelligent life to 'air breathing' societies. Again, anything being said is purely speculation, but so is the thought that life must be like us to advance to our level or beyond.

I would argue that, appendages such as those of some marine life (squid, octopus, etc.) have more agile gripping abilities than we do, and, if they advanced in such a way that made them think and build in a superior manner, why could they not develop a power system based on their environments, since that would be all they were used to, and, in turn, think that development in air would be less likely because of their limited scope on life based on their own experiences and knowledge.

There may not be any other life in our solar system, I would not assume either way actually. To me, that is a failure to science to assume a negative instead of be open to both possibilities with as little as we actually KNOW compared to as much as we think we know from the information gathered thus far.

The interplanetary war was, I thought, an obvious exaggeration of an extreme plausibility of reality beyond the normal train of thinking our societies and sciences currently find to be so-called 'fact'.

I think we really need to be cautious when playing and visiting other worlds. We need a very benevolent point of view in case we do find life ... we need to also not think we 'own' everything we come in contact with. I honestly find it quite disturbing we already plan on strip mining worlds for supplies to travel further through our own system. We are taking huge leaps in assumptions that mining the moon for water, H3, titanium, other minerals will not have an effect. We also assume that mining resources from other planets and moons will have no effect on their development and stasis. It is a large leap of 'faith' in their ideas and theories.

This also relates to the gas giants. We assume that, our little contamination of nuclear waste and explosions are not going to have a semi-permanent effect on these worlds. We assume, since the concept of life is hard for us to understand, intelligent or not, that it doesn't exist, so we are doing no harm. I would have to say, until we have first-hand knowledge, any assumptions are quite illogical and immature. Unless we build an exploration vehicle that can withstand the gaseous atmosphere, the temps, and the pressures ... we don't know what is below the surface no matter how much we analyze the information sent back to us from our 'probes'.

The fact is, we make a lot of leaps of 'faith' based on information that is sent back or recorded ... but ... our analysis is somewhat biased as to what we understand from our lives on this planet, and a little experimentation in LEO and a few lunar expeditions. I still find it to be delusions of grandeur to make things sound so cut and dry about these concepts based on information which only is supported because we look at ways to deny or support based on our current concepts of reality. The whole estimation of the universe expanding, dating of the universe, even estimating the distance of things is based on not much more than guesses based on science that is assumed from what we know and learned so far ... which is constantly changing, being updated, or being inconsistent.

With the effects just gravity has on light, add to it magnetism, black matter, and these are just things we know about ... this doesn't include what we don't know about. The cycles of space are in time frames beyond what most could fathom in their deepest thoughts. I personally look at all things with a bit of skepticism, because, as humans we are quite biased, and our science comes from biased people, except for the very rare person once in a blue moon. I keep an open mind to a lot of possibilities since our science is really in the fetus stage of its knowledge and development. We have a very long way to go, to think otherwise is more than arrogant.

We assume that the balance of everything isn't very delicate, as to our manipulation will not have an effect. Leaving the point out of removing resources ... what if just by wild chance, our nuclear radiation actually mutated a current life into something harmful? Like a B movie
but honestly, can we fully rule it out? Since we don't know or understand other possible forms of life, we cannot know the effects of our influences. We could in theory create something that ends up destroying us on accident! It doesn't have to be a sustainable second sun ... or the temporary ignition of the gas giants until they extinguish quickly and change the mass distribution of the solar system and gravitational stability ... it could be a 'virus/bacteria' we create ... like the vampiric entity from Star Trek TOS

I always liked the Edgar Allan Poe story of the asteroid that was headed towards earth ... people panicked, but then thought nothing of it when it was found to be gaseous and would pass through the earth without a traditional 'impact' ... but once it hit the earth's atmosphere, it interacted and changed the composition of our air, suffocating, igniting, burning ... causing a mass extinction without a physically destructive force. I fully see it as the way the average person thinks. They see things as they are taught to see them, or as they are told. We forget that things aren't always as they appear and our ideas need to be challenged to a new level of thinking.

I think it is disgusting that scientists would crash nuclear powered craft into planets, regardless of their composition ... and they shouldn't have even considered launching such devices unless they planned for them to be run indefinitely. How much nuclear material runs our subs? and for how long? it would seem to me that these space craft should have had a MUCH longer service life and were destroyed prematurely ... if not for a 'purpose'. I think it is a disgusting act by scientists that think they have become above the law and opinion of the people of the world. The same as those who bet if the atom bomb's first ignition would destroy the world or not ... and the future use of a facility that may create a black hole.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 10:02 AM
Why the *^%# are *they* doing this?

Just watched a video about this, insane, as usual, from the sick people
at the helm. Saturn is about the same molecular structure as our sun,
why, may I ask are *they* planning on doing this?

I still remember the crash into Jupiter w/ that other satellite.

