posted on Jun, 17 2018 @ 07:52 AM
Fugu tastes good with Asahi beer to wash it down. You have to sign a waiver to eat it in case the chef made a mistake preparing it. Honestly it didn't
taste all that special to me. I didn't feel any sort of high from it.
Every year something like 17 people die from eating it, mostly they are home chefs who think they can make it at home.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (expats call it TCM for short) has many foundation elements to it one of which is that a strong poison can kill another
poison which does as it turns out work quite often if the poison for ingestion is prepared properly. I have been fortunate to not have to test this
out but have 2 member's in Mrs. SpartanStoic's family who have beat cancer this way using Thunder God Vine and a mixture of herbs, prepared and
consumed as a tea. I have taken many TCM treatments for various things and found them all to work well.
I've also used acupuncture combined with plum extract for about 18 years to treat muscle and joint injuries from martial arts and running, including a
permanent spinal tissue injury which will never completely heal that does flare up on occasion. I found acupuncture to be highly effective in
controlling the pain which allows me to function near-normally after 1 or 2 treatments. The goal is to get the restore blood flow by coercing the
muscle to relax through stimulating nerves. The plum extract pills I'm told also aid in boosting blood flow which also helps improve healing.
The downside is that on occasion even a good certified acupuncturist will hit you right directly on the nerve which may hurt for a few seconds until
the nerve is stimulated enough to relax.
I do recommend seeing Chinese or Taiwanese acupuncturists who are certified in either country. I do NOT recommend seeing a Korean acupuncturist, I
ignored some Chinese friends stateside and saw a Korean fellow who way over treated me to make some quick cash. The Koreans have a reputation in the
acupuncture world for over treating people and damaging their nerves and it is medically documented.