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Originally posted by marg6043
Now, if you were the Catholic church, and knew that there were people like seapeople and marg6043 who loath the religion and will do anything they can do desecrate it though they know nothing or very little about it, wouldn't you send your own researchers out to check it out instead of assuming these people who hate you just proved your religion wrong?
I beg your pardon, now you don't have anything else to said that you have to insult me, can you prove that I am desecrating the world of "God" and by the way how do you know that the world of God is in the bible.
Can you prove it? I am very upset with your post and I think you are insulting me.
Tonight you will have nightmares, I promised.
Do you think I should trust places like this,
Institute for Creation Research
A Christ-Focused Creation Ministry
Yes perhaps you do but in my case I am less gullible than you.
[edit on 23-2-2005 by marg6043]
Originally posted by junglejake
As for the rest of the comments after hers, I shall address that tomorrow, if I can. I just wanted to let marg know that that is the impression I have gotten from her over time here at ATS. Again, if I'm wrong, I apologize.
Originally posted by Amuk
So it is MORE reasonable to believe it happened in 6 days?
Originally posted by LadyV
Ummmm, everyone know I'm not Christian, but why do they think the world was created in six days? This always confuses the hell outa me. Doesn't it state somewhere in the bible, something like, "a thousands years is but a day unto god" something to that, wouldn't that mean it took him six thousand years to create it all?
Originally posted by Amuk
So how long should it have took for an All powerful, all knowing, creature that was capibile of doing ANYTHING and incapible of making a mistake but looks just like a human being to appear from NOTHING?
Originally posted by purecanadiantrash
Originally posted by Amuk
So how long should it have took for an All powerful, all knowing, creature that was capibile of doing ANYTHING and incapible of making a mistake but looks just like a human being to appear from NOTHING?
Good lord, I can't believe I have to keep bumping this for you to atleast acknowledge the possibility that God always existed. God was never created. God did not create himself. God simply is. He is eternal. Atleast give me a, "That is simply retarded and doesn't make any sense."
Originally posted by edsinger
Ah but a royal flush 50000 times in a row? Come on, you know the numbers are staggering, even if you don't believe in God you have to at least acknowledge the universe is beyond chance don't you?
With the countless stars and planets out there what are the odds that life DIDNT evolve on one of them?
Originally posted by jake1997
The odds ? The odds say that every baby being born has a better chance of coming out , holding a royal flush in its hands, then of evolution ever actually happening.
Originally posted by Amuk
The problem is we arent debating the existance of God, but the history of the Bible and trying to prove it with science. How many times do I have to repeat that?
Can you not acknowledge that if its possible for a "God" to exist that its also possible for a much less complex thing, say a rock, to just exist? How much greater are the odds of the All powerful etc etc being just existing having come from nothing, just there, than the rock? It doesnt make sense.
As for believing in God I have noted several times in this thread and probably a hundred times on this board that I DO BELIEVE IN GOD.
Even giving you your "God" as a creator how does that prove the Christian Bible any more than the Norse or Greek creation myths?
Originally posted by purecanadiantrash
Ok, good enough. I've already said all I had to say about God not being constrained by the same physical laws that constrain a rock - those which only exist under the condition that there are three dimensions of space and one of time - such conditions which came into existence when the universe began with the big bang.
So I ask, what is it that you're looking for?
I can give you a modern, accurate translation of creation according to genesis that holds stead given what we know today about science, ancient hebrew language, whatever.
You could make the case that a few interesting things have happened in the last couple thousand years that the bible seems to have predicted without a shadow of a doubt, most recently the homecoming of the jews to their sovereign nation of Israel back in '45 or whatever the date was. From what I remember, that date is right there in the bible - with a little bit of translation and conversion, for good measure.
Originally posted by Amuk
Before the big bang the rock wasn't subjected to time and space either, since pre-big bang neither of these existed.
‘Maybe an inspired Moses told the story of the creation in the simple language that his generation could grasp, yet presented it also as an allegory that would conform to the knowledge that future generations would acquire. If his intention was to teach that God is the Creator, then the simple story may have been sufficient until the allegory could be understood.
‘What an impressive lesson it would be if the ancient scriptures should turn out to contain information that only now is being discovered. Indeed, this astonishing foreknowledge can be simply detected in the allegory of the creation. It is a dramatic message from the past that was not concealed in hidden scrolls or secret caves, mind you, but was available all along in the Bible for anyone to ponder.
‘The allegory, though cryptic and obscure, is not too deep to fathom. Let’s examine it line by line:’
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.--Genesis 1:1.
‘This [scientific] idea of creation is called the big-bang theory. As many scientists perceive it, the cosmic boom expelled from the center of the universe unorganized matter, which eventually began to form into galaxies. One of the original billions of galaxies contained the stuff of which our planet eventually was made. But these floating ingredients might well have been described by Moses as earth, with a small “e”. Not until later in the Genesis account--after the planet had taken shape--was the “E” capitalized. By this time, Moses was no longer writing about formless “earth” but a specific “Earth.”