Never trust the SS words - Cassini.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 03:35 AM
This is a facinating topic and I would like to submit my own hypothisis on the subject. I"m not an expert but the ideas involved in this post are very interesting to say the least.
I’ve done some reading about Planet X and how it’s a giant mass that was accounted in the “bible” as being “The Destroyer”. I’m not here to quote the bible or get into a religious discussion I’m just using some references I’m familiar with from ATS.
Due to the remote possibility of turning Jupiter into second, all be it weak and short lived, star in our solar system, the hypothetical possibility that even a small ignition might create a sustainable and suitable planet from one of Jupiters moons for human habitat when Plant X makes it’s way back through our solar system. That moon would then hold the remaining life which left Earth to escape the impending destruction. Further to that possibility once Planet X has left the solar system those who survive would not return to Earth. It is my hypothesis that due to Jupiter becoming a second star Mars would then regain its previous Earth like atmosphere to sustain life as it is speculated to have done so in the past.
Considering that there are clandestine forces at work throughout the world who try with success to put the general populace into a lulled uneducated state, this is possible. It’s a possibility that would allow the elite societies on Earth to maintain and regain their previous stranglehold they currently have and continue to propagate their agenda. In a world of disinformation an uneducated populace is the greatest weapon to encourage and facilitate that population’s internal defeat.
There have been some great points about what would be required for Jupiter to become a star and I am familiar with some of the science behind it but I will state that I am not an expert in those regards so I will humbly submit that my post here is strictly hypothetical.
The question that remains to be answered is why human beings are still sending satellites and probes into the gas giant with large amounts of nuclear material.
Thanks for your time and I appreciate any comments and thank those members who have shared the science of how the ignition of Jupiter is improbable.


posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 04:26 AM
Arcticnull -- they already tried to do it to Jupiter, this is about Saturn. . . .

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 04:39 AM
Its pretty incredible that they are doing this... this video gives me the chills.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 07:25 PM
Dunno, I have to say what gives me the chills is how easily people swallow up this tripe.

First of all, there's the fact that Plutonium-238 can't be used for fission and has never been. Second of all, how do you propose the plutonium manages to somehow magically coagulate into a compact sphere after the probe is ripped to shreds during atmospheric reentry?

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by anhinga

my mistake, I thought this post was in refernce to either planet,
Thanks for the correction though

posted on Oct, 20 2007 @ 01:29 AM
[i think if jupiter was ignited it would probably be a very small white dwarf
maybe 5 to 10 miles in diameter]. at that distace from us and small size even be strong enougfhg to turn night into daylight i doubt clarkes book series if winked out after 1000 years but would it have enough hydrogen to burn for say 50 years?

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 12:39 AM
have just found an interesting footnote to the Lucifer Project.

Some of you may have heard of a young boy named Boriska

He is a young boy who when he was seven started spouting stories of Mars, Lemuria and ancient Earth civilisations. Here's a thread on him'

Well look at what ELSE he said about our ancient past...

He spoke about... how they tried to turn Jupiter into a 2nd sun...

Interesting huh?

People often say history will repeat itself until we learn our lessons on this planet...

Have we been here before?

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by 2ndSEED

Take a peek at this thread...


posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 06:41 AM
Here's the 'status report' about extending the life of Cassini... there's 'chatter' about it living on to see 2010-2012 among some MSM sources, yet *mum* is the 'official' word thus far:

No date has been announced yet as to when the formal announcement of the Cassini extended mission will be made. However, planning of the extended mission proceeds nominally.

posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 02:21 AM

Cassini Spacecraft to Dive Into Water Plume of Saturn Moon
NASA's Cassini spacecraft will make an unprecedented "in your face" flyby of Saturn's moon Enceladus on Wed., March 12.
The spacecraft, orchestrating its closest approach to date, will skirt along the edges of huge Old-Faithful-like geysers erupting from giant fractures on the south pole of Enceladus. Cassini will sample scientifically valuable water-ice, dust and gas in the plume.

Cassini successfully flew by the Saturn moon Enceladus yesterday. This daring maneuver undoubtedly had a profound effect on Cassini's orbit.

May 28 – Cassini will complete its 43rd flyby of Titan, ending its primary mission. A mission extension is expected, and the probe is capable of at least a second mission extension beyond that.

I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens, but after the 28th of May anything is possible seeing as how Cassini's primary mission will be complete.

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 06:41 PM
When this first got posted I read up on this whole thing on the web at this website and I even bookmarked it because it had the ring of truth to it.

so I just clicked on it and the site today and it has been removed, I suspect a coverup.

This also ties in nicely to another ATS post about Norway preparing for thier survivors to live underground in bunkers untill the surface is liveable. They even built a vault to protect all the seeds we will need.

Why make another sun, why wipe out everything on earth with radiation. Well more power doesn't hurt, and maybe they are trying to eliminate something here on earth. a deadly disease or whatever is killing all the bees and bats. Sort of a clean slate with only the specific lifeforms you choose to survive. But it seems to me that greater biodiversity is preferable. shrug.

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 08:46 PM

6/30/08 to 7/7/08 Cassini will impact Saturn. Unlike Galileo, Cassini will travel further into the planet by going through the opening at the pole. With an atmosphere composed almost entirely of hydrogen, there are theories that Saturn will become a second Sun. The effects on the Earth from a Saturn star formation are unknown. One theory is that a constant radiation shower will hit the Earth lasting many weeks, killing millions. The effects will become visible about 28 days after the impact.

Anyone have new news about this event?
Where is the thread about the BIG NASA discovery?
Itr is scheduled for today right? It should already be old news.

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by antar

Hi antar. The Cassini Mission was extended by about two years.

Here is the Nasa press release.

Here is a link to a thread discussing this extension.

As far as the new release today:

Nasa discovered the youngest supernova in our galaxy...

About 140 years ago, our time, a stellar explosion lit up our galaxy with a blinding flash of light, sending out powerful shock waves to boot. Now, astronomers have spotted the youthful remains from the explosion.

full article

Hope this helps.


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