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German migration chief fired over asylum scandal

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posted on Jun, 17 2018 @ 08:45 AM

The ousted head of Germany’s refugee agency was central to an unfolding asylum application fraud scandal

In April, it was revealed that a former BAMF official at the Bremen office was under investigation on suspicion of taking bribes from at least 1,200 asylum seekers

Other officials at the agency were also probed for possibly having taken part in the scheme.

In 54 percent of the Bremen decisions there had been no admissible request. In about 40 percent of cases, the identity of the asylum seekers was not clarified

More than a million migrants –from predominantly Muslim countries– have entered Germany since the refugee crisis erupted in 2015

Germany, with a population about about 82.6 million, has allowed in more than a million migrants since 2015. Now it turns out that Germany's migration officials have been involved in frauds and schemes to illegally allow many of those migrants - even taking bribes to look the other way while migrants entered the country without legal paperwork or identities. The former head of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, Jutta Cordt, has been fired after an investigation into her crimes, while several other officials are currently under investigation.
I hope that people can understand the ramifications of this. Who do you think the migrants are that are bribing government officials for entry into Germany without identification or paperwork? Do you think they are happily married families of little boys and girls who are just trying to escape the terrorists? No, they are people who do not want to be identified or tracked, and who have the money to bribe government officials.

I recently had a German relative come to visit. She vehemently denied that there was any problem at all with migration in Germany. She said that anything saying such was "fake news", and that all of the migrants were other Europeans. She made these claims very passionately, and became angry when I showed her videos of Middle Eastern and African migrants marching through the streets of Germany. According to her, these things were just "special events", and you can't trust what you see. In all honesty, I got the impression that she knew full well what she was saying was false, but was so afraid of acknowledging that there was a problem that she resorted to anger and frustration at the mere mention of the subject. I don't know what is happening to the German people, but they need to grow a backbone and stand up for their society before it's absolutely destroyed by their very own officials. The German government is literally allowing untraceable, unidentifiable people from Muslim and/or African countries full of violence and extremism into their country to do or plan who knows what.

posted on Jun, 17 2018 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: trollz

Gee, I thought it was for the sake of humanity Germany overhauled 1 million muslim men into its oh so beautifully working assimilation program...
edit on 17-6-2018 by deckdel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2018 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: trollz

The corrupt red tape strikes again. Who woulda thunkt!

More Nanny State madness will help, we could close all borders and waste trillions on deportations. How's that?

posted on Jun, 17 2018 @ 08:59 AM
Things like this will continue to help the tide turn.
This was a huge mistake from the get go and despite how hard the media push the no problems agenda more people are waking up to the fact that there are in fact problems.

It wont be long (5-6 years) till all of Europe has governments like Hungarys if democracy is actually allowed to prevail, if not then we will most likely see civil wars.

But I hope Im wrong and all those fleeing their homelands can be safely repatriated

posted on Jun, 17 2018 @ 10:27 AM
Think Sanctuary cities do the same thing ?
And then warn the people who bribed them are going to be rounded up by ICE ?
edit on 17100000006 by JHumm because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2018 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: IkNOwSTuff
This was a huge mistake from the get go and despite how hard the media push the no problems agenda more people are waking up to the fact that there are in fact problems.

Actually, it was the media who created the agenda of their being a "problem" in the first place. Otherwise, how would you even know their was a claimed "problem"?

... Ya goose.

posted on Jun, 17 2018 @ 11:04 AM
I am shocked shocked I say...

I keep telling my friends over here that I see many of the exact same problems America has, they keep telling me I just don't understand German politics.

posted on Jun, 17 2018 @ 11:59 AM
was meant for the island thread whoops

edit on 17-6-2018 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2018 @ 12:31 PM
Germany seems complex on the issue, depending on where one is, and how ideologically devoted one is.

Speaking of German relatives my uncle (an SPD politician) will still harp on about his nice Syrian dentist (who seems to have been in Germany long before 2015), but give the phone to his wife, and she says the indigenous German women are too scared to go out after dark, and Merkel's "open borders" was the wort mistake they ever made.
Their son (and grandson - now 16) seem to agree with the mom, and that family seems partially split over the issue.
As in seriously split.

So even in one household, you won't get the same story.
But Syrian refugees are the least of their troubles now.
In fact, something like 55 000 Syrians paid traffickers to go back home last year.
There are boatloads of African illegal migrants arriving everyday, and most are headed to Germany.
Yes, even the real refugees would rather flee back home than stay in Merkel's Germany.
edit on 17-6-2018 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2018 @ 01:01 PM

originally posted by: halfoldman
In fact, something like 55 000 Syrians paid traffickers to go back home last year.

You got a source for that one, mate?

posted on Jun, 17 2018 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: Subaeruginosa

originally posted by: IkNOwSTuff
This was a huge mistake from the get go and despite how hard the media push the no problems agenda more people are waking up to the fact that there are in fact problems.

Actually, it was the media who created the agenda of their being a "problem" in the first place. Otherwise, how would you even know their was a claimed "problem"?

