posted on Jun, 18 2018 @ 05:37 AM
a reply to:
Ok first if you talking about spools that is a filament printer. It feeds the plastic in and melts it then drops the plastic i layers.
They are the cheapest to buy and operate and they also also the less maintenance heavy.
I have a davinci filiment printer. Its pretty good, been reliable and has good warranty service. BUT it does have a RFID. However its very easy to
hack. I brought a hacked chip for £60 and fitted it and now it takes any spool
It will only do 0.2 mm (200 microns) though really the results are more 400 microns.
A good filament is around $1000
Next is SLA
SLA used a liquid plastic solution that hardens when exposed to light. You have a tank of liquid solution and laser then fix the plastic onto a
platform in layers.
You can get down to 20 microns with these. But they are slower and more expensive to run.
I have a riverside. Its a cheap Chinese knockoff of the forma labs 2. Being a knock off I have had problems with mine but you get what you pay for.
The forma labs 2 is apparently excellent and has good warranty BUT its going to be $3000-$4000.
You also have SLS that uses powder and works like a SLA. these can do metals but they cost $10000+ and need very special safety gear.
Calibration for both is simple making sure the build platform is completely level. Calibration normally needs to be done after each run as any
movement can disrupt the platform, even lifting the model off.
Unfortunately I can not help with gears , I do models with mine so I have no experience with that.
edit on 18-6-2018 by DieGloke because: (no reason given)
edit on 18-6-2018 by DieGloke because: (no reason
edit on 18-6-2018 by DieGloke because: (no reason given)