‘Similarly, the word “heaven” did not acquire a capital “H” until seven verses later when it referred to a specific firmament. But in the first few verses, the earth still consisted of formless particles, and heaven apparently was the space in which the particles drifted.’
And the earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.--Genesis 1:2
‘Moses must have addressed this statement less to the simplistic Israelites than to the sophisticated scientists who someday would discover the secrets of the universe. The earth was “without form” only when it was a shapeless mass. Thus Moses must have been describing the earth in its unorganized, galactic state.’
‘As a gigantic space cloud, the galaxy also had a face which distinguished it from the other formations in space. So Moses was quite correct in reporting that “darkness was upon the face of the deep” during the first creative phase.’
And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.--Genesis 1:2
‘The earth may have begun as formless dust adrift in space, all right, but where were the waters that Moses spoke of?
‘This has become less mystifying since 1969 when water was actually discovered in space. More than 50 interstellar molecules have not [sic] been identified beyond the solar system, not the least of which is H2O.
‘There is indirect evidence that the dust in some space clouds consists heavily of ice particles. Water is known to be abundant, for example, in early star formations. It is more than likely, therefore, that water was one of the necessary ingredients before our planet could be created and that it was present in our galaxy when the earth was “without form.”
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.--Genesis 1:3
And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night.--Genesis 1:4-5
And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven.--Genesis 1:6-8
‘In the creative chronology, we are now dealing with events between the production of light on the first day and the appearance of the earth on the third day. Since the earth had not been formed, the reference to “waters” could not have been the waters of earth but must have been the waters of space.’
And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. And God called the dry land earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.--Genesis 1:9-10
‘According to Genesis, God called the planet “Earth,” with a capital “E.” Later in the second chapter, Moses emphasized again that the earth began its existence as “dry land.” Even after the creation was completed and called good, Moses wrote “the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth,” (Genesis 2:5)’
And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.--Genesis 1:11
And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. -Genesis 1:16
‘That the sun did not appear until after the earth was created seemingly contradicts the basic fact of astronomy. But the emphasis in Genesis is not upon the creation of the sun and moon; the scriptures merely cite their appearance as lights to illuminate the earth’s skies.
‘In this context, the sequence is probably correct. Most scientific theories about the origin of the solar system start with a cloud of dust and gas. The gradual clumping together of this material formed the sun, planets and satellites. A late stage in the process was the clearing away of the left-over dust and gas so that light could penetrate throughout the system.
‘The sun, then much hotter and brighter than it is now, burned away the nebular cloud. The burning process literally cleaned up the solar system. This would have made the sun, moon and stars visible from earth for the first time as a lighting system for the emerging planet. The timing, as Genesis establishes it, is entirely appropriate to the fourth creative period.’
And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creatures that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.--Genesis 1:20
‘Today, each space mission brings back new evidence of the unique qualities of our planet. The conditions had to be exactly right before the earth could bring forth and support the life that abounds here. Who is to say that God was not behind these elaborate preparations?
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.--Genesis 1:26-27
‘... Yet no living thing in the experience of man has ever come forth without parents or forebears from which it has derived the genetic material that makes it what it is.
‘Then what about the biblical statement that Eve was created from Adam’s rib? Far-fetched? Centuries after Moses made this assertion, the process of cloning has just recently been discovered in modern laboratories. Every single cell of a carrot root, say, can be isolated and will develop into a full plant.
‘These experiments show that the entire hereditary information needed for a new organism is contained in a single body cell. This has opened up vast areas of speculation; many science-fiction plots have been based on the possibility that human beings can be cloned. Is it possible Eve was cloned? Or was Moses using figurative language? Who can say?’
Originally posted by SomewhereinBetween
Those carnivores were in that boat for 323 days minimum. The only way that Noah could have walked off of same with 2 of each in tact is for every single one of the females to have given birth to multiple fold of both sexes before Godzilla the raptor broke through his wodden hold and started chewing on human flesh. Noah could not have satisfied all of those animals for 323 days with clean meat.
Once again, the Bible proves itself wrong and backed by science.
What, was he watching his expenses that he couldn't afford to litter the desert with all 'manna' of food? he had to toss in only some honey flavoured type of bread and itty bitty birds? The Israelites were busy offering sacrifices and they had no meat? The Israelites were in the desert barely fighting off malnutrition by eating manna, yet they managed to find tent making materials, wood, gold, silver, fine linen, ram and badger skins dyed yet, for the tabernacle, breastplates, robes, girdles and even holy garments for the elect so that they may live comfortably and look marvellous while the rest ate manna for 40 years?
Originally posted by edsinger
(1) The Isrealites ate manna for 40 dont think that God could provide food?
Did someone ask this question?
(2) In 7 days how far can a ship of that size travel? 1500+ Miles?