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35 stages of re-incarnation - where next?

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posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 03:40 AM
Do you have to have sessions like scientologists do?

posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 03:53 AM

originally posted by: Ghostsinthefog
Do you have to have sessions like scientologists do?

Who are you directing this question to?

posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 04:41 AM
Dunno about stages, perhaps it depends on how you arbitrarily carve up the "roast". And to what end is human "evolving" to?

It also depends on the definition of "soul" and if "soul" is an artificial thing. If so then it follows that maybe not every human has one.

If artificial then who hands them out?

But what is never mentioned is the culling. To know of that you just have to go to the (inner) places you're told not to go. I saw a CCTV video here on ATS in another thread. Two Russian(?) young girls who look all of fourteen years old inhaling aerosols and falling down the concrete stairs.

That, in the scheme of things, is one of the ways how culling is done, through contrived poverty and the resulting hopelessness.

They are children who have done no wrong, they don't deserve to disappear.

The "lower world's" are full of children and teens who don't make it through no fault of their own. The demographics are male/female until puberty and then the ratio swings towards primarily female teens.
Virtually all the adults you find down there are the ones who exploit or prey upon children.

I wonder if this has it's roots in the philosophy of "original sin". . . .

edit on 20-6-2018 by Whatsthisthen because: Typo

posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 05:05 AM

originally posted by: Abednego
Interesting thread.
So far what I know from my studies is that there are 2 forms.

1. Return ( not to be confused with reincarnation ) - the difference is that the return is an unconscious act of coming back to this world until reaching the state of awareness.

You cannot reach 'the state of awareness' - but it can be recognised that you are always aware!! It can be realised.
Maybe you have misidentified yourself - as 'something' which appears - the body/mind (person) appears but it cannot appear without there being an awareness of it.

2. Reincarnation - once aware and conscious ( becoming a spiritual master ) you decide whether to come back or not.

What you are is 'aware and conscious' of these words appearing - aware that there is reading happening and aware of sounds.
That 'aware/conscious' presence never goes anywhere ever - never comes, never goes - always present and aware of what is appearing.

posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 05:17 AM

originally posted by: Whatsthisthen
I wonder if this has it's roots in the philosophy of "original sin". . . .

The original sin is the belief in things.
What is there really??

Without the seeing and knowing presence could any appearance appear?
Is the appearance separate from the seeing and knowing presence? Or are they one?

posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 05:35 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

The original sin is the belief in things. 
What is there really?? 

Actually I meant the "original sin" of Catholicism fame (though not necessarily restricted to).

· Original sin, also called "ancestral sin", is a Christian belief of the state of sin in which humanity exists since the fall of man, stemming from Adam and Eve's rebellion in Eden, namely the sin of disobedience in consuming the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

-- Wikipedia.

That Eve was the original corruptor. That underlaying concept that it is the female that corrupts (tempts) the male. The "Victorian" morality for instance. Though I not an expert.

What I wrote in the first post applies mainly to western kids, one does not find Chinese children in those places for instance, and so the suggestion of original sin.

Without the seeing and knowing presence could any appearance appear? 
Is the appearance separate from the seeing and knowing presence? Or are they one?

Ahh mysticism, now you have lost me for I don't go to those places.

edit on 20-6-2018 by Whatsthisthen because: Enlarged a bit for clarity and relavance.

posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 07:22 AM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain

originally posted by: Abednego
Interesting thread.
So far what I know from my studies is that there are 2 forms.

1. Return ( not to be confused with reincarnation ) - the difference is that the return is an unconscious act of coming back to this world until reaching the state of awareness.

You cannot reach 'the state of awareness' - but it can be recognised that you are always aware!! It can be realised.
Maybe you have misidentified yourself - as 'something' which appears - the body/mind (person) appears but it cannot appear without there being an awareness of it.

2. Reincarnation - once aware and conscious ( becoming a spiritual master ) you decide whether to come back or not.

What you are is 'aware and conscious' of these words appearing - aware that there is reading happening and aware of sounds.
That 'aware/conscious' presence never goes anywhere ever - never comes, never goes - always present and aware of what is appearing.

Sorry If I was not clear enough. Your right.
What I mean is to be able to stay conscious of yourself, that you can identify each realm when you are in one and behave accordingly.

posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 07:37 AM

originally posted by: Abednego

originally posted by: Itisnowagain

originally posted by: Abednego
Interesting thread.
So far what I know from my studies is that there are 2 forms.

