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Realize your personal power and awaken your true self

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posted on Jun, 15 2018 @ 09:39 PM
I've noticed a trend in society within all of the chaos happening currently in our world.

People feel powerless.

I believe this is one of the biggest reasons why we have a move towards socialism and victim hood. It's not excuse but it is something we need to recognize on an individual level in order to overcome it. An external source of power will not be able to do this for you. You need to become aware of your individual power and exercise it like a muscle.

“Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-imposed nonage. Nonage is the inability to use one's own understanding without another's guidance. This nonage is self-imposed if its cause lies not in lack of understanding but in indecision and lack of courage to use one's own mind without another's guidance. Dare to know! (Sapere aude.) "Have the courage to use your own understanding," is therefore the motto of the enlightenment.”

_ Immanuel Kant

In my opinion this philosophy here is the crux of the issue. Through the school system and religious indoctrination we have been taught that we have no power and to obey. This idea has really taken hold over the last few generations as the Marxist indoctrination system otherwise known as education.

Not only has the school system systematically dismantled intuition and personal power but religion has worked the messianic archetype into our psyche for thousands of years before that. In my opinion this was done on purpose specifically to steal the personal power of the masses.

Messianic Archetype

In media, the Messianic Archetype is a character whose role in the story (but not necessarily personality) echoes that of Christ. They are portrayed as a savior, whether the thing they are saving is a person, a lot of people or the whole of humanity. They endure a sizable sacrifice as the means of bringing that salvation about for others, a fate they do not deserve up to and including death or a Fate Worse than Death. Other elements may be mixed and matched as required but the Messianic Archetype will include one or more of the following:

I'm not singling out Christianity here for any particular reason other than to have an example to point to. From this you can easily extrapolate that the "messiah" or "savior" is going to come and save you if you wait long enough. There are dozens of examples of this throughout history in various forms and IMO like I said... this isn't an accident.

Now let's talk solutions.


This mindfulness practice allows us to relate to instead of from our thoughts—we’re building awareness of how we think. When we engage in this practice, maybe starting out for five minutes a day, we can begin to notice the storylines we create in our minds around expectations or pressures, or maybe just how much noise circulates in any given moment. We can train our brain to notice our mental habits—some good, some bad—and in noticing these habits, we have more freedom to choose how we act.

In order to come into our own mind and live our authentic self we must first decupple our own mind from the intense societal brainwashing we've all endured for our entire lives.

The process begins with you spending time alone, with yourself and no distractions. I personally prefer meditation chambers and long hikes deep in the mountains. Next is the practice of mindful meditation where you observe your own thoughts and begin to understand where they come from. Once you spend enough time alone you will begin to understand more the axioms of your own philosophy or what drives your decision making.

Next you need to consciously be aware of caving into to the desires and observations of others. This means stop doing things or not doing things because people will like or not like the outcome of what your doing. Stop seeking attention and or validation from others and begin to own your newly discovered true self.

Please expand.

posted on Jun, 15 2018 @ 09:40 PM
a reply to: toysforadults

Victimhood you say, do you mean movements like mgtow?

posted on Jun, 15 2018 @ 09:42 PM
a reply to: toysforadults

Chaos is the nature of the world. That is why man invented gods, an attempt to give a reason to the chaos.

# happens. It doesn't take an angry god, or God.
edit on 6/15/2018 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2018 @ 09:43 PM
I'm patient. I can wait for an intelligent poster to actually take in the information and formulate a proper response.

posted on Jun, 15 2018 @ 09:52 PM
a reply to: toysforadults

I agree. I've never felt better, or achieved as much as when I spent more time with myself.

Confidence and sticking to those thoughts of your own without the interference of others is enlightening.

Unfortunately today, more than ever it's easy, too easy to cave unto others ideas and thoughts for positive social feedback. Wether that feedback come from a spouse or friend.

