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Migrant Children Drugged Without Consent At Government Centers, Court Documents Show

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posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 06:48 AM

Staff working on the behalf of the Office of Refugee Resettlement are routinely drugging detained child migrants with psychotropics without their parents’ consent, according to legal filings.

Trump administration officials have repeatedly insisted that the family separation policy they implemented over the last six weeks is humane. But the ongoing lawsuit over the Flores agreement, a 1997 settlement that partly governs the detention of child migrants that the White House hopes to overturn, alleges a litany of wrongdoings at the ORR-contracted facilities.

The drugging allegations are among the most disturbing. One child cited in the lawsuit reported taking up to nine pills in the morning and another seven in the evening, without knowing what the medication was.

“ORR routinely administers children psychotropic drugs without lawful authorization,” a memo filed in the lawsuit on April 16 reads. “When youth object to taking such medications, ORR compels them. ORR neither requires nor asks for a parent’s consent before medicating a child, nor does it seek lawful authority to consent in parents’ stead. Instead, ORR or facility staff sign ‘consent’ forms anointing themselves with ‘authority’ to administer psychotropic drugs to confined children.”


So yesterday I brought to the attention of ATS a report the ACLU published documenting cases of child abuse in these ORR facilities between the years 2009-2014. ATS did the ATS and took the partisan route and claimed this was a phenomenon that only happened under Obama. Of course anyone that is familiar with the rampant number of child abuse cases found in the criminal justice system would be quick to identify this as a systemic problem and not a partisan one.

Lo and behold we have a lawsuit filed in April that details how the government is forcibly medicating children with high doses of strong antipsychotic drugs without any kind of consent. Reports state that most children at one of these facilities have gained significant weight and display a flattened affect thanks to the amount of drugs they are on. The government is literally drugging children to make they easier to manage.

I know that "Nazi" has been thrown around a lot the past few days but this is literally something the Nazis would do. Abuse in these facilities didn't start with Obama and it didn't end with Obama. And I think when all is said and done we're going to find out that the abuse these children were subjected to is much more horrific than we could imagine.

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 07:01 AM
Jail isn’t someplace you want to be. This is one of the reasons I don’t break the law or involve my children in criminal schemes. Actually this sounds like any day in an American school system. They love drugging up our kids.

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 07:03 AM
a reply to: Xcalibur254

This is only going to become more disturbing as time passes.

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 07:19 AM
a reply to: Metallicus

Are you aware of the long term damage caused from taking drugs used to treat schizophrenia? This is pretty much the same way patients would be dealt with during the dark days of mental institutions.

If they started lobotomizing these kids would that be enough to make you care?

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 07:42 AM

I know that "Nazi" has been thrown around a lot the past few days but this is literally something the Nazis would do. Abuse in these facilities didn't start with Obama and it didn't end with Obama. And I think when all is said and done we're going to find out that the abuse these children were subjected to is much more horrific than we could imagine.

So the Trump juggernaut is bleeding... MSM blaming it all on the big white male. What to do if a kid arrives with a perpetrator claiming to be a loving parent. What to do if kids start to panic , need medication , were (sexual) abused ? Kids crying makes great footage , especially if it is a way to distract from IG.
If you say 'Nazi' well who is the nazi who is to blame ? Isn't it the MSM that distorted the news for all of these years. Obama was a saint , he could do no wrong all reporters obeyed like brave little Nazi soldiers. Not telling the truth not investigating. Shame on MSM criminal nazi liars ! Bordersecurity is paramount but they will sacrifice the country just to bring the juggernaut down. If zero-tolerance fails it's game over.

edit on 6212018 by frenchfries because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: frenchfries

So, getting beyond all the "but Obama" stuff ... it's okay with you if children are dosed with psychotropic drugs while under the care [sic] of the United States?

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: Metallicus

Schools drug children?

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 07:51 AM
a reply to: frenchfries

What to do if kids start to panic , need medication

You hold them and try to reassure thrm. You don't drug them.

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 07:53 AM
Disgusting if true.

I would point out that the article highlights the allegations not much on evidence. Will keep an eye on it.

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 07:55 AM
a reply to: Xcalibur254

Trump is obviously turning these kids into Trump steaks. Oh the humanity!!

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 08:00 AM

originally posted by: JinMI
Disgusting if true.

I would point out that the article highlights the allegations not much on evidence. Will keep an eye on it.

