posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 08:21 AM
Neat Article, Neat Topic
Kudos to
Spectre for posting it.
Personally, I don't see any reasonable basis for cynicism in the face of this evidence.
The human mind is already known to be complex, and is known to be the central processor for all sensory receptors in the human body.
That the human mind analyzes sensory input and responds to it is essentially what defines it as the human mind.
So why should evidence suggesting that the human mind recognizes and responds to known danger signals be controversial at all?
Of course, on the other hand, what if this is
more than just pattern recognition, and evidence of a genuine and distinct "sixth sense"?
And that's the $64,000 question in this case, and one which this study raises, but does not answer.
Again, excellent topic.