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Berkeley declares 'climate emergency' - demands 'humane' population control

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posted on Jun, 17 2018 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

Where do they say anyone must die? I missed that part.

edit on 6/17/2018 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2018 @ 11:33 PM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

Undocumented and illegal are pretty much the same thing. You cant be here illegally if you have the proper documentation and it has not expired. If you are here without documentation you are here illegally. I am not trying to paint them in a bad light, the light is just bad. When you are a criminal, the light always looks bad. When you enter a nation illegally and ignore its immigration laws, you are a criminal. Is it that hard to understand? 

A minor can apply for citizenship?

I can see a few situations where someone going through the system could be 'undocumented' yet legally permitted to be in the US. Anyways as I said I'd need more defining of this word 'documented'.

Holding people back because they cant afford and education has been and probably always will be the case here. Why do you think so many people end up with such ridiculous debt when they graduate, if they are lucky enough to get there in the first place? There are tons of very smart people in this country who will never go to college simply because of the cost. You make it sound like you have never heard of such a thing. Either you are lying or you have been living under a rock for quite a long time now. 

I've heard of student debt, you still have to apply for those grants and loans. Admittedly I'm unaware of how things work exactly in the US but I imagine it's done in a way that is anti-fraudulent.

Are you saying the terms and conditions of grants and loans stereotype? That they may be racist regardless of positive or negative association?

My living conditions (living under a rock) have little to do with our conversation btw.

Whether you choose to look for the information or not is up to you. Until you know for sure which is which its pretty rude to assert I am wrong when in the same breath you admit you don't actually know either way. Nice how you get to do that. 

I'm curious, and I never said you are wrong. All I get to do on a website such as this is to share my opinions and learn.. You're totally misconstrued my intention here. As is, I'm not claiming much if anything. Am I?

I am sorry if the way things work here is so strange to you that you can't even fathom it. Rest assured that illegals get more benefits and assistance every month than retired tax payers on social security. About three times as much. They get low interest business loans, tax breaks beyond the regular minority owned business breaks actual citizens get, and a fountain of other "entitlements" that only illegals will ever get. Like I said before, our local community college is a perfect example. If you are a US citizen but live outside the village boundary you have to pay the higher tuition rates. But if you are an illegal alien, regardless of where you live, you pay the local citizen rate. At least this one makes them pay something. More than real US citizens, but at least its something... 

Fathomless fella, hence my interest on you educating me in the topic. I figured you're the guy to tall to since you're coming up with multiple facts. I'd appreciate them being backed up.

I don't think we should allow illegal aliens into our education system at all. I don't think we should allow them in to our country either. I think the citizenship exam should be given in English only. One of the biggest problems facing our schools is the number of illegals who do not speak the language. Teachers have to teach everything at least twice. Once in English and once again in whatever the second most populous language is. The problem is teachers don't teach twice as fast. Students don't learn twice as fast. What ends up happening is the children of tax payers get half the education their parents paid for and the children of illegal aliens get half an education for free. In case you didn't catch that, none of the children get more than half an education. Unless their parents put them in a private school in which case the illegals and the low income families cry foul because all the rich neighborhoods are outperforming the poor neighborhoods which means the poor ones don't get their funding bonuses for academic excellence. Through all the whining and crying they fail to admit or even realize that their neighborhood schools wouldn't be doing so poorly if they weren't jammed full of illegal aliens who don't speak the language. But instead of admitting the real problem, they blame the "standardized tests" for being racially slanted to favor white people - which is a bunch of crap. I went to the Chicago public schools for elementary school. We all sat in the same classroom. We all had the same teacher. We all looked at the same chalkboard. We all had the same textbook. Math is math. Science is science. When its time to take the test you don't blame the test if you do poorly. 

Again more claims. Back them up with facts. Are teachers really teaching in Spanish or African dialects for instance?



Isn't a major part of education about the student learning?