Thank you Jin.

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: Xcalibur254

Right off the bat this article is lying:

Trump administration officials have repeatedly insisted that the family separation policy they implemented over the last six weeks is humane

They didn't implement any child separation policy. That was decided by the 9th circuit court in 1996.

originally posted by: Gryphon66
a reply to: frenchfries

So, getting beyond all the "but Obama" stuff ... it's okay with you if children are dosed with psychotropic drugs while under the care [sic] of the United States?

Because none of you said a word for 8 years as we lived under state run propaganda press. Now all of a sudden after the IG report comes out.....You cant understand how people could be skeptical of your sincerity?
edit on 21-6-2018 by Thejoncrichton because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 08:02 AM

originally posted by: Woodcarver
a reply to: Xcalibur254

Trump is obviously turning these kids into Trump steaks. Oh the humanity!!

Well done with ketchup?

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 08:05 AM
a reply to: Thejoncrichton

The immigration reform of 1996 and the Flores Settlement don't say anything about separating families, except in cases where the parent is deemed unfit.

What changed was the zero tolerance policy enacted in April that has led to even asylum seekers being charged with a misdemeanor and imprisoned.

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 08:07 AM
a reply to: Thejoncrichton

BS. You're propagandizing yourself. I criticized the Obama Adminstration when it was due criticism. I'm very much against allowing government contractors to abuse and misuse the system.

However, your buddy in the White House changed the rules in April and that has resulted in the massive uptick in KIDS BEING SEPARATED FROM THEIR PARENTS.

If you showed just a tiny human bit of compassion for them, I'd likely take your concern about the last eight years more seriously, but I fear, as is most feigned concern about the welfare of babies and children, it's just another ploy for you.

Prove me wrong.

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 08:11 AM
I can have no voice.

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 08:13 AM
Of course it is very sad what has happened to these children. No excuses and such shame on our country.

However, no one talks about the good things they are gettng that they obviously didn't have ever in their lives before coming to the USA. They have shelter, clothing, food, medical attention and safety (yes, they were probably abused before reaching the US; even by their families.)

No one wants to discuss the horror they endured durng the long pilgrimmage to the US or how they starved or were exposed to horrble crimes, abuse and the elements.

There is absolutely no excuse to exclude them from their real parents. The concern of being a hostage and used by pediphles or pimps is a real concern due to the different cultures.

Trump has signed an order to reunite the actual famillies due to extreme political pressure but ths won't solve all the serious issues of these poor immigrants.

DNA testing would be a good beginning to confirm families and separate those beng brought in our country to be slaves.

There is a quota that our country needs in reference to how many immigrants we can sustain. At some point allowing immigrants without permission to enter will have to be kept out. It's a sad truth. However, once allowed to enter, humane treatment has to prevail. Drugging children is horrid. But we must be viglant in keeping out undesirables and prostitution and that means enduring a slow process and detention-where they are fed, clothed and receive all the needs they never had before and should be grateful for. It is sad they do not realise you just don't walk into the US-but no one proably ever told them.

It should e offered up front-and they should be educated on what the process to enter the US is-and then allowed to return to their original homes if our process is not acceptable to them. This is the only humane thing to do. They should have a choice and the freedom to cross back over the border.

But pity the poor children; they are the innocents.
edit on 21-6-2018 by Justso because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: Justso

That is amazing, factual and addressing the actual matter at hand.


posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: Gryphon66

So, getting beyond all the "but Obama" stuff ... it's okay with you if children are dosed with psychotropic drugs while under the care [sic] of the United States?

YES. it happens in the school system, the foster care system, the prison system, the juvenile detention system, and literally every other place in America. what reality do you live in where when you are in the care of the U.S. government their ISN'T a high chance you will be put on psychotropic drugs? CPS will take you kid and put them on adderal so fast it'll make you head spin.

can you aswer me this: why are you ok with them getting special preferential treatment? while American citizen are subject to the exact same thing you are outraged about?

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 08:25 AM

However, your buddy in the White House changed the rules in April and that has resulted in the massive uptick in KIDS BEING SEPARATED FROM THEIR PARENTS.
a reply to: Gryphon66

he didnt change the rule. he just said we are going to stick by the existing rule 100% (no tolerance) that means if you break the law by illegally crossing you go to jail.... kids can't go to adult jail...

the EO changed the law.

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