... Ya goose.

You are not singing their song, they will ignore you. Alt-Right as usual. We Germans could tell you what it feels like to live here (and I did that many times) yet they will not hear - they are in their own little news-bubble, listening to sing-songs of "DESPAIR! BETRAYAL TO THE GLORIOUS WHITE CHRISTIAN RACEEEEE!".

Which are boring, painfully full of fear and anxiety. Cringeworthy, to say it with the words of the internet.

While in fact the massive overkill of BAMF (BundesAmt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, translate it on your own) trying to solve the nearly insolvable task of dealing with refugees and migrants numbering in the hundreds of thousands per month 2015 IN A BUEROCRATIC WAY was the problem.

Surely, nobody wanted it that any refugee would have to wait 24 months (or even longer) until its status (accepted/not accepted/where to now?) was settled.

So, the buerocratic mini-monster of the BAMF was blown out of proportion by violating rules of employment to vastly accelerate the accession rate. Far beyond what could have put in a correct way of job training - it resulted in some on-the-job training, decreasing the average knowledge of the "correct and proper buerocratic ways" in the headcount in the BAMF.

Here we are now.
A lot of people working for the BAMF.
A lot of them are not very good trained.
A lot of decisions (acceptance/denial) were made by people who MEANT WELL. They wanted to accept the refugees. They wanted to lower the waiting times. They wanted WHAT THEIR BOSSES TOLD THEM TO REACH.
Did they really fail?

Sure, there are a lot of cases where simple things went missing or were dismissed completely, for example finger prints... You all know that sometimes (mhmm, yeah right) passports and documents such as are disappearing.. Which makes it difficult for a buerocracy to keep a hold on people. Those documents have to be acquired from the country of origin, often a exercise in futility.
10,000s of fingerprints are missing.

But the people in my country are neither in danger, nor are they FEELING to be in danger - about 18% voted for a party which names their declared target in politics to remove "undeutsches". 18%. These people are in fear.

The rest of us does not fear the new citizens.

posted on Jun, 17 2018 @ 02:07 PM

originally posted by: ManFromEurope
But the people in my country are neither in danger, nor are they FEELING to be in danger

Yeah, tell that to the 1,200 women who were sexually assaulted in one night. Or, you know, all the ones who have been raped and murdered by migrants.

originally posted by: ManFromEurope
about 18% voted for a party which names their declared target in politics to remove "undeutsches". 18%. These people are in fear.

The survey found that 62 percent of respondents were in favour of turning back undocumented migrants at the border, in line with the stance of Interior Minister Horst Seehofer who is openly challenging Merkel. And 86 percent want faster deportations of rejected asylum seekers

posted on Jun, 17 2018 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: ManFromEurope

I've seen a number of these clips now about returning "refugees".

At least in three European languages I can understand (English, Dutch and German).

Can't find the one that said 55 000 (but I said "something like" - nobody's really sure of the exact numbers, but suffice to say, it is a two-way trafficking stream now).

It's mainly Syrians and Iraqis, and some go to safe zones in their countries, while others prefer Turkey (where a lot of funding is already going).

Some cite loneliness and cultural differences as reasons, others the presence of Daesh in Europe (seemingly among fellow "migrants" - going from one war-zone to a coming war-zone), and some even the cold European climate, or the difficulty of learning European languages.

But ultimately they have better options.

Oh here it is - my source on 55 000 from 2016-2017 ("refugees" leaving Germany, about 5 minutes 40 seconds into the clip):


TRT World, published 12 January 2017 (on YouTube). "The Newsmakers: Refugees Returning Home". Clip won't load here, but the link above works. And I gather, no it's not because "refugees" were treated badly with available resources, but they can also see there's no hope for them in Europe now that "open borders" isn't just letting in refugees, but illegal economic migrants from the entire Third World, and they themselves will be ethnically and numerically swamped. They can see it's not a viable future. "Refugees" from the Open Border illegal migrant invasion, so to speak, and the resources cannot hold for all. Who wants to stay in that developing hell-hole, with better opportunities?
edit on 17-6-2018 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2018 @ 05:31 PM

originally posted by: ManFromEurope

originally posted by: Subaeruginosa

originally posted by: IkNOwSTuff
This was a huge mistake from the get go and despite how hard the media push the no problems agenda more people are waking up to the fact that there are in fact problems.

Actually, it was the media who created the agenda of their being a "problem" in the first place. Otherwise, how would you even know their was a claimed "problem"?

... Ya goose.

But the people in my country are neither in danger, nor are they FEELING to be in danger - about 18% voted for a party which names their declared target in politics to remove "undeutsches". 18%. These people are in fear.

