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Sometimes. . . . the bad guys win

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posted on Jun, 15 2018 @ 09:15 PM
Bad guys run the world because good guys don't want the job.

Good guys have no intention of using the position to pillage and plunder, or make the world treat them like they are better than everyone else. And therefore have nothing to gain by accepting the position.

Take those things out of the equation, and all you have left is a very difficult job that carries a ton of responsibility, and which nobody will really thank you for or appreciate.

If we want more good guys to start stepping up, that's what we've got to fix.

posted on Jun, 15 2018 @ 11:40 PM
1.) Take the money and run
2.) The check's in the mail
3.) Grab 'em by the pussy
4.) ???
5.) Profit

posted on Jun, 16 2018 @ 12:19 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

What Trump should do is fire that limp dick sessions replace him with someone who has the balls to shutter the fbi and start from scratch with new investigative agency for doj because the fbi is totally corrupt and compromised.

posted on Jun, 16 2018 @ 12:52 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Now you're gettin' it. Nice guys don't just finish last...they finish in the shower.

posted on Jun, 16 2018 @ 03:07 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
To say I'm disappointed is an understatement.

But I'm not really surprised. I can say that I won't be screaming into bubbles while wearing a pink hat, but I am disappointed.

The report really is a "nothing burger". Sure, there is enough to "interpret" if you lean one way, but you could "interpret"
it another way if you wanted to as well.

It's OK.

Facts don't matter.

Just select something you can use from the report, strip it of context and then paint the picture you want with a BS brush.

Attack anyone that questions the fiction.

You will fell much better.
edit on 16-6-2018 by soberbacchus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2018 @ 05:00 PM
I want to share with you a quote that my grandfather wrote right after World War II after he served and liberated concentration camps...

"Where hate and prejudice are allowed to thrive and grow, willing executioners will emerge; no matter which country you live in."

This is coming from a hero that liberated Nazi inhabited camps and literally had liberated jew kissing his boots and wailing in happiness and freedom. There will always be good guys and it's up to us to continue to be courageous and to keep our heads up. Giving up or "becoming the bad guys" might not get us victory right away, but we'll know that we made a difference at the end of the day. I always try to live by the morals that he set for my brother and I and though they probably felt like they weren't making a difference whenever they were taken from their families and shipped off to nations far away... Well, they changed lives and maybe that's what it's about. Changing lives person by person.

posted on Jun, 16 2018 @ 06:07 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy
I really understand the sentiment of just giving up because it always ends up the bad guy wins. But you know, this world would be beyond hope if there weren't any good people left. It's really all that keeps us going now - is that thought that at least there are still some good guys left! It sucks for sure, but as a Christian (my belief system anyway) it is written in the bible that bad guys win, but only for so long. The day of reckoning will come.

posted on Jun, 16 2018 @ 06:56 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

I believe this is a modified/redacted OIG report and that the full original report will be released eventually via EO.

posted on Jun, 17 2018 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

There is a saying

Be good but dont be a fool. Be bad but dont be an asshole.
edit on 6 17 2018 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2018 @ 07:32 PM
I guess I don't live in a part of the country where the hatred is very visible.

Who is it that Trump is hating on? Haven't seen him attack black people, or legal immigrants (especially since his own wife is a legal immigrant.)

Illegal immigration and accepting of refugees is the only thing I've seen him attack.

And I agree with him. Mostly because I ask myself: what is the incentive for people in other nations to build a good home for themselves if they are free to simply leave for a better nation when their old one fails?

Instead of fighting wars of liberation, people should just let the dictator take over. Then those dictators would clear out huge swaths of land for themselves and their cronies and then become ranchers, unopposed. Rich beyond their wildest dreams, because they can lower their nation's population at will. Just by being jerks.

posted on Jun, 19 2018 @ 10:28 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Believe in the afterlife.

This world is deliberately set up so that the greedy dishonest man wins. But what does God think of that?

Faith in a Real Creator of this Planet and the Universe in essential in gaining an understanding for why things are the way they are. People have sacrificed their righteousness to win now. But God is more powerful than any demon. In fact a demon is created because God was not happy with his or her soul, and the judgment of God is what makes them into a demon. This life is extremely important - it is spiritually vital, although we cannot see it. The human is a testimony to all of nature that God is righteous. Because if people acted from their heart, the outcome is righteousness. All the bad in the world is always going to go against the calling of our very heart. Much of the view of reality is the exact opposite of what it truly is. Every time we are faced with a choice to make an action, it is going to be judged by the law of the universe. If we make a selfish type decision thinking that our mind is were the power is, that is a direct action against the laws of reality. I know it is crazy, but we have to reject what our mind speaks to us. Our mind likes to think that it is right, but the way that we have been created is like a blindfold, in order to have the human body apart from God we have an ego inside of us that makes us think from birth that this physical world is all there is.

No matter how much bad people do. Just listen to your daily paths, and hear that God is a part of you and when you make actions, do not act by what your mind thinks but act by what is most righteous and just, and at the beginning you will see that the just choice is most likely not the choice your mind would have taken. IN that instance it will be a sacrifice, you will act by what is just and not the impulse of what your mind wants to do, so you are giving up your wants in order to act justly. If you look around, hardly any people do that. But it is the secret life of the spirit which we really are. The ego is a delusion and if we follow our ego it leads to these bad people that we see all around us.

posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 09:00 PM

originally posted by: MatterIsLight
a reply to: DBCowboy

Believe in the afterlife.

This world is deliberately set up so that the greedy dishonest man wins. But what does God think of that?

I think the Christians are the ones who set it up that way.

In their doctrine, a "good" person is one who doesn't kill or harm anyone. Even if the other person is trying to kill or harm them.

In a better legal system, if a gang leader threatened my life, I would have the inalienable right to go to his home and pre-emptively kill him and every member of his gang, in cold blood. As a self defense measure.

In the current legal system, I have to wait for him to come and try to kill me. And he'll most likely hire an assassin.

So basically the average person has no legal recourse against organized crime.

Why? Because our society adopted a stupid set of morals. Only criminals can live a life free of fear.

posted on Jun, 22 2018 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: bloodymarvelous

Too many people, regardless of their association have made it that way by popularizing it.

But I advise you that my knowledge of Christ is not known to the world. I have nothing in common with them. And in my access to the true words of Christ, I have understood things as a part of the true Christian doctrine that are not accessible to anyone in the world because they believe the Greek gospels handed down to them by murderers.

Here are the real and true words of Christ pertaining to your sentence, please believe them over what people say. Please do not listen to anyone in the world. They are filled with pride and arrogance and God will not lead them to the Truth as a result of that. I have been shown the truth because I chose to blame the Romans for lying about Christ and His apostles and to honor the truth as spoken from the individuals who were in opposition to the dishonest world. This scripture is a reference to a teaching of Christ, it speaks about the salvation of a person who makes a sin that is justified. If you listen to the words of Christ through your soul you will understand that God only judges people rightly.

Whoso breaketh the law of purification of necessity, are blameless, for they do it not of their own will, neither despising the law which is just and good.

posted on Jun, 24 2018 @ 08:15 PM
God is really good at making promises, and then waiting to honor them in the afterlife.

In this world, here and now, his morals have wrought havoc upon the ability of honest people to live honest lives free of fear and persecution by the dishonest.

Hard to believe he's all knowing, or super intelligent, if his plans, upon practical application, fail so miserably to achieve their stated goals.

posted on Jul, 4 2018 @ 06:47 PM
a reply to: openyourmind1262

exactly now you are seeing the real picture.

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