As you said math is math, science is science. Yet you'd like to blame illegals. Meh. Bring some evidence forward please because I'd like to learn. I'm seeing a pattern with your posts though, hyperbolic.

posted on Jun, 17 2018 @ 11:36 PM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

Yeah the cost if illegals..

I'm guessing the input of comparison is your own doing? I'll check it out when I have time.

posted on Jun, 18 2018 @ 07:13 AM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

Oh yeah, its all us westerners.

History. I'm talking about actual history. Colonization, industrialisation and the bunch of other "good" things that followed under the disguise of foreign aid, which would include the war on terror.

You might still believe that the west has no responsibilities, but you're mistaken.

posted on Jun, 18 2018 @ 07:14 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Asktheanimals

Where do they say anyone must die? I missed that part.

That is why it is called a conspiracy "theory". If it were a conspiracy fact there wouldn't be much to debate would there...

posted on Jun, 18 2018 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

I'd call it conspiracy drivel straight from the conspiracy mainstream, you don't even have a theory.

But it is known, that communists wanna kill all the people in order to not make their communism work, of course.


posted on Jun, 18 2018 @ 10:32 PM

originally posted by: PublicOpinion
a reply to: Vroomfondel

Oh yeah, its all us westerners.

History. I'm talking about actual history. Colonization, industrialisation and the bunch of other "good" things that followed under the disguise of foreign aid, which would include the war on terror.

You might still believe that the west has no responsibilities, but you're mistaken.

Not once did I ever say the west has no responsibility. But I did say, and will say again, there are many countries that spew a lot more pollution in to the air than the US. if you like history so much why not take a look at 2015? China was responsible for 29.51% of the worlds CO2 emissions. The US had less than half that at 14.34%. If you want to solve this problem common sense says start with the biggest polluter and work your way down. If you start anywhere else you accomplish little to nothing. CO2 does not respect national borders. What good is cutting the CO2 in Berkeley if LA is 100X worse and not doing anything about it?

We have some responsibility but we are not responsible for the majority of anything, problem or solution. If China and India continue increasing their output the little bit of difference we will make will be useless.

posted on Jun, 18 2018 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

Call it whatever you want. You care a lot more about your opinion than I do. If this thread is nothing but drivel get the hell off of it then...

I still say that as ambiguous as the wording is in the initial document that in the future some politician can easily "define/redefine" the meaning and use it to nefarious ends. If our Constitution is open to so much debate about what it 'really' means, even when it is perfectly clear, then something this nebulous can be perverted in to just about anything by someone motivated enough. If you disagree, fine. You are free to do so. But I can't help but notice how closely you monitor and quickly you respond to "drivel". Must be a slow month out your way...
edit on 18-6-2018 by Vroomfondel because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2018 @ 01:20 AM

There were three links to choose from. Phage chose the one that didn't say anything about population control. I chose the most recent revision which does.

Neither of which discuss 'human population control'.

WHEREAS, reversing ecological overshoot and halting the sixth mass extinction requires an effort to preserve and restore half Earth’s biodiversity in interconnected wildlife corridors and to humanely stabilize population. as well as a shift toward a climate-resilient society and culture that prioritize conservation, community, and mutual aid over consumerism and narcissism;
Phage's link.

WHEREAS, reversing ecological overshoot and halting the sixth mass extinction requires an effort to preserve and restore half Earth’s biodiversity in interconnected wildlife corridors and to humanely stabilize population. as well as a shift toward a climate-resilient society and culture that prioritize conservation, community, and mutual aid over consumerism and narcissism;
Vroomfondel's link.

As you can see, the paragraph in each link is the same, and nowhere does it state anything about 'human population control'. Admittedly, the OP does not himself state anything about human population control, but I do believe he hoped others would make the connective error. The 'humanely stabilize population' statement pertains only to wildlife whose environmental boundaries overlap each other. There is nothing remotely suggested by Berkeley regarding human eugenics.

This is, and always has been, a non-thread.

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