1. Return ( not to be confused with reincarnation ) - the difference is that the return is an unconscious act of coming back to this world until reaching the state of awareness.

You cannot reach 'the state of awareness' - but it can be recognised that you are always aware!! It can be realised.
Maybe you have misidentified yourself - as 'something' which appears - the body/mind (person) appears but it cannot appear without there being an awareness of it.

2. Reincarnation - once aware and conscious ( becoming a spiritual master ) you decide whether to come back or not.

What you are is 'aware and conscious' of these words appearing - aware that there is reading happening and aware of sounds.
That 'aware/conscious' presence never goes anywhere ever - never comes, never goes - always present and aware of what is appearing.

Sorry If I was not clear enough. Your right.
What I mean is to be able to stay conscious of yourself, that you can identify each realm when you are in one and behave accordingly.

Be conscious that you are conscious. Know Thyself.
You do not have to behave accordingly - all behaviour arises in consciousness. If consciousness has misidentified itself as a particular thing arising within it then there will be a seeking for the 'right' behaviour because something feels amiss. But when consciousness has been recognised as ones true nature - nothing will feel amiss.
You are never in a realm - all appears in you/as you.

posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 08:00 AM

originally posted by: DpatC

originally posted by: Abednego

originally posted by: vinifalou
a reply to: DpatC

I think it's all due to interpretation. Many religions and cultures around the world have a different view of the after-life but its all (or most of them) using the same premise.

You need to be good and learn what your life is trying to teach you. Then you'll ascend. Whatever this means.

I don't think you'll find these answers here, maybe a few years ago when ATS were a more-esoteric-than-political place.

Explained in a simple way. Yes.
Basically everything vibrates in a certain frequency, you just need to work with you to sinchronize with that vibrational state. Once that state is reached you start to work to go to the next upper level.
By work I mean to try to be as good as possible (that is way to say it).
The higher you try to go, the harder it gets.

Oh I like where your going with this! Any object with energy emits Light....Please elaborate further!

Everything vibrates because we have a certain amount of energy in our bodies. Everything has energy within. We as humans vibrate at a certain frequency range, therefore we emit energy and can sense that energy.

One example: Sometimes you see a person, and feel "something" good of that person or bad. That "something" is the energy emitted from that person. His/her vibrational state.
We can feel attracted to certain people because their vibrational state is in harmony with ours. In the case of places we can feel the energy of a place, you enter in a building and you can feel the energy, sometimes feels heavy and sometimes feels light. That happens because people left residual energy in there and the building absorb that energy. It is call egregor.

The spirit realm works in another dimension, therefore is a different vibrational state, but that does not mean we cannot feel them or communicate with them. Of course to be able to do that required training and a lot of study. Most of this teachings required an initiation to be able to change the persons vibrational state so he/she can receive the teachings and be able to put into practice the learned material.

posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: Riffrafter

I actually did a little research and found that the book Messages from Michael was where the information was pulled from in the original link I posted. The information found in that book was gained by ouija board sessions:

The group, who had been meeting regularly since the early 1970s, had started using a Ouija board.

The Ouija board is now long gone but the questions and answers have never stopped. The same source has continued to give us a detailed, mutli-faceted system of psychological and spiritual insight. It is a body of knowledge that contains just about everything we need to know in order to understand who we are at every level. ...

An entity known as Michael from another realm (??) decided that he would share everything he knows with them...for what purpose? And how do we know he is giving truthful answers? And, how do we know that those sessions with the ouija worked? Is there video somewhere? (I'll look that

Anyhow, I just don't like to jump into accepting something as fact until I research it a bit and find evidence that supports it as fact is all. So far, I've not found anything that shows this as factual data. And, I believe in this stuff! But not just because someone says it happened...

The question is still unanswered. How do these people know about the soul stages and 35 levels? It is still unclear to me. No solid explanation has been found/given as of yet. So far, all I've got is ouija board channeling.


posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain
Nosce te ipsum.

Consciousness has not misidentified itself, is just the realization that much work is needed in order to become one with the Unity, not because there is something wrong. But because is the right thing.

I like your thinking.

posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 08:32 AM
a reply to: blend57

Maybe they are not telling the whole truth.

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 03:25 AM

originally posted by: Abednego
Consciousness has not misidentified itself, is just the realization that much work is needed in order to become one with the Unity, not because there is something wrong. But because is the right thing.

