posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 11:28 PM
I'm of the opinion that the key to understanding dreams lies in the mechanics of our reality. If one were to assume the Theory of Evolution to be
correct, than dreams evolved as a way for an organism to understand its environment as well as to make more efficient its future reactions. I know I
write with a kind of detachment, I tend to think analytically and know no other way to express this, so please bear with me.......
Why do we Dream?
Every organism interpretes its environment through 5 senses, but at any given time dependent on the physical need or focus only one sense is being
used, usually sight.....How many times have you closed your eyes to enjoy an aroma? Regardless of how many senses you tend to focus on at any given
time, the brain is still percieving the world with all of its senses; the word subliminal essentially means "below conscious perception".
In order for the brain to process all that it has perceived in waking life, it "dreams".As such, dreams are the assimilation of all direct and
peripheral perception into long-term memory. This process is conducted so that the organism may understand better and interact more efficiently with
its environment by "re-experiencing" recent sensory perception. This re-experiencing is done by "combining" new experience with similar memories;
since the overall physical environment rarely changes once it has been lived in, most new dreams center on the emotion and feelings of the
To take this last sentence further, try a quick index of your most recent many of them were "feelings" amidst a social environment?
And how many were focused on physical details such as the "knot in a piece of wood" or "words and numbers?" The focus on social activity is a
natural default after a person has matured; he/she is already very familiar with his/hers physical reality and the only great unknown(for the most
part) is other people and how they think/feel in corrolation.
For the sake of arguement, we'll use anxiety as a reference since all of our actions are affected by the intensity of it. .....all of those
motivational speakers earn their money by instilling confidence. The more confidence you have means less anxiety. Anxiety comes in a myriad of
forms(guilt, shame, fear, instilled responsibility conflicting desire, and others). Remembering your dreams allows you to consciously reflect on how
your subconscious reacts to your continuing life. From there it is almost just a matter of deciding how/if you want to change it. This type of
reflection is self-evident with how well you interact with others and the activity you involve yourself in.....knowing how and why you react allots
you the option to change how you act.....since dreams are the summation of all ingested information by which our behaviour is based upon, it would
stand that understanding our behaviour would help us to more efficiently interact.....essentially what you stand to learn from increased awareness of
your dreams is a better understanding of 1)yourself 2)how you react to the world. 3)How the world reacts to you 4)Specific details about
anything(conscious control, or lucid.
As to the seeing of the future via dreams, the brain is an incredibly sensitive and calculating organ. I would imagine that precognition could be
explained by intuition, anticipation w/ regard to pattern recognition, and individual interest/focus and the intensity thereof.........
Of course learning is not meant in a way to exclude fun as this aspect of dreaming(having fun) is where most of the theraputic value lies - also, I
have never heard of anyone not enjoy "learning" how to lucid dream. I am trying to express that interacting with your environment is a constant
learning experience and dreams are there to continue adding into your memory the encountered reality. Learning begins, obviously, at infancy and these
memories are what establishes the type of reactions, in part, that particular human will have. Later in life when the physical world has been learned,
most of the new "information" will be in the form of social experience.....
I submit that the division of the mind into "conscious" and "unconscious" is done merely for convenience in explaining the functions of our mind.
I would think it more accurate to describe our mental state as a constantly flucuating consciousness and if that were so than of course an emotional
shock would undoubtedly dominate it. An emotional shock is usually the povacateur of recurring dreams. An attempt to understand how deeper levels of
consciousness express the shock, such as dreaming, could lead to a "conscious" assuaging of the trauma. Maybe I'm trying to implicate dreams in
concert with conscious thought.....
The brain, in using symbols in dreams, has demonstrated that it is very efficient and as such wouldn't use old memories that have been "updated" by
more recent experience that incorporate the same subject matter. This thought I could expand on further, I think, as it relates more to memory with
relation to behaviour, but I do think that in a dream state you have access to all of your memories.....If you experienced it, then it must have a
biological representation in the brain - that's why neural networks grow in response to experience. If you take a look at the biological development
of neurons(dendrites, axons, etc.) and their responses to neurotransmitters, memory is more vivid the more "similar experiences" you have. Hence,
"Practice makes perfect." The more you encounter a specific experience/situation/environment/relationship/etc., the stronger those particular
regions of neurons become........
I'm still refining etc., so please feel free to call me on anything, I'm sure their are holes somewhere. However, I believe this to be an accurate
description of the reasons for dreams and the use in our lives. Because dreams have evolved in response to our learning process, it would stand to
reason that dreams exist for us to learn from. The best way to do that, IMO, is to start with the mundane details, such as "why did I react that way
when this subject came up," or, "Why did I feel this way when I am usually quite comfortable with my life." It's all ways the details that lead to
more provocative questions and, subsequently, more provocative reasons.
This is why I think it a sham that dreams are usually religated to the mystical or new age section..........they're as natural as two arms and two
legs!!! I believe the unlimited capacity for learning and memory allotted by our dreams and the relative disregard people in general give them is no
accident.........a conspiracy to ensure that the full learning and operating potential of the brain is never realized. Life in America is motivated by
distraction after distraction and the constant barrage on our "animal instincts." This of course leaves no time for self-reflection, for the healthy
cultivation of the "why" aspect of our nature.......
I believe the third eye is actually our capacity to imagine, and dreams are a nightly process of imagination.