The rest of us does not fear the new citizens.

you are the typical german wandering around with closed eyes and ears, bringing chaos to all of europe with your "muslims are friends and belong to europe" nonsense.
almost everyday a woman/girl in germany gets raped or stabbed or some native germans getting beaten up in the underground stations by muslims.
muslims create parallel societies with clans ruling the streets instead of national law.
once germany becomes an islamic republic in the not too far future you will face the full force of this backward culture and it won't be pretty for you and even less for your wife/daughters.

but don't worry, the right is increasing strongly (especially in germany) and will safe your butt.

you can thank us later as you step out of your phantasy MSM indoctrination bubble and see the cold, brutal reality.

posted on Jun, 17 2018 @ 06:22 PM
AS far as people saying that the video of immigrants in the streets causing crime and such is "Fake news", we've been told by people from Austria who visit Germany often that it is a very big problem in both countries but at least Austria has started to take measures to get things under control. IDK if it is too little too late, but I know native born people are very upset with government policy and they feel as if their voices have been ignored as well as their issues (violence against them, against their businesses, extortion by mobs, etc). In some countries the residents are afraid to speak against the "protected migrant class" for fear of going to jail. this makes the problem worse as no one can speak out against it b/c of fear of imprisonment.

posted on Jun, 17 2018 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: trollz

Sounds like treason. How are we to know he was not letting ISIS in?

posted on Jun, 17 2018 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: Subaeruginosa

It's always going to be a problem bringing in so many from a diametrically opposed culture at one time. A slow trickle allows for assimilation.

I think a big part of "The Problem" is people, perhaps people like you, take any opposition to an unstemmed flow of migrants as some kind of racist, bigotry influenced indictment against syrians or Muslims or Africans in general.

There is nothing Wrong with Those People, per se. It is not their fault they come from a bad place where you Have to fight, Have to behave like a snake, to survive, to protect your family...

But that doesn't change the fact that it will cause problems to take millions of these people and throw them in the middle of European society.

When they come as a slow trickle, they stick to themselves to an extent, but if they really want to have a full life, they are forced to interact with and depend on the locals. This is a good thing.

When they come in droves, there are enough of them, that it would almost seem silly to go interact with indigenous Germans. People take the route of least resistance. They especially resist trying new things. They go with what they know. They can find a way to get what they need in their own community. Why risk going out among the locals? It would be seen as disloyal to the other Muslims.

So, you see the "problem" then? It should have been common sense from the start that this was a bad idea. You wouldn't just take a bunch of Thais and Cambodians and put them in Japan, would you? Or take a bunch of Mexicans and put them in China? Obviously it would cause mayhem!!

This happy go lucky, everybody holds hands and gets along schpeal is not how things work in any part of the world. Why are western nations subjected to it relentlessly?

posted on Jun, 17 2018 @ 07:44 PM
It makes me fear for South Africa.

The Islamists are now in Mozambique.

And there were already mosque attacks between Sunni and Shiites in South Africa.
Although, like elsewhere, the leftist media pretends it was just a coincidence from Durban to Cape Town, and tries to smear it away, as it does in the West.
But the people can see what's happening, and are very concerned.

I fear that there are going to be many more refugees.
In SA we already have 5 million Zimbabweans.
Many others from Nigeria and the Congo.
And we've had xenophobic violence here since 2008.
edit on 17-6-2018 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2018 @ 01:57 AM

originally posted by: trollz

originally posted by: ManFromEurope
But the people in my country are neither in danger, nor are they FEELING to be in danger

Yeah, tell that to the 1,200 women who were sexually assaulted in one night. Or, you know, all the ones who have been raped and murdered by migrants.

What are you talking about? I doubt that you could find sources quoting 1200 women who did not revoke their statements with much lower numbers. No, it wasn't a "rapefest" or something extreme like that.

And you know that there are actually quite low numbers of "raped and murdered by migrants"? Source-fight anybody?

originally posted by: ManFromEurope
about 18% voted for a party which names their declared target in politics to remove "undeutsches". 18%. These people are in fear.

The survey found that 62 percent of respondents were in favour of turning back undocumented migrants at the border, in line with the stance of Interior Minister Horst Seehofer who is openly challenging Merkel. And 86 percent want faster deportations of rejected asylum seekers

This topic is extremely complex and I will have to take time to prepare an answer in german, translating it later to english, otherwise it will become unreadable.

posted on Jun, 18 2018 @ 03:54 AM
a reply to: trollz


I live in Stuttgart, Germany and my son is a police officer and what he tells me sounds like some ScFy story..... Many African and middle eastern men do not respect women or children.

There have been numerous stories on German TV..... lets see.... How about this one.... Middle eastern man ties up his woman to the bumper of his car and drags her through town ..... numerous stabbings and rapes are not reported to the media.

BUT slowly .... real slow..... I am seeing a change in Germany. People are more open now about immigration than back in 2015..... meaning how dissatisfied they are. There are a FEW success stories of immigrants but these success stories also show how that immigrant or immigrant with family truly immigrated .... speaking the language etc.... BUT these stories are very rare.

So I have a son who is a cop and my wife works for the bundespost who handles numerous fraud cases everyday. And 100% of these fraud cases involves immigrants ..... who live in condensed immigrant housing with a security guard at the door.... which seems standard here in Stuttgart. And these guys hate when they see my wife coming with the Polizei .... jails are getting full..

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