Be true to your own thoughts, ideas and motivations, without distraction it's amazing what one can accomplish.

posted on Jun, 15 2018 @ 09:54 PM
Personal power maybe "what you want to do and do it" according to your own thoughts of action.

posted on Jun, 15 2018 @ 09:54 PM
a reply to: Lykan

Confidence and sticking to those thoughts of your own without the interference of others is enlightening.

Great simplification of the quote I added to the OP.

Unfortunately today, more than ever it's easy, too easy to cave unto others ideas and thoughts for positive social feedback. Wether that feedback come from a spouse or friend.

Everyone has been hypnotized and taught to be intellectually lazy and not question things by the church and academia for centuries/ millenia

for us or some it's simple. I have lived an abnormal life pattern so I was blessed with personal awakening as I am already abstract but most aren't

but I think enough people are waking up that eventually things will change after much hardship

posted on Jun, 15 2018 @ 09:55 PM

originally posted by: musicismagic
Personal power maybe "what you want to do and do it" according to your own thoughts of action.

right sounds so simple.... why are more people living the life they have to live and not the life they want to live?

posted on Jun, 15 2018 @ 09:56 PM
a reply to: toysforadults

Wonderful post, thank you.

I too find absolute peace and a recharging taking place when I go for hikes, or just to sit in the quiet backyard to watch the busyness of nature doing its thing. Everything has a purpose, the birds, bees, etc but you can still witness moments of play, rascally behavior and much interaction between different species. If it's not about survival and eating each other other species find curiosity in each other and often seek out interaction.

I enjoy gardening which sounds so boring to non-gardeners. But as I garden I am contemplating life, my purpose, thinking creatively as I am BEING creative. It's a very meditative time for me. I spend my time gardening talking to God and thinking outside the box.

I am a solitary person by nature but when I want to seek out the company of others it is such a recharging time again. A time to balance my thoughts and energies with others, to connect on a human level.

I enjoy social media but it tires me and makes me feel that there is a huge disconnect in this world. Everyone is competing against each other, trying to reward themselves with "likes" and "stars", and then posting sad images of dinners and too often making comments that are geared towards getting reinforcing positive feedback. Statements aren't being made, they are more fishing for compliments. This world is such a following society and ready to jump on each other. If anyone thinks outside the box on Facebook they are jumped on. I am connected to Facebook as I have family and friends spread all over the world (I am quite aware of those who think one is stupid for being on it).

It is a sad world. How I wish the old days of gathering at Grandma's table with her ever-hot kettle of water and neighbors and family just popping by to share in their joys and sadness, and to speak to each other, often without any real intent but in the end a solution is found amongst the talk, but more so love is shared and safety of family and friends emphasized. We are missing that.

It's a sad, sad world for all the amazing advances and discoveries we are surrounded with. Soul is missing.

posted on Jun, 15 2018 @ 10:01 PM
a reply to: toysforadults

Exactly. People are numb and taught not to question God. Why can't we question God? God made us and we are one with Him. He gave us a brain. Questioning is not attacking or being ungrateful. The church has taught people that it is the final authority on God.

But no, the Bible is. Church is only an organization of men who have been taught by other men of how and what to believe.

God is supernatural. Church is only another believer. We are the church. But, too many people of organized religion, including all the Christians believe you have to believe only one way, which is their way, not God's way.

God wants a personal relationship with us and we are all different stages, levels and growth. I think he quite enjoys the lightbulb moments we have and the ongoing joy of our relationship as well as discoveries that we make about him.

posted on Jun, 15 2018 @ 10:03 PM
a reply to: ccseagull

I too find absolute peace and a recharging taking place when I go for hikes, or just to sit in the quiet backyard to watch the busyness of nature doing its thing. Everything has a purpose, the birds, bees, etc but you can still witness moments of play, rascally behavior and much interaction between different species. If it's not about survival and eating each other other species find curiosity in each other and often seek out interaction.

for me it's better than meditation because it let's you connect with something more pure outside of yourself

I enjoy social media but it tires me and makes me feel that there is a huge disconnect in this world. Everyone is competing against each other, trying to reward themselves with "likes" and "stars", and then posting sad images of dinners and too often making comments that are geared towards getting reinforcing positive feedback.

at first social media was awesome I remember Myspace but it has become very toxic like many various forms of media

It's a sad, sad world for all the amazing advances and discoveries we are surrounded with. Soul is missing.

the one thing that social media has done though is to expose this which is the first stage of change IMO but I'm not sure it comes without a ton of suffering first

posted on Jun, 15 2018 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: toysforadults

Socialism exactly got invented because the few "have"s have been, still are exploiting the many "have-not"s. Without money and power you are a victim. The whole hood might be.