No work is needed - it just needs recognising/realising.
Unity/oneness already is - there is no you that has to become one with oneness.

posted on Jun, 22 2018 @ 03:40 AM

originally posted by: Whatsthisthen

That Eve was the original corruptor. That underlaying concept that it is the female that corrupts (tempts) the male.

It is about non duality becoming duality - as in the one becomes two. And when the two become one the kingdom shall be revealed. The ONE never really became TWO - never divided into male and female.
The original corrupter was 'division'. How can there be corruption with ONE?
See that the result in division is blame - you have blamed Eve (or female) for the sin - now Eve/female is bad. Bad and good have been created.

Ahh mysticism, now you have lost me for I don't go to those places.

What is 'mysticism'?
This that IS is the 'mystery'. This that not made of two things.
edit on 22-6-2018 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2018 @ 01:39 PM
Only a young person would believe this one after 52 years of being in lifes grinder and see just what humans do
I would rather burn forever then have to go through this again .

Life is hell and you want to relive it 35 times ? last stage would be scyo stage as you try and end all cycles

posted on Jun, 22 2018 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: blend57

The question is still unanswered. How do these people know about the soul stages and 35 levels? It is still unclear to me. No solid explanation has been found/given as of yet. So far, all I've got is ouija board channeling.

By Sue Bohlin -

Here is a common claim by secularism----

“The theory of reincarnation is recorded in the Bible. But the proper interpretations were struck from it during an Ecumenical Council meeting of the Catholic Church in Constantinople sometime around 553 A.D, called the Council of Nicea. The Council members voted to strike those teachings from the Bible in order to solidify Church control.” [New York: Bantam Books, 1983, pp. 234-5.]
Dr. Paul R. Eddy, Associate Professor of Theology at Bethel College in St. Paul, Minnesota, responds:

“In response to this claim, we must begin by pointing out a few basic historical inaccuracies. First, The Council of Nicea, the first of the seven Ecumenical councils, took place in 325 A.D. It was concerned with the teachings of Arius and their implications for a correct understanding of the person of Jesus Christ. The documents from this Council offer no evidence that the topic of reincarnation ever came up for discussion, let alone that it was condemned and removed from the Bible. No doubt this claim means to refer, rather, to the fifth Ecumenical Council, held in 553–the Council of Constantinople. The primary purpose of this Council was to ease the tensions in the Church caused by the Council of Chalcedon 100 years previous.

Again, there is no evidence whatsoever that the idea of reincarnation was ever discussed, let alone condemned and purged from the Bible. What the reincarnationists are probably referring to here is the condemnation of Origenism, which included belief in the pre-existence of the soul. This should not, however, be confused with the notions of the karmic cycle of reincarnation. This is clear from Origen’s own words on this matter when he writes of “the dogma of transmigration, which is foreign to the Church of God not handed down by the Apostles, nor anywhere set forth in the Scriptures.” Other early theologians, including Irenaeus, Tertullian, and Gregory of Nyssa, also explicitly rejected the idea of reincarnation.

Another problem with this theory is the fact that manuscripts of the Bible exist dating back to the third century. For example, the Bodmer Papyri (dated around 200-225), the Chester Beatty Papyri (dated around 200-250), Codex Vaticanus (dated around 325-350), and Codex Sinaiticus (dated around 340) are all documents written centuries prior to the 533 Council, and none of them reveal any supposed reincarnationist teachings that were removed from later editions of the Bible! Beyond this, it is known that the core canon of the Bible was essentially recognized and acknowledged throughout the orthodox Church as early as the late second and early third centuries, as evidenced by the list contained in the Muratorian Fragment (dated around 170). All of this points towards the impossibility of a conspiratorial purgation of the doctrine of reincarnation–or any other doctrine for that matter–from the Bible during any of the Ecumenical Councils.” []

I hope you can see that the burden of proof is on the reincarnationists to show us those supposed Biblical passages supporting reincarnation! The idea that the original versions of the Bible containing teachings on reincarnation were all confiscated and burned–another fantasy floating around these days–is merely that, a fantasy. There is no evidence for any myth of reincarnation taught in the Bible, either past or present. Hebrews 9:27 nails that coffin shut: “It is appointed unto man to die once, and after that comes judgment.”

My reply is ----------
Reincarnation is taught in Kabbalist doctrine through the Zohar [Spanish Gerona] by some sects of Judaism. This had its roots in Hinduism and Platonic philosophy and entered Judaism sometime in the 2nd to 8th centuries. What was the reason for this to enter Judaism? Primarily it was because the authority of Judaism was decimated by the Romans and the temple authority being destroyed, thus allowing a whole new conglomerate of rabbinic and gnostic philosophers to introduce their doctrines. It was likened as to a fox being allowed in the chicken coop.

To directly answer your question is to say that reincarnation is not of Jesus, Nazarenes, or Christians and for the most part is eastern philosophy which is primarily Hinduism or gnostic doctrines and had its introduction into Judaism in about the eighth century onwards. -- lol

posted on Jun, 23 2018 @ 01:49 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

It is about non duality becoming duality - as in the one becomes two. And when the two become one the kingdom shall be revealed. The ONE never really became TWO - never divided into male and female. The original corrupter was 'division'. How can there be corruption with ONE?

I wonder if there actually is a "One" from which came "Two".

Whatever the case, it is in THIS world that suffering takes place, everyday.

See that the result in division is blame - you have blamed Eve (or female) for the sin - now Eve/female is bad. Bad and good have been created.

No, I don't blame anyone as I think the concept of "Original Sin" is just that; a concept. A concept when embodied causes suffering to others.

What is 'mysticism'? This that IS is the 'mystery'. This that not made of two things.

Perhaps only to the mystically inclined.

I watch and see reincarnation at work. Serial incarnators, some who wallow in luxury and some who come to do a task. Some come here to experience what it is to be alive and be someone. Others are first timers.

I look at this and wonder if reincarnation is an artificial thing. A tactic for the dead to control the living while safe from suffering themselves is my best guess. Yet alas; some of those people have been dead so long they have forgotten what it is to be alive. Thus a lot of needless suffering caused by the dead to mold society in a manner that works for them and what they desire - the reincarnationary society spanning two worlds.

My message to those who would rule from the land of the dead; You had your chance to change this world when you were alive.

Perhaps just living society and family are enough for an enduring yet adaptable womb for children to become. Do we really need more?

It is the culling of the first timers when still children that I object to.

I am feeling whimsical and philosophical today. - perhaps not entirely a good thing.

It is said that it was said that My Father's House has many mansions.

Perhaps the answer to DpatC's original question of where does a soul go once it's compleated all 35stages is that the children grow tall enough to see out the window and discover that there ARE many mansions.

"And look over here through this other window, I can see another House with many mansions within."

Do you suppose there may be more Ones than just this One?

edit on 23-6-2018 by Whatsthisthen because: A whim

posted on Jun, 23 2018 @ 05:16 AM
a reply to: Whatsthisthen

Maybe you believe that you are in a body - and that the mind is in the body and that the mind and body are in the world - that is the usual view. But take a closer look!!
The body, mind and world all appear at the same time - they are all part of the (dream) scene.
Notice that all that appears is disappearing as it appears - watch a thought or sensation, see and hear.

What you are is not in a body - what you are is not 'incarnate' (in flesh) - so what you are will not be able to 're enter flesh' (reincarnate) - because in is not 'in flesh' now.

And it is never not now - now is the ONE - another name for now is 'I am'.
God said his name was 'I am that I am'.

posted on Jun, 23 2018 @ 05:39 AM
Where next?
It can be noticed that you never go anywhere.
It is the scenery which is moving - not you!

Now is what there is and now constantly appears different!

Now cannot be divided however, if we divide it just for the purpose of exploration to see that there is something that is aware of what is appearing now - but that something that is aware of what is appearing now is not a 'thing' that is separate from what is appearing - they (that are not two) arise as one seamless happening.

What you are actually is beyond words, but it would be not untrue to say you are nothing whatsoever other than pure, infinite, disembodied consciousness/intelligence; a field of miraculous infinite light; God dreaming itself; an infinite point of pure potential; or the infinite implications of nothing whatsoever.

The immediate presentation of this unspeakable actuality is the field of your experience, which is an instantaneously appearing virtual field of Radiant Presence as apparent qualities. This is the actuality of which every/ and any/ thing that you think exists consists. This is inclusive and complete; nothing whatever other than this field exists. In short, the entirety of Reality is the "bubble" of YOUR experience, the field of Radiant Presence, which alone exists.

This is the totality of Reality. This is not theoretical, but is actually, immediately real; always the case right here right now.

posted on Jun, 23 2018 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

Perhaps we can agree to see things differently.

My choice is to stay here to help out, it is also my choice to avoid the "Ones".

I can do more here then there.

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