The rest of your post is just as backwards. Jesus, as example for one of the Messianic types you're talking about, was all about equality and community building. That's the saviour part he sacrificed himself, to be the first to say " the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one". If more people would follow that archetype we wouldn't need "strong leaders".

You preach Nietzsche and individualism, but that's so far from mindfullness and enlightment as one can get. That is dog eat dog capitalism, we already have that.
How's it working?

posted on Jun, 15 2018 @ 10:05 PM
a reply to: ccseagull

Exactly. People are numb and taught not to question God. Why can't we question God? God made us and we are one with Him. He gave us a brain. Questioning is not attacking or being ungrateful. The church has taught people that it is the final authority on God.

But no, the Bible is. Church is only an organization of men who have been taught by other men of how and what to believe.

My philosophy is that the power behind the power has always understood and known the techniques of mind control possibly passed down from generation to generation, the people/ families that survived the younger dryas event

God wants a personal relationship with us and we are all different stages, levels and growth. I think he quite enjoys the lightbulb moments we have and the ongoing joy of our relationship as well as discoveries that we make about him.

how can god have a relationship with us if we don't know who we are or where we came from?

posted on Jun, 15 2018 @ 10:06 PM
a reply to: toysforadults

I like getting out on the water. Way out on the water. Where 270º of horizon is uninterrupted (I don't really like being completely out of sight of land).

I think the feeling harkens back to our time on the savannah, when uninterrupted visibility meant nothing could sneak up on you.

That's why lawns are cool, too.

edit on 6/15/2018 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2018 @ 10:06 PM
a reply to: toysforadults

The church told us to wait for Christ, something to do with control and money I imagine.

Christ told us the kingdom of heaven is within us. Nothing to wait for if God dwells within.

posted on Jun, 15 2018 @ 10:07 PM
The ancient mystery teachings are all over the place and would change the world overnight if everyone just looked into in.

posted on Jun, 15 2018 @ 10:08 PM
a reply to: Peeple

Socialism exactly got invented because the few "have"s have been, still are exploiting the many "have-not"s. Without money and power you are a victim. The whole hood might be.

yeah but, why are we allowing them to exploit us??

Jesus, as example for one of the Messianic types you're talking about, was all about equality and community building.

the story of Jesus has nothing to do with the religious institutions who pervert the story and use it to empower themselves, for them he's more of a totem

You preach Nietzsche and individualism, but that's so far from mindfullness and enlightment as one can get. That is dog eat dog capitalism, we already have that. How's it working?

what I said has nothing to do with Nietzsche or capitalism what I said has everything to do with people waking up and choosing self determination of resigning themselves to victimhood

posted on Jun, 15 2018 @ 10:09 PM

originally posted by: Isurrender73
a reply to: toysforadults

The church told us to wait for Christ, something to do with control and money I imagine.

Christ told us the kingdom of heaven is within us. Nothing to wait for if God dwells within.

true, but what does that mean?

posted on Jun, 15 2018 @ 10:10 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: toysforadults

I like getting out on the water. Way out on the water. Where 270º of horizon is uninterrupted (I don't really like being completely out of sight of land).

I think the feeling harkens back to our time on the savannah, when uninterrupted visibility meant nothing could sneak up on you.

That's why lawns are cool, too.

I like the ocean too it's very calming but also it's very grounding because you know for sure that it's powerful and can be dangerous

posted on Jun, 15 2018 @ 10:10 PM
a reply to: toysforadults

It means, freak freely.
If it feels good, do it.

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